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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Wait until you see the recording studio- it's the mens bathroom.
  2. Just goes to show how much time and effort Nathan put into Skylar's homecoming...
  3. I think he went to a nearby hotel and raided the complimentary breakfast bar...
  4. I can't believe they each threw their rings away. Didn't Gabby spend a lot on hers? Maybe she traded it for some vag tightening...
  5. We know Monique was. Maybe scamming her was his full-time side hustle...
  6. If I don't make any sense tonight, it the cold medicine talking. That stuff is strong than a shot of white lightning!
  7. Warden Monique is taking all of us bunkies to the casino for a field trip and is putting the expenses on her charge cards. It's our lucky day! 😉
  8. I couldn't believe this exchange. Of course, there are usually consequences to being found guilty to such high level scamming and theft. If she didn't want to do the time, she shouldn't have done the crime!
  9. I don't think its a body image thing, I think he finds a release and calm in working out. It's something he has found that completes his day and helps him feel healthy. But, I love B. Betty's idea that he could offer yoga classes for the guests. Tony has never liked showing off his bod, unlike Ben. He was discussing not wanting to take his shirt off at every opportunity earlier in the season.
  10. Yes, Monique is insecure about her weight gain, catfished Derek to high heaven and now is paying the price, literally, to keep him interested. What I don't understand is her reluctance to go out with him for a bit longer; it wouldn't have to be a casino, but she could have made a few suggestions that may have piqued his interest.
  11. I'm sure Rachel is saving the Indian feast for Bollywood night and has gone off the preference sheets for the other meals. It's too bad that the food is not clicking with the guests, especially that Scotch Bonnet salsa. That would have been fire! I agree with the other posters about Camille and Alissa's interactions. If I were Alissa, I would have let Fraser know long ago that Camille is not respecting her authority and she does not feel comfortable supervising her. That would leave the problem in Fraser's hands, and he is, after all, the chief stew. As it is, Alissa is now culpable because she cannot stay out of the fray and just let Camille sink or swim on her own. Arguing in front of the guests was way too much. I hope Sandy blasts them both. Will Sandy call "Norma" for two new stews? Stay tuned!
  12. I watch with closed captioning and almost every time Robyn is on the screen, the caption is "weeping." I want them to change the caption to "tearless weeping."
  13. The new menswear division of Victoria's Secret had a sale... 😉
  14. I'm just glad she is going to have this wonderful opportunity to prove herself! 😉
  15. I also wanted to see much more from Irene DuBois. I loved her promo look and interview in MTQ. She was also great in the werk room and in her Talking Heads. It's a shame her talent bombed. It was the least successful, so I understand the elimination, but wanted to see more of her. I'll be checking out instagram to see if she posts the looks she had for each theme and hoping there is a chance for a comeback.
  16. "She elevated the show". ???? She brought it to its lowest points. She even described herself as a cockroach and was delighted in herself when she brought someone else down.
  17. no, that would make too much sense for these bozos. Monique has no game at all. Drink some coffee and suggest something fun that doesn't involve being on the streets or gambling. Heck, she could have tried to get romantic with him. If that didn't work, that would have been good info for her...
  18. You were the first person to use that moniker for Blaine, if memory serves. So perfect! 😂
  19. Justine, I don't think your MIL was criticizing your daughter, she was criticizing your parenting decisions. Kids are going to want tattoos and more at a really young age, parents need to set boundaries.
  20. Yes, otherwise known here as Boomhauer (sorry, don't know the spelling.)
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