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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Yes, she has definitely been catfishing him with her filtered selfies. He does, however, know what her real vagina looks like...
  2. OMG! That would have been something to see! I can totally understand the temptation to pull them off. Most of them look atrocious.
  3. Some people are into plus sized partners, but I have a feeling Monique's beau is not, since he is into fitness and workouts.
  4. If you want to keep your inmate a secret, you may not want to go on tv... just sayin
  5. My prediction is that Travis will last about a week until he cheats on Ashley.
  6. HI Bunkies, I can't wait to be swept up in the love stories about to be unleashed on my tv screen. My heart's all a flutter.
  7. There was a large discussion on one of their first episodes when Lisa Barlow was offended that Heather responded to her text with a 👍🏼. Lisa was saying that it was similar to saying "f... you." When Heather defended herself, saying she meant it as "ok", Lisa responded with her famous quote: "Don't diminish the thumbs up emoji!" It was all pretty silly, but now I worry every time I use it, which is quite often.
  8. I was very impressed with all the North Pole Games creations. I was watching with trepidation when some of the bakers were getting so messy with their royal icing or isomalt "glue." The bakers for the winning display covered up all those large isomalt drips, but Sean's remained a bit messy. I give him lots of credit for the structure of the marble run; would have loved it even more if the elevator had worked. I really loved the reindeer tug-of-war scene, especially the building. I might have limited the number of elves and finessed them a bit more, adding features and cleaning them up. The bakers remarked that they intended to be more abstract in the design. The winning design was just incredible, with the characters, scenery, signs and more! I loved the special effects and thought that it was a great use of the magnet levitation gadget.
  9. I never know how to take the "thumbs up" emoji after the SLC Housewives discussed an additional meaning to it. 😉 And, Heather doesn't seem to know the meaning of the phrase "ride or die" because she was using it in regards to Whitney, as well, and then followed it with, once someone is disloyal they are completely cut off, or something along those lines... which is not at all "ride or die."
  10. Despite producer shenanigans and Heather's dramatic black eye reveal, I'm guessing whatever caused it was an accident. Jen probably showed up at her door (the footage was purposefully so quick, we couldn't really see who it was). They were either horsing around with their boobs again, or Heather's tipsy ass fell down. I can't imagine they could have kept an assault under wraps this entire time.
  11. As much as I would love to try a few cosmetic procedures, I would run in the other direction if anyone from Beauty Lab + Laser came near me. Heather and her clients are NOT a good advertisement for their services.
  12. This show is going through the stage where the crew are simply wanna be reality celebs who are acting out a successful character they have witnessed in past seasons or on another version: * Ross is trying to one-up Gary from BDSY, who was the well liked horn dog who couldn't keep it in his pants, no matter how hard he tried. * Camille is attempting to out-twerk Courtney from BDM. "if twerking, as a personality trait, worked for her..." Feel free to add to the list...
  13. This is epic! You need to post it on the Kody thread so we can find it again when we want to have a sing along!
  14. I wish they would just give Camille to Rachel to assist her with galley work, fetching ingredients, washing dishes and serving meals. She's contributing nothing to the deck, even though she is at the docking. The interior uses her at all hours without giving her the required break time for sleeping- maybe they feel she gets enough of that during her "working" hours.
  15. I think Robyn has received so much public backlash as the selfish manipulator that she is, Kody tries to shield her from more of the same. He demands an apology for her from Janelle's sons, but then backtracks when Robyn is worried about her image. She carries on about wanting the best for the family, but it is all smoke and mirrors because her actions say just the opposite. She has destroyed whatever family Kody had before she came on the scene, with his blessing. The only good thing to come out of it is that perhaps the other wives and children can be away from the toxic Kody/Robyn mess and thrive on their own.
  16. I like Jessica and she has done very well so far, although I think her forte is decorating. Her job is to prepare food for photo shoots, right? So, her aesthetics are spot on, but sometimes she doesn't nail the flavors or technique. I loved the look of her Kwanzaa candles, but when they showed the close up of the mirror glaze, it looked like it would be inedible. So many of these contestants are amazing bakers and great people. I think I will be happy with any outcome!
  17. I was thinking she was randomly throwing shoes into the sea, not caring who they belong to. Heather almost saved Whitney's shoes- put one in her purse before Jen launched the other one. Heather was patting herself on the back for saving the shoe, but what is Whitney going to do with just one? I just want Jen to begone from my screen forever. She is an actual menace to society and doesn't have a kind bone in her body.
  18. It's so true...they have to grow up so fast and be the emotional support for the damaged parents. Her life will be lighter without the burden of a dysfunctional mom.
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