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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Derek is so full of shit. Even on the proposal weekend, he was giving his digits to the bottle girl.
  2. I called it! Britt and Marcellino can't leave Sharp's teet for one minute.
  3. Isn't she the one who had that crazy shirt that was all ripped up in the front?
  4. I'm surprised Chance hasn't thought of an Only Fans account. He could surely make millions there.
  5. I pray that Tayler grows a backbone and kicks him to the curb.
  6. Blaine, she's not all you have! Have you forgotten that Jesus is your plug?
  7. It sounds like the series could be putting a wrap on Britt and Marce. That is, unless they run the divorce storyline next.
  8. That little snowman was too small for Derek. Imagine if Monique had tried using it. She would be bent over double. It's too bad she didn't want to go ice skating, but she doesn't seem to like doing much with Derek.
  9. OH, no! 90 minutes is too long for me. I enjoyed the fast paced one hour version.
  10. Why did Lindsay call him over just to yell at him some more? He was mid-crisis and burning toilets.
  11. EVERY one of their storylines is dumb...threesome, Marc cheating, break up, renewing vows.
  12. Oh, gee, the culmination of Brit and Mar's 2 season story arc. I'm getting all teary...
  13. I can't believe he is going to propose to Justine on stage. That is the complete opposite of what his manager wants. Isn't there a friendly compromise? Plus, they are already married...
  14. OMG! There's an Alfredo commercial on tv right now.
  15. Derek: At the end of the day, I want to be with Monique on tv.
  16. I don't know. If Cam had put the bottle on his bar, his sister might have said, "Oh, I see she's changed you. Now you can't even had a drink." They can't be satisfied with anything.
  17. Each parolee should be assigned a "tough love" friend rather than a parole officer.
  18. "I put the cigarettes and the vapes in her mouth." What an ungrateful bitch!
  19. I'm surprised some of these people weren't on his show...I guess they were too young at the time.
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