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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I think there are strict guidelines about having 8 hours of sleep while working on a vessel. The crew, especially interior, are working way more than 12 hours per day, and some may have a break scheduled in during those hours (especially the person doing the anchor watch). It makes sense to me to catch some zzz's during your break, especially if you are involved in an exhausting love triangle. 😉
  2. I get what you mean, and I hope that is not the case. It brings to mind Captain Lee and his funny sayings. We all loved them at first and then they became his "thing" and he sprinkled them everywhere (maybe at production's prodding). It was too much of a good thing. In this case, we all love the shots of Glenn doing his solo pursuits and now they seem to pop up liberally throughout the crew night out. Hopefully, it's not staged for our pleasure...
  3. I got the idea that Daisy awoke in the middle of the night and was confused, calling Colin Gary and asking him what he was doing in her bed. (They were actually in Colin's bed). Also, it's important to note that it would have been dark in the cabin. Those infrared cameras make it seem like there are lights on. I don't blame Daisy for this mistake and Colin shouldn't take it personally.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if this "love triangle" marks the end of the central crew as we know them. I'm sure Colin will want to get away from it all (from all of Daisy's remarks, they are not on good terms). And we could lose Daisy over it, too. Unfortunately I think we will be stuck with Gary for the long run. He makes for interesting reality tv and producers will continue to milk that cow. They used the most unappealing cast member as the sushi model (I thought Ashley's drunken spaghetti eating scene from an earlier season was the most stomach turning until now). I was happy that the male guest requested "non Gary wasabi" -- someone was discerning. The only highlight was the enjoyment I got from seeing Gary's nipple pain.
  5. Yes, the interior crew is really dropping the ball lately. Even though they seem chastised by what Glen told them in the beginning of the charter, they continue to gather together and ignore the guests again later. I really felt for the guy who banged his head on the door and had to bleed for 15 minutes and ask for his own ice. Daisy, it doesn't make you culpable if you apologize - it makes you a bigger person.
  6. I wonder how Gary feels seeing the season play out on tv? Mads has not been very kind in her talking heads or in conversations with others. It must be a blow to his overblown ego. Gary has been stirring sh*t between Alex and Chase since he walked onboard. What a complete fail and First Mate. I was kind of interested if Ilesha would have any interest in Chase, since he is so taken with her....UNTIL I saw the photo of her beau. He is gorgeous. Let's get him aboard, stat!
  7. I wonder why she didn't use that wig that she pulled out in her scene in Untucked? I like how they introduce the LipSync Assassins in Untucked, but they often display something that they don't end up using...
  8. I absolutely loved Kayne's design this time and am so glad it won. I was worried for him with his missing fabric, but I think the result was better than his original idea. I loved the juxtaposition of the top- so sleek and modern - and the flowing huge ruffles of the bottom. I thought it was clever to use the skirt as a wrap during the entrance. I also loved seeing the designs by Rami and Laurence. I'm looking forward to this season!!
  9. I hope this is not going to be a thing again this season. The designers want their models to reflect their ethnic origin (or in Hester's case, their nonbinary gender, I guess). It seems like designers would want their designs to be inclusive. I feel that trading models did affect Nora's critique (although maybe not enough to keep her safe) because one of the judges remarked that the fabric was too close to the model's skin color. Nora chose the fabric and designed the look based on her first model. I don't agree with model swapping, but if it must be done, it should be right away before any decisions have been made.
  10. According to the tea, this was the second week Kandy and Alexis wanted the same part. Last week, Alexis bowed out so Jessica and Kandy could haggle over it. I don't understand why Alexis and Kandy didn't audition for it like they did last week to select parts. Kandy comes off as so .... arrogant. 😉 Speaking of which, her Miss Arrogant look was really bad-- and had nothing to do with the title. I'm gobsmacked over the workroom drama and Mama Ru having to gather her dollies. At least Kahanna pulled it together and delivered a good performance and runway. I agree she shouldn't have been in the bottom this episode, but her track record probably sent her home.
  11. Great point! I think, however, this is the first time that Colin has been involved in any boatmance. Daisy hasn't been showing doing much more than flirting and hot tub hijinx prior to this.
  12. Maybe that alone should give him a clue about how others view their relationships with him. Mads is barely tolerating being around him. My guess is that she wanted more screen time, so she said yes to Gary's incessant advances and has regretted it ever since. (Though she continues to do the deed with him, so that is confusing.) She and Chase were on WWHL Monday night and she had to choose between Gary and Alex in various scenarios. She chose Alex for every positive scenario and selected Gary for "the most clingy."
  13. I was thinking the same thing. Gary made Daisy promise not to hurt his feelings on his birthday, and then proceeded to do whatever inappropriate actions he wanted. What a nasty little manipulator. I'm sad Daisy fell for it. I liked that Mads said she was sorry she did not develop something with Alex who was a full grown man, but went for Gary who was a little boy. On the bright side, I loved seeing Gary jump into Lucy's arms, only to be dropped on his noggin. And, the face in the cake- chef's kiss!
