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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. There are whole threads on Reddit devoted to conspiracy theories about Jimbo's lip-synching. Here are a few of my thoughts: 1. Would Jimbo throw the lip sync for popularity (not having to send home a queen)? 2. Would Jimbo not care about the tip money? 3. Wouldn't Jimbo want to win against Pangina, based on their history? 4. Why doesn't Jimbo integrate some humor/gags/props into the lip sync to make up for dance skills? 5. I've seem Jimbo perform live in a holiday show with other queens and I found it highly entertaining. No issues with choreography or lip-synching. 6. Why don't the producers use a song that would be better suited for Jimbo's style of drag comedy?
  2. It was funny in Untucked when the queens decided to add Kandy's signature blush technique to themselves. I enjoy moments like this. You get to see their humor and camaraderie in action. Kandy used aluminum foil and those silver thermal blankets for her (once again) body suit. The judges criticized Kahanna for not using "supermarket" materials, yet what about Kandy's blankets? "Super"markets have a wide variety of products for sale, as opposed to a regular market or small grocery store, so I think that critique was invalid. Also, I would say if the items were provided, they fit the bill. (Although I agree with the posters that using more unconventional materials should have been recognized by the judges.) LaLa did not earn that redemption with that look. She looked great in it, but the design was just shelf liner stitched up the side. The judges would have read any other queen for lack of creativity, not being elevated or "drag," and wondered what she did with all of her time, if it had been anyone else. I thought the top four were: Heidi, Kahanna, Jimbo and Jessica.
  3. I was never so happy to see an empty hot tub in my life! I'm glad Chase got everyone together to play Twister. Anything is better than Truth or Dare in the human stew pot. I also thought Chase did a good job with the yoga. Lucy seemed a bit critical of his style, but I didn't see her do anything. I need to compliment Chase now while I can, as it appears in next week's preview he is behaving badly. I think the big love triangle right now is that of Gary, Mads and Alex. Mads likes Alex, but Alex doesn't want to get on Gary's bad side since Gary is fond of Mads. Mads isn't picky, so ends up with Gary. She has next day regrets, but hasn't that happened before? The fun guests are back, and have brought their own customized flag along. 😂 I'm glad Colin worked his magic and fixed the yacht so they could go sailing and let their "freak flag fly!"
  4. It's been brought up by former cast members that they feel the pay is rather low, for television. I have a feeling it's a nice paycheck with some great perks, but wouldn't quite be enough for them to do on its own. They could, however, use their 15 minutes of fame to promote a business or, heaven forbid, an Only Fans account.
  5. I love the idea of Last Chance Kitchen, particularly since the judges on Top Chef evaluate one's performance on the last dish you served and don't take into account one's track record. Anyone can have a bad day, forget an ingredient, have their pea puree stolen, or a number of calamities. Maybe that chef was actually the best of the bunch. They can still fight their way back into the competition. It also appeals to my sensitive heart which hates to see people leave and I love the idea of second chances. I wish more competition shows had something similar to LCK.
  6. I'm glad that Gabri was able to demonstrate his expertise in French cuisine on this episode. The judges seemed to love every plate of food they offered, and they had the highest praise in the Quick Fire, as well. It really was their night.
  7. I think it's a way for the fans to vote for their favorite, hopefully channeling their energy into something positive. There will be a winner of AS8, who will receive $200,000, the crown and induction into the hall of fame. As queens are eliminated, their looks that they would have presented will be showcased on the episode (I believe they said in Untucked). They can also add social media content to amp up their popularity and garner votes. Fans can start voting July 12, I believe. The winner of the Fame Games will get $50,000. Not too shabby. I really like this new twist. So many queens put together an amazing package of looks and it's heartbreaking that they don't get to show them. Last season, I followed Irene Dubois and Aura's IG pages to see their stunning unseen runway fashion. Unbelievable!
  8. I agree that Jimbo slayed that runway. I just about died when I saw who the Lip Synch Assassin was! Well played! This is the kind of drama I was waiting for. (Why they didn't saves Aja for when Kandy was top, I'll never know!) I really liked what MrsKD brought to the skits. She did a great job on both parts, but especially as the gardening customer. Her runway was not it, however. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but my heart broke to see Naysha go so soon. I love her hosting gig at the Roscoe's viewing parties and was looking forward to what she was going to bring to the competition. I'll be watching her socials closely and hope she does well in the Fame Games.
  9. The cabins are usually cleaned after the guests get up, maybe while eating breakfast. While they are eating their evening meal, a stew will do "turn downs," which is a quick tidying up again before bed. So the stews need to clean rooms twice daily, do constant laundry, serve and clean up meals, decorate tables and for parties, and make sure the guests have everything they desire all day and night. If I were one of them, I would jump at the chance of driving the tender just to get 5 minutes of peace. Sending a stew on a tender ride so she can serve beverages is being obtuse about the amount of work they do all day. And the guests can still have 5 star service whether it is a deckie pouring the wine or a stew. Also, I agree with your comments about Colin.
