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Posts posted by LunchBreak

  1. 11 hours ago, auntjess said:

    Now that is an amusing piece of sophistry.  I wonder if she set the price, and more reasonable heads gave in.
    Just checked amazon, and you can buy a lot of other cheaper dvds, and the belly dance ones look like fun.

    I just checked Amazon to see if any of her dvds landed on the marketplace yet - a little soon, but you never know.  Anyway, the search feature did not appreciate WERK!

    25 minutes ago, MegD said:

    Is it just me or did they photoshop Whitney's arm (very poorly) for the cover of the DVDs? That left forearm looks like it was dramatically thinned down.

    I'm not sure. I have to remind myself that she's 5'1", so she probably has relatively short and smallish forearms.  Everyone gains differently, but I'm guessing the bulk of any additional arm weight goes to the upper arm.  It kind of reminds me of pictures of Lauren Conrad. She's very thin by comparison, but she also has that T-Rex/dainty forearm thing going.  (This is what I do on a lazy Saturday morning - drink coffee and analyze forearms LOL)

    • Love 4
  2. 6 hours ago, mzskyhawk00 said:

    I don't know where to comment, so here it goes.  Move it or delete as you seem fit to.  Whitney's new DVD dropped today.  It's called Wek with Whitney and costs $59 for the first 2 dvds.  Don't know if you get any more on autoship for that price.  I would not pay that amount of money for something starring Whitney.  

    I was late to watch the last couple episodes, but had to come here when I saw the big Instagram DVD update.  Her stans aren't so happy about that price LOL.  I wouldn't be!  Sixty bucks to stick a leg out, pivot, arm out, pivot, eyebrow raise....repeat? Hell no.  I did see that she added an update that explained how the price broke down to something like $5-6 per workout and how that's actually a great deal considering the price of her classes.  Nice try.  I could never afford an in-person workout with Mary Helen Bowers, but I can stream all or parts of a variety of hour-long workouts for less than Whit's ass jigglin' pivot fest.

    • Love 5
  3. On 8/28/2016 at 0:09 AM, Dorne2.0 said:

    I know! I don't know what the hell is going on with Utah or the federal goverment in dealing with these cults or their schools. If weren't for Texas and Rebecca Musser Warren Jeffs wouldn't even be in prison* , an Utah judge overturned W. Jeffs conviction for being an accomplice in the case of Elissa Wall's rape. Thanfully by then Warren was already in a Texas's jail waiting trial. Jon Krakauer said it was "a judge with an agenda" who overturned the conviction. There are about 15-20 thousand polygamists in Utah and the FLDS has millions and millions of dollars so maybe he had political reasons.

    It's sickening, isn't it?  I can only imagine how many Utah government hands have been greased by this vile organization (FLDS and Kingstons).  Unless you get a group (like Texas) which actually cares to look into the rampant child abuse, at this point the federal case regarding the very open and notorious welfare fraud is about the best thing going.  Gut the asshole leaders financially and lock them up.  To me it's just another form of organized crime, so why not RICO? Fuck those Jeffs and Kingston men. Put them in cells (which are nicer than some of the wives' houses) for life and let the Utah officials who turned a blind eye to these crimes re-assimilate all these woefully uneducated women and children.

    I've been following this show without commenting, but Joe's story was just heartbreaking.  The lengths those monsters went to in order to stay hidden and save a buck...  That wasn't about God's magical healing powers.  Ugh.  Now I need to take a walk and watch some trash reality so I can unclench.

    • Love 6
  4. 9 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

    "I wish you could smell the feeling that I smell" is one of the funniest quotes I've heard since Jade on ANTM. I'll just do a Jernard flop and see myself out.

    1000+ upvotes for a Jade Cole reference! I'd rather listen to her nonsensical rambling than a bunch of fleekin' poppin'.  I'm not 100% current with slang, since it changes faster than I can refresh an Instagram feed, but isn't that damn "on fleek" thing old now? Yuck.  My spell checker is going ballistic, but unlike Tregaye, I feel it's a little late to add "fleek."


    8 hours ago, bluepiano said:

    And in past seasons, each contestant was supposed to have a pilot concept that reflected their POV. But this year all three "pilots" were the same. Visit a restaurant and interview the chef. Except Tregaye didn't even do that. Jernard went to a Cajun restaurant, and Damiano to a bakery. But Tregaye had no culinary POV or special area of expertise they could use.

