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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I agree that the technical bakes would be much more enjoyable if the contestants were given adequate time and/or less extras. Do you remember the Sussex Pond Puddings from last season- a complete disaster! I like the idea of allowing them 5 minutes of looking over the recipe and getting organized before they begin the timer.
  2. And, yet they were all aghast that Garcelle said in an interview that some of her BH colleagues were coming after her- which is exactly what they were doing. They certainly don’t like to “own it.”
  3. Besides the love I have for this show, I am currently watching "An Extra Slice," which is just wonderful in its own way. Lots of laughs and an interview with the departing baker. It's a gem. They said next week was German week, so I guess Jurgen will probably be a step ahead (as if he need it!). It's kind of like Bread week with two Italian bread challenges, which Giuseppe nailed. I'm sure these themes are planned out well in advance, so I'm sure it is a coincidence.
  4. We desperately need a meme of this! After reading your comment, I had a 5 minute laughing jag (which had my husband running in to see what was going on!) just remembering that scene. Absolutely bonkers!
  5. Jughead, from the Archie comics. (But Jughead never sported a neon red mustache.)
  6. I'm so happy for Chigs' win - he really nailed his bakes and the Star Baker title was well deserved. I must admit I wasn't sure he would be around very long due to his short history with baking. He's certainly proving me wrong! I'll miss Maggie's positivity and upbeat personality. I'm sure she is an amazing baker, but the competition and timed baking aspect of Bake Off was a challenge for her. She has a lot to be proud of. I'm impressed with Jurgen and Giuseppe and look forward to their future bakes. I'm rooting for Lizzie- love her sense of humor and accent!
  7. I liked Chastity's look and couldn't figure out why it was in the bottom. Megan's look seemed less flattering than Caycee's and looked liked there were construction issues where the seams were gathered. Darren is not long for the competition and I really feel the judges should have made an exception and sent him home despite his team winning. For someone else to put together his entire look is a new first.
  8. I agree with your points about how Sutton is being portrayed at the reunion and WWHL. I'm wondering if it is Andy's doing or the producers of the shows. Andy's Jackhole roast of Sutton fell flat with the studio audience, so hopefully he gets the message.
  9. https://tenor.com/bjLm8.gif I have read a post that her constant lip licking has to do with her lip fillers. I'll try to find the source- don't want to paraphrase the wrong thing.
  10. Rinna came for Garcelle so strongly in the beginning, even interrupting Dorit's nonsense with a snide remark and then yelling at Garcelle not to tell her what to do. Yet... within 5 minutes, she was literally cozying up to her, trying to be besties again. I'm thinking that when her denial of the "bringing race into the show" comment didn't work, she regrouped and decided to make nice. I believe she is trying to avoid another PR nightmare. And, I also agree with you astute posters that Kyle was likely the source of that gem.
  11. Maybe she should have treated it more like a business and not just a "store!"
  12. I was laughing out loud at everyone's reaction to Jurgen explaining his baby bread (during the preparation time, not at judging). Loved the quips! Again this year, I am enjoying everything about this wonderful show. I have watched from the beginning (in US, so not the very beginning) and have enjoyed the various hosts and judges (Mary Berry is a treasure!) and what they bring to the program. I think we all have our favorites and others will not live up to them, in our eyes. Each year, it is so much fun to get to know the contestants and so very hard to see them leave the tent. This year, as per usual, I am enjoying the diversity and the accents (closed captioning is a must for me!). It's just a lovely show and I'm a big fan.
  13. I have to speak up for the guests (gospel singer and friends) who tipped $15,000. Many of the Galley Talk commentators thought it was a small tip, but this was a 1 day charter, so that should be taken into account. Not bad for a day's work! (I really wished I could have spoken to them through the tv at that point!)
  14. I'm so glad you brought that up! Malia was Tom's sous chef last season, bosun duties be damned! We knew she was a huge hypocrite and this apparently hasn't changed. Mat is indeed a fragile little flower, which is too bad, because I was hoping he would redeem himself after the shenanigans of the beginning of the season. I guess he brings the drama...
  15. I'm not a Lisa fan, so may be biased, but she's always come across and superficial and fake ("I love that! on virtually everything she sees). To act all innocent at the gin bar with Whitney just confirms it. She gave Whitney no ammunition, so Whitney's attempt at clearing the air just flopped. At least she said her piece. Based on the previews of Lisa and Whitney in the restaurant, I'm speculating that this is the restaurant the cancelling caterers own.
  16. I was on reddit the other day and there was a link to the article about the accident. It was in the SLC newspaper. Unlike the stories Erika spins...
  17. That was the oddest look yet. At first I though Seth was wearing a name tag, then as I rewound it, I saw that he was wearing a shirt and jacket with the Brooks Marks label tape stretching across both. Well, at least we can't accuse him of copying other designers this time!
  18. Another Shawn and Sarah spoiler. I can't confirm this, just a reddit member who saw something that make my head spin....
  19. Oh, you very practical and intelligent person! This is not actual yachting, it is reality tv. I think this is the first season there were no hookups, which I think is one of the key goals the producers have in regards to casting. They also like to cast people who are inefficient or inept at their jobs, or just plain crazy- brings the drama. If this were real yachting, I completely agree with your point. I used to serve at high end catering events during summers (former teacher) and I worked my fanny off, despite being way older than most of the staff.
  20. They beat them to it!! Gobi and Auntie, I love the titles you came up with. Much better than "Prison Ramen." The author of that book should have consulted with you!
  21. PK definitely deserves the diamond more than Dorit, and he came up with some of the same thoughts I had when I first saw Erika's IG posts. However, his performance at the finale dinner, sitting next to Erika and then later only the two of them, was disappointing. I thought for sure he would say SOMETHING of interest or drop a zinger. Do you think he's trying to sign Erika Jayne to his management group? She could do a duet with Boy George.
  22. I agree that the prison recipes look nasty, despite Lisa pronouncing them "gourmet." However, with all the LOL fandom and general parolees out there,someone from the show needs to put together a Prison Food Cookbook, complete with anecdotes and witticisms. I can't seem to come up with a cute title...any ideas?
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