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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I agree that the images they have shown us of Turkey are wonderful. I went there briefly as part of a cruise, to Kusadasi and Ephesus. The people there were so friendly and welcoming. I would love to return and really see the sites. I was drooling over the scenes in Columbia. I loved the area with the waterfalls last week and then this week, that resort was to die for. Just my cup of tea!
  2. Gino should have thought about a Christmas gift, even if it was something not so expensive. My husband is from Mexico and when we visit, we have to have enough money for travel, expenses AND gifts. We save for quite a while to be able to share our blessings with family.
  3. What a yell-fest. I think a few of these ladies (Jen, Whitney) need to lay off the alcohol for a bit. Maybe they would make a bit more sense. But, that is being optimistic.
  4. I was kind of living for Alicia Keys as a guest this week. She looked beautiful and had great things to say to the queens, including some inspirational words. I enjoyed Lady Camden's looks and talent- very creative. Angeria has some amazing fashions. I loved how much the queens were getting along and uplifting each other. Too bad about Daya Betty... I bet she had some great looks in store for us. I would much rather have no eliminations during the first episodes.
  5. Gabby is running through Chris' money like there's no tomorrow. She'll have $45,000 worth of wedding dresses and nothing else to show for it. I hate to say it, but she makes me root for the felon.
  6. Indie's mom needs to offer her services to ALL the LAL/LDL cast.
  7. Indie, Harry knows you will have more money to put on his books if you stay where you are. Moving takes money...
  8. IF only Michael Scott were in this forum to say, "That's what she said."
  9. She could probably have the same stimulating conversation with the steak as with Dalton...
  10. Such a romantic date night. The only thing missing is... the date!
  11. When I'm dead, I DO NOT want to hear more drama about Tai and Hottie.
  12. Posting dance videos on TikTok? This girl is OUTRAGEOUS!!! 😉
  13. Hi Bunkies, I"ll be here until everyone shows up for Family Game Night. I have an important announcement to make about my felon fella in Ohio!
  14. I've liked the designs of both Aaron and Coral, until tonight. Both of them are very talented and put a lot of work into their creations. Aaron designed a very complex rain trench with a very flawed jumpsuit, while Coral missed the mark- none of her outfit/hair was cohesive. I would have liked to see Aaron stay, but the judges were never as impressed with him as I was.
  15. This reminded me of the old adage, "she cut off her nose to spite her face." She was obviously upset with Heather questioning her about the preference sheet, but refusing the delicious food after an apology and things made right is just punishing herself. And it makes her look petty.
  16. Fraser is now worried that Heather and the new stew will be hanging out together and he'll be the odd man out--kind of like what they did with Jess, right? What a hypocrite!
  17. I was really irate listening to Robyn and Meri say that they were the only ones trying to hold this family together. Is it Opposite Day? They are the most selfish and self-centered of the wives (Kody takes that title above all) and only care about their wants and desires. I don't like Meri because she can be a tyrant, but now that she has lost her power, I can tolerate her. I like that she is staying with Kody out of spite and for the TLC paycheck and fame. Robyn is completely void of decency. She is manipulative and lies to make herself look good. She gave herself away this season when she told Kody she did not want to move back to Utah, but when he talks to Christine, don't say it was her saying it. Just like, don't say those are her uber strict Covid rules. She thinks she is the Brown family scapegoat, but she is just the goat (apologies to goats everywhere.)
  18. This is so well stated. And, in part, Janelle was referring to this idea when she mentioned that loyalty should flow in both directions. Sometimes these ladies have some valid and reasonable points in their talking heads and I would just LOVE to see them say it to Kody!!
  19. Jen is completely unhinged- again! I bet her attorney just loves Sunday nights! 😉
  20. The producers agree with me that Teddy was the most interesting thing happening at Seth's birthday party.
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