    Yes, so much for the POV!  The judges (and mysteriously absent network execs) pushed that hard in previous seasons.  Hell, Sandwich guy is still Sandwich guy.  I also feel like the fix may be in for Tregaye, but I just can't picture the type of show she would do.  The Kitchen?  She could take part in the out-yelling of each other.  (I can't handle that show.)


    1 hour ago, roseslg said:

    Can anyone tell me what Bobby said to Jernard after he did the backflip/belly-flop?  I literally covered my eyes with my fingers and went lalalala.  My husband thought I was crazy.  I was seriously suffering from 2nd hand embarrassment for him.  Did he hurt himself?  Jayzus!  

    Oh my...  That flip flop thing.  I did watch, and for those of you familiar with the Real Housewives of New Jersey (my condolences), it instantly brought to mind Juicy Joe's drunken cartwheel/flip move.  I thought Jenard was going to lose a tooth.  He did get up, but I detected a slight waver in his voice. You know his ass and back were hurting after that stunt.

    Finally, Yaku was robbed. I'm not surprised.  I hate to say it, though...but his beard was distracting - only because it totally looked like there was some Soul Glo in it.  Instead of leaving marks on furniture, it might drip into food.  (Thanks Eriq La Salle, for those indelible images.) This has been such a lackluster season.

    • Love 3
  5. 16 minutes ago, PityFree said:

    OMG. He is JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!!!!! Stop being so needy, desperate, and pathetic! He should run far away from you, since you are giving him signals that someday he will come home to find his pet bunny cooking on the stove. (I have no idea if Lenny has a pet bunny or not.) 

    I just pictured his pokemon hat boiling on the stove.

    • Love 22
  6. I'm not through the episode, but I'm experiencing less moments of annoyance so far.  I think her trainer handled her mini meltdown quite well.  He wasn't there to coddle her, and he wasn't in any way rude.  She's lucky to have access to a trainer and gym.  Now use it, damn it!  Hell, she even looked more put together in that salad and bony salmon scene.  (I don't think we're going to see a miraculous turnaround; I've just been so thoroughly annoyed by her overall nastiness this season.)

    As for the class, it was refreshing to not see or hear Whit picking at Katie (or Kaite?) for a minute. Let's face it... I'm guessing no one is signing up to the class with expectations of getting ripped or even fit.  I see it as more of a social thing.  I don't know if it's billed as something more, since I wasn't a regular season 1 or 2 viewer.

    • Love 7
  7. 5 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

    Uh oh.  Did I see correctly in the previews for next week that there's trouble in paradise with Yukon and the DanceMaster?   Something to the effect that he's nowhere to be found at 3:00am?  Whitney's calling him and there's no answer.  I'll go out on a limb and say he's not in the shower when she called.

    Roy had better close the blinds in his apartment.  Whit just might be the type to drive by to see if he's home..

    The instant visual accompanying your last light made me choke a bit. A Whit-the-stalker angle would have me tuned in like it's The Walking Dead!

    While we may not get to see anything so satisfying as her idling/hovering outside Roy's house, I do foresee some more cringeworthy "flirting" from her. Even her eyebrow wiggle makes me wince a bit... I think he feels bad for her to some degree. His expression seemed slightly pained as the radio staff watched Whit Frogger her way across the road. Yes, Roy. You sold out to both TLC and a wacky, zany morning show!

    On another relationship note, I can't decide if Whitney is pining for Buddy or if it's bothering her that he has moved on.  It could be both, but I'm leaning toward the latter.

    • Love 6
  8. 7 minutes ago, mamapajama said:

    Lennie is still hanging in there.  Her FB buddies are lamenting the fact that we haters are calling him an actor.  Her brother came to Lennie's defense, saying what a great guy he is. 

    Sorry FB pals.  I'm going to need to see signs of life from Lennie himself. I guess his personality could be hidden in the beard, along with snacks, expired coupons and lint.  

    • Love 16
  9. 18 minutes ago, DanaMB said:


    I thought the exact same thing! Shamu guy and leprechaun guy were the same person.

    We've stumbled upon Lennie's off-screen job.

    I just made it through the rest of the episode. Whitney really thought she was going to get a medal for that crutches-shedding, chariots of fire parade moment..  Nope. It was mostly cringeworthy.  She could have let Todd and the group go without her, but that would entail some sort of selflessness.  As she summed up the series, "maybe it's my ego."

    • Love 13
  10. 32 minutes ago, kar328 said:

    I work in a labor and delivery unit, so we're pretty casual about a lot of things (and sometimes over the line) but on your first day?? Big no no. You don't know people enough to know how far you can go, what you can say. If she had jobs that weren't weekly or short term, she'd have a better idea of workplace etiquette.

