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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Hi, I discovered LAL comes on at the same time on the west coast, so I can join you on this live chat. Now, keeping up with your witty repartee, that is another story!
  2. Yes, I used to like Rinna quite a bit and remembered her from her role in Melrose Place. Her actions on RHoBH show the kind of morally reprehensible person she really is and my opinion of her has plummeted. She'll do anything to stay relevant and sink to new lows to maintain this gig. She probably tells herself that she is playing the role of a villain, but at what cost? She loves to take down popular co-stars without a thought to the consequences that may bring to their lives. LOL! But, Erika explained herself on this episode- she's not lying, she's "trolling the trolls." Now when her ridiculous stories are disproven, she will be able to say it was all to troll the judgmental viewing public.
  3. Kyle's stirring of the pot does nothing to advance the drama in the series, because she repeatedly prods Sutton over and over again, after already seeing Erika's reaction at Kathy's dinner party. It's just more of the same. It would have been more interesting if someone had brought up that Kyle was throwing Sutton under the bus yet again at the FF4 get together. Every time Sutton isn't present, they talk about her behind her back, goading Erika on. Someone needs to bring up their hypocrisy, but unfortunately the four of them are in it together and Garcelle has already been the target of the mean girls more than enough. (Crystal and Kathy aren't ready to make a stand, if they ever will.) I really hope they have to answer for their behavior at the reunion. I hate to see these shrews come out on top.
  4. Erika needs to get one of those bulletin boards detectives use to solve crimes, complete with red string and all, so she can map out her stories before she tries to "recount" them at the next party.
  5. I loved everything about Crystal's Chinese New Year's party. It looked like an event I would love to attend. I'm glad she brought it as a hostess, because lately she has been overshadowed by the Erika drama. I honestly can't believe Kyle stirring up trouble between Sutton and Erika at every occasion, yet she is the one being two-faced to her so-called friend in her talking heads. What a hypocrite! And, she knows how aggressive Erika gets so she obviously has no concern for Sutton, either.
  6. I completely agree! Courtney's inhibitions are released when she drinks. She needs to accept responsibility that she's led Mzi on. It was interesting to hear the girls discuss their lack of interest in the guys (romantically). I think they all really like each other as friends, but the ladies are definitely not interested in getting together with any of the deck crew.
  7. Well, Jen had some help buying hers! (As a retired Kindergarten teacher, I have seen many backpacks resembling that from my alumni. Good for LV to take a $15 product and sell it to rich housewives for $9000!) Also, this reminds me of the saying, "A fool and her money are soon parted!")
  8. I didn't even notice the hot peeenk dress- too focused on the bangs!
  9. I could relate to Whitney and Heather sitting on the ice, watching the Meredith/Jen fight from afar. Then, Heather made a comment that she was worried about the ice because she lied about her weight! I'm here for those scenes which make the women more relatable.
  10. I've always thought Lisa was very superficial ("I love that!" for everything she sees) and had a superiority complex (she snubbed Heather at Jen's party last season and Whitney at the Casino Night), but to me interfering with a charity event is going really low. No one can stoop to Jen Shah's level, but Lisa is making a real run for it with these shenanigans.
  11. I can see why this trend never caught on- so fugly. And the whole time Dorit is complaining about Garcelle not listening to her! It seems nobody does!
  12. I'm so terrible, but the only thing I could think of when the 3 ladies were on the ship's bowsprit was a crazy desire for Rinna to fall off and into the deep blue sea...
  13. I have read that, too, and think it's great. It also partially makes up for the terrible overfilling they are doing to the rich housewives of Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. I like Heather, but would never get work done at her spa.
  14. I don't think the lady that fashions a toga out of a restaurant tablecloth cares if we have an opinion! 😉
  15. I loved your entire post! Mary is embarrassed by her son eating a grilled cheese sandwich (looked scrumptious!), yet announces her toots and requires silence from her captured audience! And, this is the one who has the audacity to complain about hospital smell??!!
  16. Jen Shah rages so much that everyone is immune to it, yet when Meredith gets riled up being the Mama bear, Lisa jumps up and intervenes immediately. I think a lot of the issues we are seeing this season are fall-out from season 1 airing and people getting on social media and reacting to the show. So, it may seem like this was all last season's problems, but they are all reacting to what they viewed on the show and its aftermath.
  17. I would love to, but I am 3 hours behind you. I actually read the live chat after I watch the show, and you all are hysterical!
  18. I love your idea of PK as the "Real Housewife husband" and not Dorit!
  19. Did anyone else giggle over the discussion of "Puppy being on a leash?" (Not the idea, just the wording...) Also, why does new boyfriend Eric have the Ray Ban sticker on his glasses? (At first glance I thought it was a face tattoo.)
  20. I love reading everyone's insights about the scene with the Mean Girls ganging up on Garcelle until she was reduced to tears and then applauding her for her vulnerability. These horrible people have no understanding about friendship and love to tear people down because of their jealousy and their own insecurities. Anyone who is popular with the audience is a target of their schemes. I would love to see them on the receiving end.
  21. Stan is having trouble expressing himself again - he's "amstidextrous" and God is the "Alpha Romero." No wonder Lisa was swept off her feet!
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