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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I agree that Erika had a heads up about the previous meeting and questions that were going to be brought up. She drove herself as an excuse not to drink and could leave at any moment. She stayed clear-headed (sort of) and had prepared answers, including "diminished capacity." The Farce Fox Five probably had an agreement to throw Sutton under the bus and not stand by their statements at the planning meeting- though it was all filmed, ladies!
  2. I like all those things about Mat, but he has a creepy side where he brings up sex a lot. He also gets crazy when he drinks. If he hadn't been drunk, he wouldn't have taken offense at the others asking him to contain his sex talk and he wouldn't have stormed off the boat. That aside, if he gets it together, I can appreciate all his good qualities and he makes great tv.
  3. Speaking of excessive alcohol consumption, I was pretty shocked at the obstacle course the deck crew came up with- so much guzzling, shotgunning and slamming drinks along the course. It should have ended at the porcelain throne!
  4. I'm wondering about the spirit animal costumes and descriptions. Did GG really come up with all of that or is someone from production in charge of these excursions and parties? I would love to understand some of the behind the scenes activities.
  5. Doug has reportedly been arrested again, in a raid. He had oodles of firerms and meth for distribution. According to the article, the lead suspect (Doug?) jumped on a motorcycle, tried to leave the scene, crashed into a police vehicle and attempted to draw a weapon on law enforcement! There were 3 raids and 7 people are in custody. According to a Redditor, one of the addresses is the home of Doug's latest girlfriend.
  6. How can she possibly think those "extensions" are more attractive than the wigs Stan bought her or her own short haircut? The stylist should have talked her out of trying to do extensions on her too short hair. Wear the wig until you can get proper extensions...
  7. This brings back memories. When I was a kid, my parents had friends who knew the Parkers back in the day. I heard many stories about them and saw photos like this one.
  8. I thought she was carrying her weight as a pregnant woman would, too, but they showed her smoking in the car with vaping John. She's probably an "apple" shape. But, the thing that confuses me are her drawn-on eyebrows- they have the strangest shape! It's almost like a charicature artist drew them on her face - "can you do a combination of surprise and confounded?" What do you want to bet her secret love is a lady?
  9. Anissa, call the bank and cancel your credit cards. Jeff is going to put you in the poor house. He hasn't even got to the new teeth and Gucci pants yet.
  10. I did have to laugh at Sutton's remarks at the beginning of the episode where she commented that Erika was overreacting and people don't fall apart like that over nothing- not very self-aware! However, she redeemed herself by questioning Erika's involvement in Tom's thievery. I can't wait to see what happens next week.
  11. I don't think I've ever yelled at my tv more than I have tonight. The hypocrisy! Rinna, you browbeat Denise for months on end and now you are worried about Erika's feelings? Let me clue you in: she doesn't have any. If she did, she would have mentioned the widows, orphans, and other victims by now.
  12. My mind boggles at the level of disrespect Ramona and Sonja displayed at the Shabbat dinner. It was a religious ceremony and there should have been a bit of decorum. Unbelievable!
  13. I'm sorry, but I don't see creativity and new ideas when I look at Sparkly Andrea's designs. She is not coming up with new concepts, just making regular clothing with sparkly fabric. Her tendency to embellish everything with stones, studs and jewels seems kind of tacky or pasé. I love a glittery piece as much as anyone, but when all her pieces are screaming for attention, the design gets lost. I think she is all flash and no substance. But, the judges seem to love her fashion...
  14. What about the revelation that Mat spent $150,000 on sex last year?? Is that even possible? He sure is obsessed with the topic, even after being asked to clean up his act during the last dinner.
  15. Did anyone else do a double take when Stan complimented Lisa that she was a pro in the bedroom??!!?? (As in "professional?")
  16. Nicolle, you have surprised me. I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower. Daonte, hopefully you have grown a brain and will dump her. You will find much more happiness, commitment and depth with Nicolle Jr.
  17. I think I've got it! Tom has multiple personality disorder. So far, based on Erika's detailed observations, I've diagnosed the following personalities, poor fellow: 1. Astute supportive husband who finances Erika Jayne's career and her every fantasy. 2. Cold, calculating lawyer who will make sure Erika gets nothing and is in for the battle of her life. 3. Doddering old man, melting in front of her eyes, who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. 4. Cavalier "Don Juan" with a bevy of mistresses. Please feel free to add in any other personalities I may have missed.
  18. It may have been invasive to post the story on Instagram, but Sonja told all of her friends and the tv watching public that she had sex with him-- that is far more invasive! He had a girlfriend, too. Not cool, Sonja...very uncool.
  19. Oh, dear! Erika's well crafted, if not perfectly executed, performance of the last few weeks has just been blown to smithereens by her own nastiness (once again!). She is showing her true colors by attacking Garcelle and accusing her of intentionally betraying her friendship. Not having the big bucks, huge mansion, Lamborghini, servants and glam squad must be getting on her last nerve!
  20. There's a distinct difference in the way Sandy handled Mat's situation and Lexi's. Lexi is a stew and is supervised by Katie, so Sandy conveniently lets Katie know that she needs to step up and try out some different techniques to bring out Lexie's abilities. She has no clue that Lexie is abusive and toxic because she didn't let Katie finish the narrative before Lexi interrupted the conversation. With Mat, Sandy is his direct supervisor. Her solution to his running off the boat in a drunken temper tantrum is to fire him. She doesn't use the same advice for herself that she gives Katie. It's all about saving her own behind. She manages to get him to cook until his replacement is ready for service. Sandy doesn't want to deal with any issues, so she fires those who she has to supervise- Mat, Kiko, Hannah. She has made Hannah deal with many insubordinate and inept stews in the past, too. As long as it is someone else's problem, they stay and the supervisor has to deal with it.
  21. In Josh's original sketch, the detail seemed to be more layered flat along the top of the shoulder and sleeve. But, when he was making it, he had it standing up and then Tim suggested he really emphasize it. It really did remind me of a type of dinosaur. I guess we learned why the judges have the "changing mind" routine...so Andrea can say how passionate she is and they can all let her stay to (not) sew another day.
  22. According to Lexi, this might be her emoji: 👺 Is anyone else loving the absence of Cap'n Sandy this last episode? Maybe the producers and editors are understanding that she just brings the show down. Stay in your cabin and 😴.
  23. I'm convinced Leah jumped at the chance to get the cakes just so she could order a penis cake to get a rise out of Ramona. I'm glad Ramona went along with the "joke" and didn't let it derail her, thus crushing Leah's plans of more conflict between the two. I agree with all of you who said the anatomy cakes were better suited for a bachelorette party. Leah needs to up her game.
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