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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I would say it is similar to the season where Adam and Malia were a thing and then she decided to start something with the bosun. Same ship, cheating on Adam (if she didn't want to be with him, a conversation needed to happen). Malia's punishment was that she got a promotion from her boyfriend boss.
  2. It says a lot about Malia's popularity that there was only 1 message in her thread. I doubled it for ya, Malia! I had heard rumors that Malia hooked up with one of the off-camera crew this season, which would be sad for poor, smitten David. (Although, better in the long run, IMO.) Has anyone heard anything about this?
  3. Exactly this! 😂. I love your description! The way she inhaled those lamb pops, I'm a little worried that the crew isn't being fed. But, she was so disrespectful to to the chef in her actions, words and attitude. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of her shenanigans this season, if she makes it.
  4. I'm very sure the ceremony was edited so the audience wouldn't be bored to tears. Ship captains have the ability to perform marriage ceremonies, although I wouldn't be surprised if this wedding was drummed up by production for show and the couple was already married.
  5. Your post reminded me that during these Covid times, we can't visit Canada. Poor Harry! Maybe that's why he is in these scenes this season. I bet he's counting the days until he can return!
  6. Such sad news. I hadn't heard about it and saw the notice at the end of LALU and was shocked for the moment. But, realizing how she struggled with addiction over the years, it is not that surprising. They haven't said what the cause of death was, but I'm sure her drug use contributed. RIP
  7. And Erika needs to bring them both a gift for making this huge distraction and taking the lens off her for the time being. Maybe she can re-gift something from her closet, if she doesn't have available funds right now.
  8. I loved looking at the way the Housewives decorated for the holidays, but was surprised to see that all 3 of Kyle's trees looked very similar. Maybe one had to get up close to see the differences... Regarding personal touches, I think the vast majority of the population who decorates for Christmas do use sentimental ornaments and putting the tree up together as a family tradition. I'm sure Kyle had professionals decorate so the results would be lavish and make a statement about how beautifully her house is decorated. It was for "show."
  9. I actually don't know if that was Leah's intention or not. Maybe I am the one who thought the two ideas fit together. My apologies.
  10. I think Leah was tying in the dressing in leather/vinyl to the dinner at the tattoo parlor.
  11. Ramona doesn't want to deface her body with a tattoo, but she's not opposed to updating her facial features from time to time...
  12. This guy is completely out of luck- can't take anything for his anxiety or his knee pain. - Mary Timelaw
  13. I completely agree. Apart from getting rid of Sandy and Malia, after their nonsense last season, the best viewing would to see them be tortured or experience an iota of what they give others. Last season, the scenes I liked best was when Chef Tom was losing it in the kitchen- perfect karma for "Malandy."
  14. So, if Malia hooks up with one of the crew, she won't have to use her clout with Sandy to move someone else out of their room because there's an extra room available. 😁
  15. The montage with Z struggling with Maureen the Magical Unicorn was pretty funny. I'm glad the guests got to use it. I hate it when the crew spends hours putting out toys and they go to waste. I have mixed feelings about the chef. He is obviously overwhelmed and his anxiety is kicking in big time. Sandy is so fake with her kind act and offers him support, but when he specifically asks for help with crew meals and wedding cake, she hems and haws. I completely understand that those things are part of his job, but if you are offering to give him support, follow through. Then, of course, she has to say something snide behind his back. If it were me, I would make a decision such as wedding cake will be brought in from the town, and I will order in the first 3 crew meals to get you started. Once he gets his footing, he may do okay. Time will tell.
  16. Not Lisa! She is a Bible reading Christian! 😂 Why didn't the wig lady insist on a new rug for Stan?
  17. That was my first thought, too, but then I thought, "well, at least he cleans it!"
  18. I completely agree! I read the texts Nicolle was sending to the other person. The other person doesn't sound THAT interested in her, but she was asking for him/her to come and take her away for the weekend. I feel really bad for Daonte. But, I guess that is par for the course with this reality show...
  19. I don't know- Malia was in the kitchen quite often last season bailing Tom's ass out of hot water.
  20. After that first course, it was Shota's competition to lose. I thought he would have won easily- it's too bad about the rice and the curry dish. He put his heart in that one. I think they all did an outstanding job and I'm happy for Gabe. I'm hoping the reason for his dismissal was not as serious as the rumors would have us believe.
  21. He probably needs it with a house full of drama queens!
  22. This topic DOES need to be retired both on the show and here, BUT… What does Crystal want Sutton to do regarding naked-gate? It seems like an unfortunate accident, which made Crystal feel bad and now Sutton has been punished for it. I keep putting myself in Sutton’s place and I would be embarrassed that it happened and then mortified that it keeps being brought up. She should have waited for a “come in,” but it could happen to anyone.
  23. I also live in Northern California and enjoy the crab feeds each year. We often buy a bag of leftover crab to take home and the next day my husband, who is Mexican, makes crab enchiladas with salsa verde. Muy rico! I was wondering if Dawn's sauce was similar to a cioppino type seasoning.
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