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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I have a question about the shopping: Don't the chefs have a pantry that has all the basic spices and such? If Gabri had to buy (or thought he had to buy) every spice he listed, it would really add up quickly. He said the chef-testants didn't do the shopping in Top Chef Mexico, so he wasn't familiar with the process. Maybe he bought ingredients that were already available to them?
  2. Judging from the comments on this forum, the producers were right about casting Dawn for this competition: we are all talking about her! I liked Dawn in her previous run, even though, by the end, I couldn't believe she was still able to maintain her spot despite her timing issues. I think, along with timing, she has a different approach to conceptualizing a dish, which also works against her in this competition. I'm always amazed at how fast so many chef-testants can come up with a plan, given a last minute twist or on the spot change. Seeing her reaction after Gabri's accidental spill makes me think that this competitive format is causing immense pressure.
  3. I couldn't believe Mistress brought up complaints against Loosey during her TicTac chitchat. That was a time to let yourself shine, not throw a sister queen under the bus. Loosey is not even in the competition anymore and Mistress still won't let go.
  4. Even though I am upset by the way Loosey was treated, I thought this episode was great, especially the runway. Sasha is my favorite and I would love to see such a legend win the crown. Her drag is so elevated and she has done an amazing job on almost every challenge. It was a big plus to see how kind and sweet she was to the other queens, too. I am also very impressed by Anetra and would love to see her as runner up. She is a top notch performer and lovely person. There were a few times when Sasha outshone her, on the runway, especially, and that's why I'm hoping Sasha gets the win. But, I foresee a future All Stars crown for Anetra- she has made a lasting impression. (Not to mention a talent show and lip synch that will go down in herstory.)
  5. I like how Raja and Raven express their true feelings and are not just touting the "party line." I've recently started listening to Squirrel Friends, the Official Drag Race Podcast, and although I really like the hosts, they rubber stamp everything happening on the show, even the bs. Sometimes the judges forget we have eyes and ears while they are furthering the storyline the producers set up for them.
  6. Goodnight, Bunkies! I've got a rap album to record...right after I ditch the lazy bum sitting on the sofa....he's holding me back big time. Wish me luck.
  7. How about buying a bunch of insurance policies and having an unfortunate fatal accident, leaving millions to Tyler and the kids? Just a thought...
  8. I called it! Chance is losing every penny by trying to win enough to pay all his bills and buy a new mansion while he's at it. what a moron!
  9. I'm sure they are "over it" when it comes to communicating with their parolees.
  10. Yes, I only watched a couple episodes of the OG HBB, and there was a Chickadee. Pumpkin is the one she lived with.
  11. What if Mama June went to prison and then found a mark beau on the outside...it could be a cross-over.
  12. I would LOVE it if Blaine kicked Lindsay to the curb.
  13. It's hard to believe his last gig was the Latin Grammy's. That's pretty impressive.
  14. They can pull off the side of the road and share the sammy Big Ma made for him.
  15. I wish Big Ma had kept that money for herself. Those youngsters are just going to fly through that money on one big dinner or some designer duds. Big Ma could have herself a helluva time with that money.
  16. Yeah, why waste a shower when you're about to be dunked?
  17. Lindsay going cray, cray??? Are we talking about that same sweet gal who destroyed Lippy's house?
  18. I picture him tossing the fettuccine and delivering baked goods to the tables of a strip club...
  19. I think Cameron must be a branding genius. How many of us viewers are going to check out his Muffin Man song just to see what it's like? It's clickbait.
  20. It's those little details that really make the outfit pop.
  21. "I aint got time for this!" Really, Blaine? It seems like that is all you have...
  22. With Chance's level of delusion, he is probably gambling at the casino to win money to pay off his bills!
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