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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. That would be a giggle-producing inside joke. Let us know how it goes...
  2. Why did he have to mention cookies? Now I'm craving one!
  3. I don't trust their storyline. Seems like a lot of bad acting. If this all works out easily, we'll know it was drummed up drama. She'll do anything to stay on tv.
  4. Amazing how entitled he seems to be after never even seeing his child the entire time until now. Basically, a sperm donor.
  5. I heard he's on some reality show... about loving prisoners or something like that. 😉
  6. Is Derek still helping Monique lose weight? Cause that breakfast....
  7. We were wondering if you were in the hole last week- you were missed!
  8. It's Friday night again and time to see what these foos are up to. I'm beginning to question my life choices. All of you amazing people are my saving grace. 💕
  9. Yes, I think we are all ready for a big girl to be crowned, but it needs to be deserved or it's a slight against all of the others who came before and were overlooked. I just love Sasha Colby and I hope she takes the crown and represents.
  10. That was a really cute commercial. I especially appreciated seeing his flatbread crackers... and the twist at the end. I was trying to figure out how they will solve the engine problem, as well. My thought was that they will swap in a different engine that they have on hand (yeah, probably don't have a lot of those lying around) and repair the engine on land. I wonder if the guests will get to sail. Perhaps they will be offered a free trip next year to make up for this disappointment. I think I would also charter a smaller sailboat for them to experience sailing since they are stuck on the dock.
  11. This was a fun episode, especially with the chefs interacting while cooking in the VRBO. I would have been a nervous wreck to have to share that space with so many chefs and types of preparations. The judges got to know the contestants better, as well. I'm glad they are inviting guest judges from other Top Chef franchises, so the judging hopefully isn't skewed toward the American chefs they already know (but I'm not seeing any evidence of that, anyway).
  12. I'm in agreement, and it's especially hard to watch when MIB and Luxx are tag teaming against Loosey. They were gaslighting her and trying to get her worked up and then later calling her out as being "fake" on screen for not giving the intended blow up.
  13. She was pretty one-note with her reactions, just putting hands in front of face for each and every reaction. I'm surprised she received so much praise for her acting abilities (her own sitcom, really?) She even flubbed the planned bit where it was supposed to be discovered she had "mopped" Ru's new book.
  14. This thought ran through my head, as well. Hopefully Ru will see it as a tribute to someone who influenced Sasha's drag and relate to it in that way. Though, it would have been great if Sasha had said something witty, like "present company excluded..." to make Ru laugh as well as acknowledging Ru's legendary status.
  15. Happy Easter, for those who celebrate! See you next time!
  16. I don't know if I would trust Amber with an axe at this point...
  17. I have a new mantra: I'm not a moron. Thank you for that! 😊
  18. Amber shouldn't have been so quick to break up Eric and Puppy. He could have used his drug money to finance her bar business.
  19. Amber in a flower shop?? Doesn't seem like a fit to me...
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