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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. These people are so naive!!!! Only 15 years of criminal behavior, but it all ends now. Sure, Jan.
  2. No, Louie from Lakeland has those jobs nailed down already.
  3. Heading to the strip show with a stack of dollar bills and a few rolls of quarters. 😉
  4. You walked right into a reply there....but I don't want to get in trouble with the mod....
  5. Way to ruin peaches and cream for me forever.
  6. We could literally write this show!! 😂
  7. I'm calling her Wonky Eye-- due to the filter.
  8. Candice thinks Andrew is "pure," ie gullible as hell.
  9. "Love and Affection" in inmate speak = cash and gifts
  10. An inmate with a secret???? That's a new one! 😉
  11. Rob and Tennie are a good looking couple.
  12. But, of course, all of the above! But, it's cool-- I learned about all of these fashion choices on the teevee!
  13. Yay! We're back! I had to come by for a few minutes to see my peeps and check out the new couples, but I have plans tonight to go see some live music, so I will be leaving early. Hopefully my entrance at the music venue, wearing my tarantula lashes, neon green ombre wig, and deadly spiked fingernails won't turn too many heads. I prefer to fade into the background. 😂 The ambience is just so lovely....and just not so LDL!!!
  14. Thanks for sharing the article. I will be visiting Wisconsin this summer (though the western side) and will look for a fish boil to attend.
  15. I was thinking the same thing, particularly when Manny mentioned the cost of just one of his ingredients- the beef. The team needs to take into consideration that the meat and fish portions may need extra money. And, it wasn't okay for Danny to get only $75 and the rest of the chefs just say, "We'll help you out." They should have reevaluated right then and there. Hopefully, they have learned something about budget before doing additional team challenges or Restaurant Wars. I remember during the last team challenge, one team had a better plan for purchasing ingredients- they cross checked ahead of time who had duplicate ingredients and made sure only one person bought them.
  16. I completely agree with your post. We have had storylines in the past where the chef is set up to fail so a returning chef can waltz in and save the day. I hope this is not the case. I would love to see Anthony get some help/support and continue to make his amazing dishes.
  17. I remember these scenes where the chief stew collaborated/supported the chef. Some chefs would not want that type of collaboration, but I think Anthony would welcome it. I can't fault Anthony for not whipping up burgers and fries for these guests. Most chefs wouldn't consider that yacht fare, unless specifically requested. I wish Anthony would come up with a temporary menu and check with the guests when they arrive, since Fraser is obviously not going to be that helpful when it comes to going over menu planning with cheffy.
  18. It was great to see the queens return, though I miss the reunion format! I was very pleasantly surprised by Megami. She turned it out! I also thought Mirage won her 2nd lip-synch, and wonder if others thought so, as well. I think most of the early out queens got a chance to showcase themselves again. It seemed to be a very positive episode and loved seeing the lip synch battles.
  19. Yes, she was very emotional while asking them to pack their knives. The only saving grace of this double elimination was that both chefs had a failure in their dish. I hate it when one chef loses the challenge and they both have to go. Watching Kaleena and Alisha bicker was super cringe. Also, I'm surprised Kaleena presented a crust that she didn't know well- she said she thought she had it right. Oops!
  20. As a Gemini, her comment did not land well with me. But, on the other hand, I was fine with it. 😂
  21. Yes, I'm in agreement with many of you who were surprised that the chef-testants who made croquettes continued on after learning how many others were making them. But, then again, one of those chefs did win. 🤷🏼‍♀️. I was hoping some of them would change their plans so the menu was more diverse. Too bad Kenny's dish wasn't more delicious...it would have been a nice bite for a hot day.
  22. I agree with many of you calling out Fraser for being unprofessional, complaining about Barbie to Xandi, Paris, Ben. But, in my opinion, I don't think he is 100% of the problem. Barbie didn't feel supported when Xandi and Fraser were off on the beach excursion and should have brought it up to Fraser instead of sulking and giving him the cold shoulder. I think she relies on childish behaviors, probably because she was indulged by her parents. She may be a hard worker, but she is far from professional. Ben completely creeped me out, being so handsy with Paris. That is just wrong on so many levels.
  23. After reading that article, I find what the Belgians did to be extremely silly and way too literal. Miller High Life is not misappropriating the word champagne when they say "the champagne of beers."
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