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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I think Karen, Oded, Joanna, Colin, and the Nemo actor all did a great job with very weak and frankly mingboggingly-nonsensical writing. It's clear the writers never gave a crap about the Aladdin story, and wanted to wrap it up quickly so they just random plot twists out of their asses. I loved Snow challenging the vikings to darts err knives. I have no idea who Jenn and Lana were playing tonight. And I still have zero fucks to give about any and all Stiltkins.
  2. Blackish is 100% safe, and will anchoring an hour somewhere next fall. The ModFam situation is complicated. 20th wants a two year renewal, but ABC only wants ti commit to one. There are also internal issues with the cast. Aside from Paul Lee announcing everything right before the upfronts in 2015, typically announces at least some renewals early, sometimes as early as January. In fact, Lee's shenanigans two years almost cost the network The Middle, which is part I think Dungey renewed it so early this year. Also, CBS and NBC have announced most of their renewals already. The only shows that still have a shot but havent been renewed are those with contract issues such as Criminal Minds.
  3. I wonder if A&E made a wish in a fountain in Vancouver New York. Not necessairly. Since at least the Steve McPherson regime, ABC typically makes announcements of any nature at the end of the week.
  4. My friend that works at ABC Studios said big announcements are coming from ABC this week, possibly Thursday, but more likely Friday. She also said the casts and crews of all ABC shows produced by ABC Studios will be formally told about renewal or cancellation by the end of the week. Apparantly there are tax issues, crew contracts, and other matters that have to be settled by the end of the second week of April.
  5. I'm digusted that Kenya and Anthony have been making the media rounds defending the casting of Brown. And I find Tracee's silence telling. ETA: I wonder when Joe Mixon, Ray Rice, and Bill Cosby will be stopping by.
  6. They actually launched a whole campaign based on the new alternate/virtual story.
  7. Welp, at least Maggie sorta kinda had a story this week.
  8. He's also a homophobic peice of shit. I stopped and then deleated the ep the second I saw him. What the hell was ABC thinking?!?
  9. The 'Hook killed Grandpa Charming' ep which hit a series low in live+same day with a 0.8, has gone up to a 1.3 in live+7. It's pretty remarkable because the show has been getting absolutely no lift in C+3, live+3, or live+7 since near the end of 5A. Before, during, and after the Frozen bump, this show was a dvr darling then at some in 5A people just stopped dvr'ing it.
  10. It looks like board ate my original post. In the May sweeps materials, Once is being described as a 'finale'.
  11. Right, CBS running off-time wont have any affect on the other nets as far as adjustments. The only affect would he if say someone watches Once and 60M, and when given a choice would go with 60M over Once. That said, I highly doubt there is any audiance crossover between them. 60M skews very rich, extremely old, and super liberal. Once skews really young because its parents in their 30s watching with their kids and tweens.
  12. And in related news, the CEO of Sears told employees about his exiciting new plan for stores (in which they were chains on the door, no customers, no employees, and no merchandise)! That was a totally different situation. There, the studio never even approached Stana to renew her contract and was instead making preparations for a season 9 without her, meanwhile the network (and TNT) was explicit that they werent interested in the show without Nathan AND Stana. Here, neither the network nor studio is taking any action towards even a possible renewal/reboot/whatever. A&E had a meeting with Dungey months ago about a possible season 7 and jack squat has been said or done since.
  13. It's my personal belief that ABC execs, possibly even Paul Lee himself, heavily interferred in 5A. Because as non-sensical as 4B was, i will never ever believe that A&E for all their faults either planned or intended what we saw on screen for 5A.
  14. Ok, then he has had two years to fix it and hasnt done anything. And it isnt gray at all; he is in the country illegally. He is a criminal.
  15. I loved Garrett & Dina trying to define their relationship, but the troll plot was awful, and I just rolled my eyes at Mateo. He is in this country illegally and is apparantly using a stolen ss number, though not card, to work at that location. And that doesnt get near his awful behavior. Jeff can do a lot better. Easily.
  16. I would love it if The Black Fairy's real name is Mary Poppins.
  17. I guess the thinking is that it allows them to test comedies out of AFV, doesnt waste new programming against Little Big Shots, and gives American Crime a "stronger" lead. Who knows though. The network has been talking about testing or outright moving Blackish to Tuesdays all season, and theyre finally doing it this and next week but with repeats.
  18. Hearing Time After Time MAY get pulled as early as this week "with Once shifting to 9 for its final episodes and Fresh/blackish repeats sloting in at 8".
  19. I think ABC is in an extremely difficult position with Quantico. Its U.S. ratings are horrific, but ABC Studios is making a killing in international sales revenues and its international ratings are excellent. And Disney really wants to be in business with Chopra. That said, even if ABC were to drag it through another two seasons to get to 88 episodes, I highly doubt it will land a domestic off-network or syndication deal. That Shield landed an off-network deal after three seasons/66 episodes is huge as dramas are having an extremely hard time landing off-network and syndication deals now. NBC's Chicago Fire was taken out to market this time last year and still hasnt had any interest despite it being essentially a procedural. And what ironic is that its procedural/generic CBS dramas that really caused this. Networks and syndicators paid huge sums for Hawaii 5-O, Mentalist, Person of Interest, Elementary, NCIS LA, and Good Wife in recent years and all bombed in off-network and syndication. All of that said, I am a bit surprised that Once didnt get anything, even from an in-house Disney-owned network. At the very least the first season and a half was really good and the episodes were fairly standalone provided you knew the series' general premise.
  20. I honestly dont see how ABC can do another 8 weeks of this hot mess schedule. NBC's is almost as bad. And as bad as Once has become, it's still amazing compared to the shittiness of Time After Time, Chicago Justice, and Shades of Blue. I have each of them 20 minutes of my time and all three are so horrific that I would give anything for some memory tea to forget them.
  21. Does anyone know what the series low in the demo is?
  22. Is ABC promoting the series at all anymore? I'm seriously asking because I dvr everything and dont watch ads. Ive seen a lot for Dancing and Quantico on the ESPN's when I'm at the gym. It's been pointed out to me that in the last 20 odd years, only Home Improvement, NYPD Blue, Lost, and Desperate Housewives got big final season sendoffs. Most even long-running shows just had their series finale announced and promotes a week or so ahead.
  23. I literally just finished the episode, and the only thing I remember is that dead animal on poor Emilie's head being passed. off as a wig.
  24. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with someone who works in a hospital, let alone an emergency department, knows that sometimes thing happen, plans change, and meals get skipped. Tate's attitude about her forgetting their lunxh date was really pathetic, and spoke loudly to his attitude you've both enunciated above.
  25. Milo is my type to the extent that when it comes to guys my type actually is Milo-lookings guys. But if he really has turned into a douche because of this show, I dont care how awesome his ass, tri's, whatever look . . . a bad attitude is a huge turn off.
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