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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I saw on Reddit that someone had posted the image of Nicolle prepping for the wedding in the park bathroom and asked for a caption. I think that may be fun to try here. After all, this group is so witty and clever! Any takers? My caption: The Flushing Blushing Bride
  2. Your post is so great! Re: Daonte's red velvet slippers- I had the same thought the entire time he was out of his car. Don't get mud on the slippers!!!
  3. I 100% believe that gifting those items (which she admitted she had in her closet, not purchased with the ladies in mind) was a ploy to get the women on her side. I think Whitney feels betrayed because she has been the closest to Mary up until this point and Mary just pulled the rug out from under her. It hits close to home when you've invested time and attention in someone who you thought was your friend. Logically, Whitney can see Mary for who she is, but she is responding to the hurt she feels about the betrayal.
  4. I'm in complete agreement with you. This show is crazy! But, I love how these ladies are actually responding to the wild stuff they are learning about Jen and Mary. Very unlike the HW of Beverly Hills who, for the most part, decided to act as though Erika was the victim. Tonight when Heather was saying that no one is willing to own up to what they were saying the previous night because they were all afraid of Mary- THAT was realness.
  5. I just love the holiday specials! I may have to go back and rewatch some old ones. It was great to see the bakers again and enjoy their creativity. It seemed like no one really nailed the signature bake- not enough proving time, or too many ingredients impeding the yeast's action. I loved what Rosie did with the gingerbread houses for decor, though. The showstoppers were a lot of fun. Everyone really stepped up and gave us a lot of elements. It was great that Ruby and Jamie took a more whimsical approach to their Christmas dinner. James and Rosie really impressed me with the variety of bakes. Tom Allen is snarky fun on An Extra Slice, and he can't really do that in the tent, since the hosts need to be supportive and good natured, rather than snarky. So, I prefer him on the other show, but felt he did well as a sub for Noel. And finally... I now know what Christmas pudding is! It is so iconic in illustrations, literature and culture, but didn't really know what it was like inside. Maybe I'll have to try to make one myself. 😊
  6. This could be a recurring statement on each and every LAL episode thread!
  7. She'll have to continue the tradition of wearing a crazy colored bra with her wedding dress... during the wedding.
  8. Shawn's another one who can NOT read a person at all. What is it about Sara's mom says she is going to be happy about anything you have to offer?
  9. As if I wasn't already on turkey overload, bring on the turkeys!
  10. Also, I have been rooting for Aaron this whole time and would have been so happy to see his design in the top had it not been for his diatribe against Bones. That was really uncalled for and I'm glad Bones held him accountable. I hope there was an apology that we didn't see. Bones may be outspoken, but he seems like a very caring and open person. I didn't like the way Aaron was shutting him down, either.
  11. I gasped at the tv a few times tonight... Anna's original idea for a trash-bag bubble skirt was so bad, especially with all that volume of the puffer sleeves. I would think something sleek and tailored would have worked better, not the ruffly mess they ended up with. And, a staple gun??? Nor was I impressed with Shantell's patchwork fur coat. I thought it looked tacky and super bulky. I agree with the judges that having something lighter under it would have been better, but the patchwork itself just did me in. I predicted that Christian would save her, and I am fine with that because I believe she is one of the talented designers and would like to see more. I didn't mind Kristina's outfit, especially after she made the changes, although the quilting and the fur patchwork together was just too much. The van accident was just so scary. I'm glad no one was seriously injured, though it must have been hard to process that in the middle of a competition. No down time for some TLC.
  12. I lost track of how many times Robyn referred to "Kody's guidelines" when referring to their Covid protocols. I'm from a state with a dense population and we are still masking up, so I completely understand doing what we can to prevent the spread of this disease. My issue is with Robyn. She is large and in charge, but wants her image to be sweet, meek wife who loves all the sister wives and is going along with Kody's rules to keep everyone healthy. Too bad the secret was out when Kody asked his boss if Sol and Ari would be able to attend the going away party. It's Robyn who is behind the super strict protocols (with Kody as the super spreader- tell me how that makes sense!). I think the big issue with Robyn not wanting to run after the young'uns at the BBQ is that she doesn't want to be perceived as the nagging mom. She knew she would be the most worried about the kids interacting too closely and she would have to get after them. It's a repeat of last year's imaginary conflict that Robyn wanted to RENT a house as opposed to buying one...guess who ends up owning a million dollar mansion? With Robyn, it's all about her image. On the last episode, she even told Kody that she didn't want to move back to Utah, but he needs to tell Christine that it was what HE wants, and not mention Robyn. Snake!
  13. Exactly this! Until Heather let loose in her bikini in the hot tub and showed a different side to her, she was the target of Frazer. Now, he is on Jessica's case and teaming up with Heather (very unprofessional for a superior to gossip about a crew member as opposed to training/guiding her). He's complained about everything since day 1, yet says Jessica is a mopey complainer. I was hoping we could have another rare season without the mean girls club (I know Kate is a fan favorite, but I didn't care for the way she teamed up with one of her crew against the odd person out). I also have heard that the tip is provided by the guests (production gives a recommended amount, and they can go up or down from there). I think the guests decide how much they will tip and charge it on their bill. Production comes up with the actual cash to make the distribution scene happen after each charter. In this case, I can believe that the guests decided on the suitcase gimmick- I'm sure they thought it would be fun. After all, I think many of us, knowing we would be on Below Deck, would come up with some creative ideas to make us stand out (hopefully in a positive way!).
  14. I'm sure Crystelle and Chigs are wishing they had kissed that spoon now! I'm happy for Giuseppe's win. He is a very accomplished baker and carrying on with the family legacy. Seeing his dad on that video message really choked me up (along with Giuseppe). Even though the bakers weren't as flawless as they were last week, this final was a good one, with all three being so close. It was great to see Crystelle win her first technical. I think Chigs is amazing, how he was able to accomplish such a level of baking after only 12 18 months! I was very impressed with his Showstopper. I loved the ending montage- we've come to love the bakers and it's so nice to catch up with what they are doing, and to know they are staying in touch with each other is heart warming. I can't wait for the holiday episodes!
  15. This was my take away from the episode, too! I had a friend who used to invite me over for raclette. So delicious! I may have to look into buying a new gadget for the holidays!
  16. No disrespect to Christine, who I actually like, especially in light of recent events, but I couldn't believe it when she said that she was disappointed that the homes were to be built so far apart on Coyote Pass, unlike the cul de sac they had in Vegas. She was lamenting being so far apart...Girl, you are the one who put the kibosh on the one giant home idea!
  17. I laughed a lot this week when Frazer was going on about Jessica complaining a lot. Really, Frazer?
  18. Last season on An Extra Slice, we were able to see a few behind the scenes bits from inside the practice tent (as well as a get together in the hotel). It looked as though each baker had a sectioned off tent area to practice in. They were having a lot of fun interacting with each other. One of the bakers was taking the video and "interviewing" the others (why can't I remember the name of the "messy bekker" from Scotland?)
  19. I don't know which is worse... their skating outfits or their glitterescense bubble jackets.
  20. I can't believe how many silly skits Paul has agreed to this year! I have this thought that maybe being in the bubble, he, Noel and Matt are enjoying a pint after filming and come up with ideas for crazy opening sketches. They all have a laugh and before you know it, Paul has agreed to it!
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