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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Are Daonte and Lindsay going to be on this season? That is a real dumpster fire.
  2. Lacey's doing a good job of setting up her storyline this season- problems between mom and Lacey.
  3. Hers is quite a sad story arc. I don't think the tv fame and money is benefitting her.
  4. Harry looks better with his braids, not into his intro video look.
  5. HI Bunkies! The season premier calls for a real drink tonight, no more electrolyte mix served in a margarita glass!
  6. I understand the crew gets to drink the boat's alcohol supplies (all the better for the hookups and drama, my dear!), but I was flabbergasted that they were guzzling (literally) Don Julio 1942. That stuff is close to $200 per bottle, when you can get it.
  7. I usually can't tell if someone is wearing extensions except for the giveaway stroking of the hair. It's constant! I have very long hair and spend no time caressing and stroking my locks. I agree it is very strange.
  8. I noticed Michelle was wearing green...I thought she strongly disliked that color?
  9. * Indie plans to pick up Harry at the halfway house in a few weeks. Yolanda plans to interrogate him about his extracurricular activities. * Max and Alessa are once again sharing a bed. Max is talking to multiple inmates, but he isn't sharing that with Alessa. * Haley and Hendrix have moved into their new home. They can't wait for Dalton to join them, hopefully in time for Valentine's Day. * Santina has met a new guy,,,he's serving 10 years on a drug charge. * Tai has blocked Hottie...and she's giving all her attention to BB and Anthony and Jose and Carrington. * Gabby is planning her wedding to Chris. She will pick him up...alone... when he is released from federal prison in March.
  10. I have a couple of unpopular opinions (based on what's going around on the internet): I liked Willow's creativity and she is one of my favorites, but the thongs around her legs did not do it for me. It was unique, but the effect of the panties hanging down was not flattering, IMHO. I liked Lady Camden's runway look. I thought it was fun and she looked great with the makeup and wig. I thought "costumey" was an acceptable look for drag. School me, please.
  11. I agreed with all of this until I saw the end montage of Santiba contacting another prisoner. She really needs to find her worth (not saying that all those incarcerated are not worthy, but she could try aiming for a relationship someone who is free).
  12. I'm gutted by Haley falling for Dalton's crap again...but then, who could resist a letter like that??!! 😜
  13. I wonder if they are going to replay the Indie/Harry scenes in the new season of LAL?
  14. Okay, fess up- which one of you bunkies dm'd Harry? 😂
  15. If you had Gabby out there waiting for you, would you be??
  16. But, Gabby, what about your plan to storm the prison???
  17. I know! I was trying to find the vomit emoji on my keyboard!!!
  18. Yep, I'm in for the road trip/intervention/potential kidnapping.
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