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Just Wondering

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Everything posted by Just Wondering

  1. I have long wondered about this. Polygamous ladies are married to a man, but are expected to receive most of their emotional support, companionship, conflict resolution, and child-raising help from women. There is a name for that and it cuts out the middle man (literally). Anyway, polygamous fellows have basically found placeholders for their “wives” without having to allow other penises into the harem. These ladies are their very own eunuchs.
  2. The following is a quote shared on FB by Doris Hanson: “Elders, never love your wives one hair’s breadth further than they adorn the Gospel, never love them so but that you can leave them at a moment’s warning without shedding a tear. Should you love a child any more than this? No.” Brigham Young, June 15, 1856, Journal of Discourses Vol 3, pg 360
  3. Same. A couple of episodes ago, Kody mentioned having dinner with Logan.
  4. Kody: No, no! I didn’t want to take away Christmas. It was all a big misunderstanding about commercialism and the spirit of Christmas. He’s very comfortable with lying. And also cheap.
  5. Christine says they made it work because of the kids and doesn’t know if they would have done it otherwise. But they kept having kids, so something is not making sense here.
  6. Kody says he did shower at Christine’s a lot. Which is the lie?
  7. Why don’t we ever see a pic of Kody playing games with the kids? What about looking at a sunset with his arm around someone? Is it the Brown’s way of keeping us staring or are the wives low key dissing Kody’s fathering? Why doesn’t Kody put up any pics of the kiddos himself? I keep hearing about how their love for youngsters is so great that they fill planets with them in the afterlife, but I’ve seen more photos of Meri’s catfish debacle than Kody with his offspring in the present. (And by the time I’ve finished typing this, I don’t care anymore.)
  8. It’s odd that Kody felt he had to hide picking out a wedding dress with a future “wife” for a wedding that was no secret. And it’s telling that he instinctively knew his “wives” wouldn’t like it. But why? Kody and Robyn were already courting on the weekends, texting privately, talking on the phone, flirting, laughing, kissing, holding hands, planning a future, and getting to know each other’s children. How is dress shopping worse than the list above? So what if the other “wives” didn’t have the same opportunity. These ladies already knew from experience that complete equity is not and never will be possible in their situation. They nitpick over trifles while being smacked in the face hourly with harsher realities of their lifestyle. If Christine walked out of the interview at all, it should’ve been because her children, who were already doing without a great many things, were now going to do with a lot less. And by things, I mean father. Furthermore, how did this incident make them all stronger? Where is this strength on display? Have they solved world hunger? Brokered peace throughout the land? Because gaining the strength to accept that a man will never be satisfied with just you is pretty pointless in the grand scheme of the universe and really helps no one else. Of course it’s entirely possible that it was Robyn who wanted to keep the shopping trip secret because she knew the other wives would see it for what it was - the opportunity for Kody to admire her figure while she twirled and sashayed for him in private. Or it could be that since the “wives” shopping spree was already a scripted outing, Robyn did not want her sisterinmates having anything to do with her choice. She figured they would’ve had her in a pink polka dot flour sack - because it’s what shE would’ve done.
  9. Oh, fun! Kody would only have three wives due to continued financial straights. OR Meri would have found Kody a fourth wife who actually had a good enough job to justify her inclusion. Truely would be the youngest Brown. Mykelti, Maddie, and Aspyn would be married to cousins or uncles. The family would have to rent a room at Lizzie’s. Logan would still be doing dishes.
  10. The more I watch, the more I’m convinced this is an infomercial type ad for the property. Meri is talking about the poond (not a typo) as if it’s a great place to put a deck.
  11. Kody crying over the death of his dog broke me.
  12. Finally sitting down to watch this ep. Janelle exclaiming “Hallelujah!” was a first. In all these years, I’ve heard plenty of “my hells” and “damns”, but nary a “hallelujah”. Since I’ve not bought into the Coyote Pass Utopian Development or the One House to Rule them all scenarios, I’m assuming all these visits to work out the “family culture” are TLC’s way of advertising the land for the family to sell. And the mountain scenery is the best thing about this episode as it’s as pure and unadulterated as the Browns are not. Kody and Meri wearing light jackets and Robyn wearing an Alaskan parka and sled dog boots. I’m imaging them in their makeup mirrors before the scene, asking “What’s my motivation?”
  13. Wondering now about Janelle’s inheritance. Was her mom’s money tied up in the wives’ communal property? Do they have anything separate to pass along to each lady’s children?
  14. And Christine wouldn’t have had to ask fans for surgery money.
  15. Exactly. Since polygamy undermines (to put it mildly) basic human rights, the government has to either keep it completely off the books or abolish marriage altogether due to the legal nightmare/headache it would cause. Not that Kody and Co. really want the freedom to legal marriage since it would deny polygamists the federal assistance Christine erroneously says they can’t get.
  16. Lol! Kody didn’t exactly disagree with the Jackwagon - “Well, the wives like her too.” Also, there are so many contradictions from their own mouths, from their own actions, and from what we can plainly see as viewers that this show hAs to be a joke. They’re just making us mad enough to return every week. 😜 Your insight on this!!
  17. Robyn always making sure to side with the other “wives” when they’re mad at Kody seems patronizing. Christine hugging Joe Darger for so long is the only way of seeing how the other half lives. Meri acting like Kody angrily unloaded on her while she was going pee pee. Kody worrying if they had a big enough engine to pull Janelle up the mountain. Janelle pretending they made conversation on the way. All these people not aware of what polygamy has done to their countenances. Robyn’s impression of Kody’s angry face - that she read about here.
  18. Why is the eldest Darger lady wearing a dress? And boots with heels? For lunch? This discussion on BS 102 (not a typo) was uncomfortable to watch. I was reared in a Christian sect that forbade women to wear jewelry, wear pants, cut their hair, or watch movies. Intended or not, this was to me as a child part and parcel of my actual salvation. To mess up was to have to gain God’s love all over again. These works were also an easier way to feel holy and spiritual than other acts that would require discipline. Our main goal was to remain unsullied enough to make it to Heaven - by sticking to flimsy, meaningless, silly, shallow, stunted rules. When we moved to a bigger city in another state we were separated from this group and though we tried to find another, we decided we liked a different group far better - the one whose teachings did not include all the legalism listed above. If the Browns hope to move me with the pain of persecution, it’ll have to be with something far deeper and more righteous from their faith than the use of their genitals to move the God of the universe. I will say that in light of their (seeming) struggle with plural marriage this season that maybe Kody insisted on this face-to-face meeting with the Dargers because he needed some reminders before jumping ship for good. I once heard that just before a person finally gives up on their misguided beliefs, they attempt to burrow back in more wholeheartedly. This trip to the Dargers seemed like that - if of course any of this is to be believed.
  19. He certainly doesn’t seem to get why the ladies are so bothered when they have to wait so many days - for all those years. As I’ve said before, when one group of people considers themselves more privileged in any area (in this case having sexual/monetary/emotional needs met in abundance while the other party suffers lack) it’s no different than slavery.
  20. He acquired the second wife around the time Kody was on his mission, I believe. Janelle’s mom was later.
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