  14. I've considered on more than one occasion that those vans must have a special arrangement with the production company to help with clean up and decontamination after the crew shenanigans. I'm sorry, but I do not understand why Gary is PDAing all over Daisy, in front of Colin and Mads. And, Daisy didn't really put a stop to it, in any significant way. I was kind of hoping Daisy and Colin would get together, but now I think he deserves better. But, it looks like there will be more drama in part 2...hopefully Colin won't be a jerk. I really admire him.
  15. Justice for Alexis! She embodied Miss Crawford in looks (impeccable makeup- what a resemblance!), voice and attitude. And her runway was superb! I'm just glad the riggory is not wearing down her spirit this time around. I see her rooting for other queens and being more upbeat than in the past. I thought the Rusical was really great. I enjoyed all the performances. I think "production" is sparing Jimbo from being in the bottom- because she would most likely be eliminated for being the toughest competition. Kandy proved what Heidi was saying last week was correct.
  16. Congrats to Buddha on his win. The season certainly was his to win for some time now. There were amazing chefs competing this year and I loved their attitudes, having been winners or competing at a high level before gave them more confidence and camaraderie as opposed to being overly competitive. I agree that the finale was super close, even if the season seemed to indicate Buddha as the frontrunner. I have a feeling it would have gone Sarah's way, had the liver been properly cooked. I'm glad it wasn't Amar's mistake this time- it would have been crushing to both. And Gabri was also extremely close to winning. I think Buddha had a slightly more favorable critique (and maybe his track record pushed him over the edge.) I just love Gabri and wish him the best going forward. He deserves loads of success and all the time to cook his food his way. Thanks to all the chef-testants this year for their hard work and bringing their skills!
  17. I loved seeing Glen reminisce about the 70's and share his photos. That afro! He was probably the cool kid at the time. What in the heck is wrong with Gary? Now he is butt hurt that Daisy and Colin are hooking up. HE has been chasing Mads the entire season and wants her to be his girlfriend. Daisy was right about her being his "back up." All Gary would have to do is tell Colin that he feels a certain way because they are friends and I'm sure Colin would respect that. Instead he says one thing to Colin and a different thing to Daisy. Dig that hole, Gary.
  18. After seeing so many amazing reveals in the past (AS 7 will live in my mind forever), I was disappointed with most of these runway looks. I have to give it to Jimbo for coming up with something completely out of the box and Kahanna for coming out in what everyone would think was the end reveal look and going even further. It was cute that Jessica gave a nod to her previous season as the chicken. Alexis' look was also one of the better ones. I think the others had issues with execution or originality. I can't believe Michelle didn't comment on LaLa's bolt of fabric (as Bianca called it) wrapped around her.
  19. I'm so disappointed that Heidi left. I thought she was a shoe-in for the finale and could have won the whole thing. I wonder if Kahanna feels bad for bringing up her feelings about the Snatch Game to Heidi. Heidi was just playing it the way others have done in the past, but Kahanna felt insecure about this challenge and took it personally. I believe what Heidi was sharing about Kandi trying to turn on Jimbo. Earlier she said she had some big tea to spill, and I think that was it. I wish Alexis had spoken up if she heard it, but I do believe she took a step back when Kandi confronted her.
  20. I was more creeped out by Gary when he was hugging on Mads and being handsy feely when they first met. She has now apparently given him the go-ahead, though with the enthusiasm of a wet rag. I'm a little shocked that a department head would be so physical with the crew, but I have to remind myself this is a reality tv show, where hookups are encouraged. Yeah, I think Gary has crossed the line this season. He doesn't have any redeeming qualities that allowed us to put up with his f-boy ways in the past.
  21. Completely agree. What was Gary thinking embellishing the story to Alex? There is footage and in the end, he is going to look like a fool, trying to stir the pot between his two deckhands. Any other leader worth his salt would be team building, not sabotaging. Chase was out of control from the get-go. His loud, obnoxious behavior was rubbing everyone the wrong way. Was that alcohol induced??? Maybe we need Captain Sandy on the case!
  22. I could not believe Glenn was going to dock there. It was just too small of a space. There was potential for a lot of damage and Glenn doesn't strike me as someone who is reckless.
  23. The back of Kandy's skirt rose up, causing the buns to be at her back level. She either needed something to hold it down (strap between legs?) or change the design to a catsuit or shorts. I CAN'T believe the judging panel ignored that blatant messy look. They definitely play favorites...
  24. She had it wrapped in a banana leaf, which is another way tamales are presented.
  25. I like Tom's sense of humor in his talking heads, but I would have never guessed he went to clown school! I wonder what clown school in Germany is like. Do they teach how to make subtle charming remarks? SNL should do a parody of a German clown school! 😉 I'm wondering if Buddha has been designing dishes of his own for each competition he has viewed on Top Chef in the past. I'm imagining him, notebook at the ready, writing down what he would do if he were on the show. He just comes up with the most lavish, creative menus on the spot. There has been a challenge similar to this one on the US version, so maybe he already had something in mind. Or he's just a chef genius.
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