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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Speaking of making pacts, I 100% believe that the FF5 have made a pact to support each other, come hell or high water. There are so many indications of this throughout the last 3 seasons. One tiny example is during the reunion, when Erika is going on about how she is cooperating with the investigation (😒), Dorit chimes in with her comment and Rinna taps on her leg to shush her. It's like she is reminding her, "We've all agreed to have Erika's back, only facial expressions expressing surprise or sadness are allowed."
  2. I love caramel, so even though there were a lot of similarities among the three challenges, my mouth was watering. I would have loved to try Chigs' signature bake, with the thick caramel and chocolate- sugar coma, here I come! I don't think it should matter how Lizzie's Showstopper looked inside the vase- the overall presentation was really great. It seems that the taste may not have been up to her usual levels. That was a close call. Every week, I think to myself, maybe this will be the week that Lizzie is excited about the theme. But, no! She views each of the baking themes as a challenge. Yet, she has done quite well, despite her worries. On the other hand, George has this great positivity about each bake, which hasn't always worked out in his favor. I was very happy that his Showstopper was so successful. Not only did he use sugar, a more difficult ingredient for the sugar work, but the taste and look were both loved by the judges.
  3. I am on Pacific Time also, and on Xfinity. I can watch it at 6 pm and was able to join the live chat. I hope you can find it next time, because the live chat is a hoot! (One tip that may help is I searched for LAL via voice remote. When I went to WeTv channel, it was showing old episodes of Law and Order). Renata's comments made me smile tonight. She thinks Stan bought the wigs for Lisa because he felt her short haircut would attract other women. No, first of all, Lisa requested the wigs. And, most importantly, her atrocious extensions will turn off any potential lover, no matter the gender.
  4. Tonight on Dateline: Death at the Rock Wall, Murder or Accident?
  5. Brittany's mom looks much better. Cat coming out of cupboard was cute.
  6. I got to admit that Stan gets pretty tickled over the little things in his life. He doesn't exactly reach for the stars...
  7. I wonder if Stan's night terrors include badly applied hair extensions?
  8. Thank goodness Britney doesn't want to control Ray. Can you imagine what that would look like?
  9. I think Stan would enjoy Renata and Lisa in bed together, as long as he could join in.
  10. "Those wigs are horrendous," says the lady with the neon pink hair.
  11. Britney really knows how to f-up a relationship. Blowing up the phone and then dropping in on his friends house, and then making a scene...
  12. I'm hoping this is true, although I'm still on the fence with Crystal. She's bringing some great stuff to the show, but still makes some disturbing comments from time to time, leaving me puzzled. What is really troubling is that I have read that Teddi is currently filming with the HWs (hopefully as a "friend of" or very limited capacity) and they are bringing on a friend of Rinna to join the cast (again, don't know the role). We need more of Garcelle and Sutton's friends! The FF5 doesn't need to get bigger and meaner!
  13. I don't think Shantall should have won with that print- the flowers weren't the focal point. They were very small and delicate and the print certainly wouldn't be described as a floral print. I do think her design and craftsmanship were excellent, though. (Walter'sHair, I also noticed that she was partial to that aesthetic!) I liked Coral's design. Several of these designers never seem to get much air time. I guess we can determine who is in the top and bottom by the amount of airtime they receive. If they are ignored, they are "safe." Bravo online has a contest in which we can vote for our favorite look and enter a contest. It's nice to see a photo of each look, along with the designers name.
  14. It's even more ridiculous coming from Kyle who is the queen of anxiety and almost had a fit at the thought of the presence of an animal at the Chinese New Year celebration (yes, those lion dancers can be quite agressive!). Kyle made sure to stay out of the crosshairs this reunion and just chimed in with a quip or wide-eyed expression from time to time.
  15. Not only is Erika a liar, she has lied so much that she is forgetting her lies now, just as we predicted she would. She completely forgot that she said Tom's car drove off the cliff and rolled over numerous times. Now it is just her son's car that rolled over. She lied about Tom not cheating on her to Garcelle, about her forgiving Sutton, and all her crazy accident/robbery stories. Yet, she becomes unglued about Sutton questioning her about it.
  16. Apparently First Officer has the important duty of carrying large amounts of cushions to the dock picnic. 😉
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