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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I am reading a new book, not by LM Montgomery, but a big fan of hers. It is Marilla of Green Gables and tells the story of Marilla growing up. I am only about 1/4 through but I am enjoying it.
  2. Yeah As Chief of Staff it is kinda expected that you would show up,at work. And also have a way to communicate with on site staff.
  3. What the frack did I just watch? Winds so strong that they can push a selfie stick threw someone’s brain? Winds so strong that the Chief of Staff of a huge hospital makes no attempt to go into work? Most hospitals I have worked in have a generator that kicks in pretty quickly if power is lost. Or bare minimal, will divert to the closest floor and the doors will open. And of course the time to tell someone you are pregnant is in the middle of surgery. and really really pissed that the woman worried about her Mom and her dogs is the one that dies
  4. I do think Andrew was mocking the woman having the anxiety attack. Anxiety attacks are a real thing and something she needs help with. Making fun of her is I called for.
  5. How did Rag Doll know that Barry was the Flash?
  6. I love Gus the dog going down the river in a canoe. He just looks so darn happy drifting away, and even barks Hello to the guy fishing.
  7. That was a true ly depressing episode. And there is no way Frankie was A) Hired by the chief of staff because she was good with central lines as a nursing student and b) was only 28 weeks pregnant with the belly of a woman about to pop.
  8. Just realized that’s the women are blue and the me are red.
  9. Dear Christy there is a lovely place that is quiet and perfect for studying. its called a public library.
  10. I really enjoyed this episode. I want a little playhouse I can escape into! ESP one with electricity that can make snacks! i love that Leonard gave the grant money to himself. Did not see that coming! I hope the “crows are out for revenge” is carried over for a few episodes.
  11. A little disappointed with the small number. With so many people to chose from, I wonder why so few were actually picked. Looks like the one lady has an epic breakdown next week.
  12. I am going to assume that this was a stand alone episode and everything will be back to normal next week? it was a fun episode though!
  13. Oh, that’s good. I never thought of that!!
  14. That was a waste of an episode. Ditch the Veterans vs Newvies theme and revert to the old, tired Men vs Women. what a disappointment
  15. I have often wondered if the landlord has to give discounts because of the lack of elevator access.
  16. Is a roof top garden really a good place for people with a mental illness?
  17. Really didn't like this episode. Not sure why - it just felt off.
  18. I thought Tam was going to tell Sheldon the reason he had to stay behind was because he got his girl friend pregnant
  19. I guess Adams dog must be offf playing with Howard and Bernadette’s ( BBT) children.
  20. No Bailey, Ben is not a surgeon. He is a Rookie Fire Fighter and his job is to go into burning buildings. I am no expert on Blind Dates but it seems to me "I'm a widow with 3 children" should be something you mention right away, so that if your date does not like children the date can end right away.
  21. Just discovered that Rogers Cable has the CW. YEAH!! channell 166 for anyone in the GTA
  22. Well that really sucks. Stupid CTV. Thanks. does that mean they won’t be airing Legends either??
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