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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. The timeline with Harry and Indie doesn't add up- they have a full kitchen of food and have been there only part of 1 night???
  2. I've got my stripper heels on, waiting on my boo, and will gladly pass the next hour with all of you.
  3. I'm sure he decided not to tell the others about his lack of smell/taste, since it is a competition and he didn't know any of these chefs prior to this. In a group challenge, everyone will work together to taste each other's dishes and give feedback. But, in solo competitions, he wouldn't know if someone would try to sabotage him or not want to give him pointers.
  4. He certainly had me fooled this entire time--- until he came up with that cock-and-bull story about the day of the arrest.
  5. Thank you so much for sharing this article. It was great and I learned so much! This episode made me want to travel to Houston and experience the Night Market. It was so appealing visually and can only imagine how it would spark the others senses, as well- particularly smell and taste! One of the things I love about Top Chef is the effort they put into highlighting the hosting cities, allowing us to get a glimpse of their cuisine and culture.
  6. I saw on Social Media that there was an 8th passenger who opted out of the charter due to the atrocious behavior of the primary trio at the airport. He posted that he stayed on the island and did his own thing so he wouldn't have to deal with those wackos (my words, not his). He said that the trio is trying to spin their portrayal as acting, and he says it was all true, if not worse. The airport behavior was enough to have him decide to forego the yacht charter. I bet Rhett and his wife wish they had made the same decision.
  7. That primary was horrible, in so many ways. I can't imagine having to wait on him, let alone be one of his guests listening to his venom for hours on end. Rhett and his hairdresser wife earned my admiration for standing up to his nonsense. Poor Marcos! I couldn't watch some of the scenes, too cringeworthy. I wanted him to rest his head and take it easy. He had to continue to work with that nasty gash and serve loads of food to (some) unappreciative guests. OOH...did I really need to see Daisy and Gary make out in the hot tub? Stay away from demon alcohol, kids! 😉
  8. I was delighted when Mahogany's parents showed up at breakfast. Yes, I'm sure it was arranged by the producers, but I'm just glad it softened the blow that Ben was trying to inflict on her by standing her up. There is a lot of fishy stuff happening with Mahogany, but I believe those two are her parents...I see family resemblance.
  9. I was interested to hear about this, as well. It must have been one of Jen's many "assistants," since they were giving her a ride, but couldn't pick her up from Heather's house due to stealing from Heather. That makes a few people Jen associates with that supposedly steal (the alleged shoplifter at Meredith's store). Birds of a feather...
  10. You make some really good points about the number of episodes being preplanned. I just hope that production didn't cut the queens' funny lines to make them all seem unsuccessful. I'm sure they added rules about interruptions- the banter between the celebrities that are usually so hilarious, if their end goal was to have a lip synch contest next week. It was very odd that so many of the queens seemed very prepared for their Snatch Game characters, but couldn't deliver the humor. Willow didn't seem to bring any jokes and Lady Camden seems to have a bit of nerves in situations like this. Daya's Ozzy was abysmal.
  11. I wonder what bomb Raydean and fam dropped? Guess we'll find out together next week. See you, then, Bunkies!
  12. Will Kayla track Kevin's phone to the Halfway House and show up???
  13. If you declare it on national tv, Martel may just hear about your sex life.
  14. Me, too. She was something else. And her mom was even crazier.
  15. Kevin is two-timing his prison girlfriend. I think Kayla is going to punish him for using her.
  16. There were two guys that season with facial tattoos. Alex and Glorietta from Sacramento and the other couple that had laundry room sex.
  17. Great, Rick, share the details of the skimpy lingerie with Raydean's parents.
  18. That may be true, but I've seen (not saying where!!) families go ballistic over little slights before- and this is rather big, since the whole family was there welcoming him home with a special meal.
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