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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Poor Gabby! She even got her nails done to match his prison outfit. 😉
  2. Maybe she's constantly misplacing her keys and figured out a solution...
  3. Tai's phone is going to ruin this date in 4...3..2...1....
  4. NO, Max, you are not at rock bottom- you are still on my teevee.
  5. Are we finally going to find out if Tara is on this show?
  6. Why wasn't Chris' phone card filled up- he had a settlement. Oh, I forgot, Gabby is running through his money like water.
  7. She's going to start packing NOW? Is she moving into the halfway house, too?
  8. "I don't think we're going to capture any of THOSE things..." -embarassed photographer.
  9. Why shouldn't she judge him based on his name Angel--- I guess he's not a nice guy?
  10. OOH! I can't wait for Gabby's potential mother-in-law to give it to her!
  11. I'm in agreement with the top two designers this episode. I think Shantall and Coral really put their all into their designs and the photos turned out stunning. I was not impressed with the other designs, although Bones' dress was beautiful without the added head wrap. I have liked Bones' personality and character from the beginning and it was hard to see him go. Maybe Christian will continue wearing the durag in his honor as the season continues. 😉
  12. I know a lot of people didn't get to hear about the tip- it was $25,000 total or around $2275 each. Captain Lee started a pot for Kaylee by putting in $100 and said anyone else who wanted to could add to it. I think that's a fairer way of doing it rather than including her in the split, since she was only there for one day. I know the staff was hoping for a really big tip, especially Rachel, who killed it with the Japanese tasting menu. She is an amazing talent and I'm so glad she's on point this year! Maybe I'm a skeptical person, but I wondered if the guest with the earache was just faking it because she was in a bad mood from the night before (dinner fiasco). No, I'm not accusing, just saying it passed through my mind a few times...
  13. This is spot on. I really feel for the nonRobyn kids. I am glad they have supportive moms and siblings, because their dad is a spoiled narcissist. I'm so glad I can come to this forum and read your comments. You all have said exactly what I have been thinking. If I didn't have this outlet, I think my head would explode during one of Kody's asinine confessionals!
  14. We saw several of them peeling off bills to give Kaylee, specifically Captain Lee, Rachel and Eddie. I think they ALL did it, including Rayna, because in the van she said she liked the tip, but didn't like sharing her money with the new stew (to me that indicates she also donated $100 for Kaylee's combined tip.)
  15. I had the impression that Memphis was using that broken English as a misguided attempt to "better communicate" with Hamza, but after seeing the "I need to poop" scene, maybe she is just socially immature. And poor Hamza was perched outside the bathroom, enjoying the ambiance, and waiting for his little sweetie to finish her job so he could applaud her.
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