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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. She probably calls him "Super Power Daddy." The one with the invisibility cloak.
  2. Kaylah needs to realize that every minute she continues with Martel is ANOTHER minute wasted and leave now!
  3. Antoine really looks like a winner, no? Are the pickings really that slim out here in the real world???
  4. Unless your soulmate gets extra years added on to her sentence, Chazz, your marriage will not succeed.
  5. Oh, no! Chance is back and I just finished cleaning off the tomatoes on my tv from last week!
  6. OOH, I thought he was going to say "aggravated assault." The stabbing in the sleep comment kinda fit.
  7. Harry, just like every other prisoner fiancé, is singing a different tune now that he is free to do as he pleases. They drop the partner as soon as possible.
  8. Harry doesn't need a psychic or ANYONE in his life telling him how to live it. He is doing such a great job all on his own.
  9. Curtis' eyes were rolling around in his head when he hit that pavement.
  10. Nap - check Coffee- check White Claw - check Chicken Balls- check I think I'm ready to snark!
  11. Tom made a big mistake by not informing anyone of the changing wind conditions and not being aware of the anchor dragging. But, he probably could have salvaged his job if he had a different attitude when Glenn spoke to him about it. Now Glenn doesn't feel like he can be trusted with anything other than a chamois. Tom's go-to response is to get defensive and argumentative, even though I can see that he does feel bad when he is talking to himself.
  12. I love Leslie Jordan and was so happy to see him as director. He is such a positive person and seemed to really appreciate what the queens were bringing. I took his comment about being a drag queen in Atlanta as being a set up for the joke: his name was Baby Wipes!
  13. Absolutely! At least she's got spunk and can see him for what he is. Can you imagine waiting 13 years for that? I would have been so disappointed and over it.
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