  10. This is right in line with his remark last episode when he was trying to seduce Mads in the hot tub by saying that the other two guys were "just deckhands." He's massively full of himself this season. This is not why some of us liked Gary in the past, despite his f-boy ways. We saw someone that worked hard, was good at his job and had self deprecating humor. I'm waiting for his ego to take a hit this season.
  11. I'm a little surprised Glenn wanted to go over the interior's weaknesses, person by person, when the accident happened on the deck's watch and the food coming late was the chef's issue. I think it's fine to work on improving in all areas, but the things the interior were struggling with this charter (being pulled in many directions, burning a dress) were not even brought to Glenn's attention.
  12. I am loving Kahanna's looks this season, but I was distracted by the fit of her breastplate. One could see the bottom of the plate. Maybe this is not a big thing. I mean, her runway was amazing.
  13. Aja was on season 9 of Drag Race, and All Stars 3. She is also the drag mother of Kandy Muse. I'm surprised they didn't save her performance for when Kandy is in the bottom. That would be some drama! Aja has also recently been online with comments about how some recent queens were doing ballroom-esq dancing and not being accurate enough.
  14. I agree and it seems to me that part of her anxiety is that she feels she is displeasing Glen. She brought this up in one of her talking heads. I wish she would sit down with Glenn and she could tell him how she feels and he could let her know how much he appreciates her and her team. Glenn is very good at being supportive, as we saw with Ileisha's "overcooked" lamb incident. He just doesn't know that he has contributed to Daisy's worries right now.
  15. I listened to one of Rosanna's "lives" the other day. She said her and Johnny are still together- they have a one year old daughter. She doesn't stay in touch with the others from the show. She said she would come back if they offered her a bigger salary.
  16. Maybe Daisy should continue to assign herself the role of serving drinks on the tender. It may be the only "break" she gets all day. I do feel bad for the interior- they are always busy and work hard all day long. Gary said last week that if Daisy needs anything, all she has to do is ask, yet when she did, he complained and got upset. I think it is pretty wild that Gary wants one of the stews to drive the tender so his crew is available to ready the yacht for sailing. Although, again, that may be the highlight of a stew's day... a few minutes to drive a boat around in the ocean. Sounds much nicer than scrubbing toilets.
  17. This!! And this was one of the restaurants regular servers- I couldn't believe my ears! Next he'll be saying, "no problem" after guests thank him. NOT for fine dining, if any dining at all. I think most of the chefs (who had experienced restaurant wars) had a complete plan thought out for the restaurant wars episode, and the two most outspoken were able to convince the rest of their vision. It seems apparent Buddha had everything thought out, including a general plan for the menu. And he was willing to go the extra mile and do a fancy dessert, as well.
  18. It's really too bad that the producers are taking this route, hiring exAmish to follow a script. If they actually follow their own premise and film real people exploring the "English world" for the first time, it would be such a better show. Or, they could follow some exAmish as they start their new lives (kind of what MTV did years ago). This fakery is disappointing.
  19. Yes, I knew her thinking was flawed when she mentioned under seasoning a few components because her leeks were too salty. The judges taste each component individually, as well as together. I just don't understand why she didn't leave them off.
  20. After that scene, I can definitely identify with Glenn, much more so than the other crew. Actually, there were quite a few scenes on nights off that I identified with Glenn! Now I just need to buy a bulk supply of crisp bread!
  21. Congrats on your successful marriage. You and your wife KNEW that you were meant to be together. I think what the bishop is saying is that if Rosanna wants to leave the Amish and Johnny marries her, they would be unevenly yoked, in a spiritual sense. Their lifestyle and beliefs would be in conflict. Johnny would end up leaving as well and the bishop doesn't want that to happen, so he doesn't want to preside over their wedding. Unless Rosanna is serious about returning to the Amish lifestyle, they should get married by a nonAmish pastor or secular justice of the peace.
  22. I agree that the first seasons of the franchise were the best in that the crew were legit yachties. Many still are, like the core 4 of this group, but many of the junior crew are reality star/ influencer wannabes and the authenticity level has dropped drastically. I remember pre Covid that nights out often involved a dinner and then clubbing. BDSY has (for the 3 seasons I've watched), just had the hot tub shenanigans post dinner. I guess they are trying (and failing) to find a way to keep it interesting, but having the same group converge in a grungy jacuzzi every 3 days gets old...or stupid...or regretful...
  23. Maybe now that Gary is not butt hurt about missing the first crew night out and hearing about somebody else kissing all the women, he will start to be nicer to Chase. It would be so easy for Gary to give Chase a little positive reinforcement and get him on his side, but he would rather complain about every little thing out of Chase's mouth- even when he is being an overachiever. Egads! How horrible! I loved how Colin referred to the jacuzzi as a cesspool. That is putting it kindly. I'm so glad many of them called it an early night so we didn't have a repeat of junior high kissing games. I wonder if Mads is the new Gary... a hit with the opposite sex and more than willing to take them for a wild ride.
  24. I think we all need to recharge after this. We will be READY for the LAL comeback this summer. I'll miss you all! ❤️
  25. Well, that was a marathon! I guess you could say it was my first marathon. who knew!?! Have a wonderful weekend, full of muffins and new boobies...
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