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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. OH, this is the lady that doesn't want anyone to know about her boyfriend being a felon..
  2. I noticed it last week, considered the "chew" idea, and thought that maybe it wasn't. It does look like a bad "owie."
  3. I'm spending another lonely holiday season apart from my convict love. I'm hoping he fills my stocking with oodles of toilet paper roses and love poems. I'm here and ready to snark!
  4. I've never heard of Pat Ashley, so don't have an opinion of her character or personality, but I liked the shout out for inventing ginger clay. Everyone is using it these days and she certainly didn't take a patent out on it, so a little exposure and applause is nice for her. I preferred the lodge, also, but the fairies were so darn cute and there was a lot going on in that scene, so I understand why it won. The scale was off, though. I wonder why they made the fairies so large?
  5. It is, inexplicably, called Fresh Wolf. But, I like yours better- Wolf Boy!
  6. OMG! Heather was all over the place when talking about her black eye. She doesn't know what happened; she does know what happened, but wants someone else to say it first; she doesn't want to talk about it... on and on... They keep showing Jen with a guilty look on her face. Of course that could be for a number of reasons. 😉
  7. It wasn't even HER toothbrush, it was her roommate's.
  8. He didn't need to divorce Meri at the time of marrying Robyn because they were living their dogma of polygamy, in which a man can take more than one wife.
  9. Even though I usually think everything that happens is 99% producer driven, I think Captain Lee's departure wasn't planned. I think he thought he would have a smooth recovery and didn't want to give up his lucrative gig. When he had these setbacks, he tried to hang in there, but decided it was best for everyone if he left. Calling in Sandy as opposed to a new, more exciting captain with potential to take over a franchise, speaks to the lack of planning involved. I agree that Yoga guy is complaining too much about the night watch, but his schedule is grueling. Easy fixes: Ross could use Camille, the deck stew who does nothing on deck, to cover longer breaks for the night watch crew. There are definite holes in the galley and on deck that Camille could fill, but the department heads are too dense to see it. Also, I don't mind Yoga guy (even though his name is slipping my mind); I believe he is on a learning curve with this job and that is what we are seeing. I don't know much about night watch, but could he do some of his routine while there?
  10. Hopefully you don't have a sister wife that will throw a tizzy and thwart your plan!
  11. I think it's despicable that Kody and Robyn have come up with this Meri reconciliation story to discredit Christine. It is an obvious lie to paint Christine as the bad guy. And it's not fair to Meri, either (though I don't care for Meri at all). I hope Suki will call them on their bs in the next episode.
  12. I used to belong to a very strict Christian religion and the only grounds for an approved divorce was adultery. This was based on Bible teachings. Of course, if one of the partners committed adultery, that person would be facing counseling/disfellowshipping, but the partner would be able to seek a divorce. (This particular religion had no polygamy and all marriages were legal.) I think that (scriptural reason for divorce) is what Robyn is alluding to, although she had a strange way of saying it, which confused many of us. If her ex husband had another wife, she would be free to get her divorce and "marry" Kody.
  13. Yikes!!! When people on this forum mentioned they hoped Sandy wasn't filling in for Captain Lee, I didn't think much of it, except why would she? I guess there was info online that I missed because I am gobsmacked! Ugh. Isn't it enough that we have to endure her on BDM? At least her closing line was apt: "This is a nightmare." Yes, for us!
  14. I had this episode set to record and watched it last night. The recording cut off right before the winner was announced! I came here to get the results, so thank you! 😊 Both pieces were outstanding, but I think Rebels edged out Yule-igans with their perfect finishing touches and more complex main character. Also, they had a wonderful track record, so I'm glad they took home the prize. I personally prefer this version over Halloween Wars because HW has really focused on the scary/horror aspects lately. I know that is the main theme of Halloween, but I enjoy the "cute" aspects, as well.
  15. Well, we've got a pretty crazy cast of characters. I'm looking forward to seeing all of their shenanigans this season. See you next time!
  16. How does she think her beloved will respond to this? Or maybe she doesn't care, since he is now broke...
  17. Well at least Ashley will have a back up plan when Travis cheats on her... Martin at the ready...
  18. Oh, great, Gabby is going to lose it on her soon to be mother-in-law and SIL. I would love to have one of them put her in her place. She is obnoxious.
  19. I guess this show is 90 minutes again. I prefer the one hour fast-paced version.
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