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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I'm wondering if Lloyd was referring to Lexi only, or also to Courtney, when he said he could handle the verbal abuse, but didn't tolerate putting hands on him. First, Courtney, at Lexi's urging, dunked Lloyd under the water. Then, of course, Lexi did the face smash in her boobs. It seems like most people think Lloyd is upset with Lexi, but Courtney also was physical with him. Maybe he's not upset with Courtney because she's nowhere near as crazy as Lexi aka "Satan."
  2. That's kind of what his dad was saying...he didn't feel he was missing out on much being in prison. What an existence. 😔
  3. I am dying to join the live chat and I think it is the only one I can actually join in on, since I am on the west coast and the air time seems to be the same. HOWEVER, I am a closet LALU watcher and would have to find something else for my husband to do while I indulge in this dumpster fire. He already side eyes me for watching "drag queen competitions, tattoo shows and rich ladies fighting with each other." Adding inmate/felon love might push him over the edge. 😉
  4. Daonte is getting more action from Nicolle Jr than Nicolle. He should stick with Jr. and send the other one packing. She is a user and is awful! Derrick saw right through her bs and didn't mind asking the hard questions.
  5. I couldn't believe Lucie's model had to hold her dress on. Couldn't Lucie add on a couple of straps or some other fastener to help the situation. I thought I would like Lucie's fashions, but with those outfits, I think she should have been eliminated. Hopefully the designers will be given more time in future challenges, because they really didn't produce great stuff this time. I do not like the aspect of the judging when they announce whether they have changed their mind or not...
  6. It seems like Erika Jayne is advertising for her next hubby. Or else she is letting the general public know that she is now so poor she can't afford panties...
  7. I wonder if the jacket was on backwards, too? I mean, who has a "tail" in the front?
  8. I completely agree. Winnie is a big improvement over Naomi, but I think it would be much better to have a couple of designers or fashion editors on the judging panel. They have 2 models and one designer. Tim doesn't judge; he would make a better judge than Heidi, who wears some atrocious fashions.
  9. I loved the location and thought the runway was beautiful. I laughed when Tim asked Olivia what she thought and she piped up, "Understated!" I love Gary's looks, especially the dress, Andrea's sparkly dress and the wedding pants set. I thought there were a few that could have left. Send them home now before I become attached. 😉
  10. I wonder if she considers the shooting schedule of the series the way we think of a vacation. It's time to party, drink more than we should and gain a few pounds. However, most of our vacations are quite short and then we get back to normal life.
  11. One of the funniest scenes was when the three deck crew were hanging out being goofy and a voice comes from off camera: "Nerds!"
  12. I am so tired of these ladies bringing their glam squads to every event. I think they do it because they are reality tv stars and want to look their best on camera, but we would like to see a little more reality and a little less professional hair and makeup. (And Leah needs to add extensions in the middle of a Salem excursion? Can't she be more practical and wear a hairstyle that would last 3 days?) I thought that Leah's dress being on backwards was the least offensive thing about that outfit. Did you see the "jacket" she wore with it???
  13. I thought she looked great with the hat on, at dinner. It goes to show how much that wig detracts from her looks.
  14. Rinna sure knows how to put the spin on things. She has offended almost every former fan (I actually used to like her) in some way or other and they stopped shopping her "line." I agree with dosodog that QVC cut ties with her for financial reasons. Bravo is the same way- they'll keep her around to do their bidding as long as her pot-stirring produces ratings. Protests from audience members don't have any bearing on their decision making process.
  15. You've made some very good points, but what I find dodgy is the timeline and the huge money transfers. She can protest that she didn't know the full extent of what he was up to, but she was actually named in a prior lawsuit last year, long before this latest news broke and before he transferred $20 mil to her company. I don't buy her explanation that she asked, he shut her down and she just went on about her business. I think she is part of the aftermath, hiding assets and divorcing to protect herself and whatever money they have left. Her story and excuses are all over the place and she never expresses a bit of sympathy for what has happened to the victims.
  16. I seem to recall lots of shtick on GBBO, just maybe a tad shorter, and inside the tent.
  17. I couldn't believe the scene of Daonte on his knees while Nicolle closes the door in his face. And here I thought he couldn't degrade himself any further after his scenes with Nicolle Jr.
  18. It was sad to see Gary leaving without seeing more of his painting and illustrations. The judges couldn't have made it clearer to him that they wanted to see more, as well. I understand that he wanted to showcase different skills, in this case - his woodworking, but he could have gone further had he added in more of his painting talent. I wasn't thrilled with the Thanksgiving mantle- it seemed a bit unfinished. I loved the winner and thought it was so deserving. I noticed that behind the village buildings, there was a menorah, also of the same type of wooden pieces. The garland's extravagance and color offset the village and snowflakes so beautifully. I also loved Melanio's Halloween mantle and the winter solstice mantle (that one really took me by surprise).
  19. I think she did this time. She told the judges they would see different techniques from her if they keep her around.
  20. Well, Stan and Lisa didn't last very long. At least he still has the wigs.
  21. I've been thinking about one of Erika's tagline: I'm an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, or some such crap. But, now I can see that she just may be: * Acts independent and icy, until now when she's dependent and vulnerable. * Loves and adores her husband, until now when she recounts years of dismissive and controlling behavior. * Describes Tom as powerful and always winning at the same time as melting away with dementia. * Life is falling apart and is constantly in tears (without a tissue in sight) while posting provocative, scantily clothed insta photos.
  22. I did laugh at the recap of Sonja and Eboni chanting in the bus, "no sh*t in Salem!" over and over, with production referencing Ramona's oopsie.
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