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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Melissa, just buy him some dental implants. Money is no object when it comes to the love of your life.
  2. I think Tai has been kicked out of every restaurant and bar in town and now has to resort to filming in a cemetery.
  3. I guess Louie's mom is right about one thing...he is sure to reoffend just to get away from Melissa...
  4. Ha! Melissa's mom is the female version of her dad! Life is funny sometimes.
  5. We will definitely chip in and buy you a new car, if Mikey doesn't come through. Hugs and best wishes...
  6. What a sweet bonding moment for mom and son...a prison visit!
  7. Is there even a choice needed to be made between your own child and some rando prison druggie?
  8. Hi Bunkies, I'm indulging in a bit of Rumchata tonight, so if I stop making sense halfway through, you know the reason!
  9. Regarding Kody and his warped idea of loyalty: It's really easy for Robyn, the preferred wife and HBIC to remain "loyal" as she lives in a million dollar mansion, with a present father for her children, constant attention and an unending supply of VS undies. In fact, she is actually manipulating Kody to give her everything she wants and make it seem as though SHE is the victim.
  10. Again, the person who is "broke" and can't even pay for her own husband's birthday party has a glam squad??? Such a bad look.
  11. There were some very good displays this time and I'm sure it was closer competition because they all did quite well. I personally thought the lady from Texas with her castle Nutcracker display did an incredible job. I particularly loved the characters and the details. It looked pretty flawless.
  12. Over on RHBH, we thought Erika was out of control mixing her meds and drinking, but she doesn't hold a candle to Jen. Pouring a drink on a best friend's head and then tossing shoes (and veggie trays) overboard is completely unbalanced.
  13. Kody is already rewriting history by proclaiming that Robyn likes to make the holidays special for the kids when we all saw the effort Christine put into it over the years.
  14. From the quick look at the preference sheet meeting, I gathered that they are all doctors (though there may be a few friends along) who did their residencies together, but now work in various ERs. I think the wig pulling is a very disrespectful thing to do, and should not be taken as a joke. I agree that after a heartfelt apology, the Dr. should let it go, but it is even more embarrassing that the viewing audience witnessed it, too.
  15. This is my unpopular opinion: I like the parading of the friends for their "auditions" for this franchise, though remembering names is a problem, especially with 2 Angies. Too often, a new Housewife is introduced to us out of the blue and lately they have been some bad fits (Diana, being the latest). This way, the producers and viewers can see what these ladies bring to the show. Thirst? Desperation? Luxury? Pot stirring? Authenticity (ok, now I'm going too far!) Also, these "friends" are bringing it this season. Danna actually spoke up against Jen Shah- something no one except Meredith has done, even in light of the fraud and scamming charges. (And now Meredith is supporting Jen, so ???). Angie H. has spread some crazy rumors about Lisa and then denied it, while her husband is trolling Instagram with a fake identity. Angie K spilled the tea about what a sham her lifelong friend Jen is, turning her back on her on their very first Housewives trip. They are keeping things interesting.
  16. Mia (or the producers) had plans for Candiace to share Wendy's room- which has one bed! Ashley discovered that when she looked inside Candiace's envelope. Wendy had no idea-- so we missed those fireworks. When Wendy left for the hotel, the room problem was solved and Candiace stayed in that room by herself.
  17. THIS!! Now, that would make an interesting episode!
  18. IMO, glamor should hold a back seat to general cleanliness. A big part of the stews' job is to serve food and beverages and having long hair loose is just a no-no. Also, it seems even more like a double standard-- are they going to require male stews to wear makeup? A woman or man can look just as "put together" with or without makeup. I was disappointed that Camille is doing the twerking thing-- does she think that because Courtney twerked her way into the hearts of many, she can follow suit? Most of us are sick of Courtney's twerking and we don't need to see more on another BD. At least come up with an original idea!
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