    Exactly - day one?  It takes me a long time to feel people out on a team; even then, there's usually that one person (or more) you know you can't totally trust. It's part of any office life, but I don't think Whit has been in any kind of adult work situation for an extended period. Maybe I'm wrong, but she certainly doesn't act like she has.

    Speaking of he internship... ugh.  It was so awkward watching her cross that huge thoroughfare for bagels, or as the they called it: playing frogger. The lying on the ground was interesting.  I really feel like she'd be the mean girl talking shit about fat people if she were thin.  She's nasty and clearly doesn't realize that she's not one of the overgrown cool kids; she's the butt of their jokes.

    12 minutes ago, lovetheduns said:

    I swear I read somewhere on this forum that a poster was in Charlotte for the parade and she was in the scooter seemingly pissed the entire time.

    I don't know why, but the thought of a grumpy ass Whit on a scooter (boa and all) made me chuckle, and not because of her size.  It's because of her self-absorbed nature.  She's almost stunted when it comes to behaving like an adult. We see it in so many of her interactions and situations.  It's just so very Whitney to put on a 'tude, and angrily roll through a parade at .25mph.

    • Love 13
  11. Mr. LunchBreak and I have been watching and enjoying Nightly since it began.  Lately though, we've had more than the usual number of episodes piling up on the DVR.  I was thinking about it, and I kind of wish they'd utilize the talent (as it is not lacking) in some more off-site interview or expose type segments.  The last one I can really think of is Jordan and the food deserts.  The usual skits have their moments, but there are a lot of repeats a la SNL, and don't totally (in my opinion) show some of the contributors' true range.  I guess it could be a budget thing, but it wouldn't hurt.  Also, and forgive me if this has been discussed, but the half hour (well, 18 or so minutes) fly by.  By about the time the panel is warmed up.. OOP, time to go!

    • Love 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    I wanted to look again at her dad's reaction when she was being such and unappreciative bitch and it was heartbreaking. He is very obviously hurt by her behavior and not just because he's worried about her weight. I think she hurts his feelings. At one point he swallowed hard like he was holding back tears. I really hope that wasn't the case. Really, how can you treat anybody like that? Especially your old ass dad. He won't live forever and she will have regrets. Or maybe she won't since she can't take responsibility for herself. It's always somebody else's fault. 

    I remember feeling sorry for him when he ran that 5k with her and was encouraging her the whole time and then she tells him she never heard a word he said because she was listening to music. He really thought they were doing something special together and she actually admitted that she couldn't have given a fuck if he was there or not. It wasn't easy for him to run that 5k either. If it were me, I would have enjoyed the time with my dad and in the very least pretended that I was actually present. Why not say, "Yes, Daddy, you were helpful. You inspired me. Thank you." I tear up as I type this because I wish I could say those things to my dad but he's gone now. I'd give anything to be able to just touch his hand and it makes me sick that she treats her dad like this. Some of us can't have these moments anymore. She's such a bitch. I can't even tolerate her.

    Your post made me tear up.  My dad is here, and I'm so thankful for that.  He's not getting any younger, though.  Whitney's nasty ass treatment of her obviously caring and patient dad is vile.  Not everyone is lucky enough to have that kind of support as a child or adult.  I have no idea if or how much he enabled her behavior over the years, but from what I've seen of the show he has offered suggestions, ran that 5k, bought the containers, etc...  That is what matters now.  She can grow the hell up any day now...  I'm going to give my dad a call tonight.

    • Love 21
  13. 4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Words cannot express how much I loathe the Browns' season-ending "tell-alls."  No actual "telling" is ever done, as the interviewers always go light and fluffy on the Browns, never hit the really hard questions, and the Browns put on their fake "serious" faces and dance around the answers.  Meanwhile, we're going to have to be subjected once again to watching Robyn wipe goo out of her eyes and examine it.  Christine will giggle and have several flippant, breathy answers, Meri's forehead frown line will be on full display as she struggles mightily to "dill with her fillings," eyes darting every which way.  Janelle will remain completely neutral and expressionless, except when she's praising Kody's awesomeness...and Kody will sit there, stone-face and beady-eyed, rage simmering just beneath the surface.  Nothing will be revealed, and 90% of the show will be flashbacks.

    And YES I WILL WATCH and hate myself for doing so.

    Well, you just gave away all the surprises LOL!

    I, too, will watch. I'll feel a little dirty for it, but it helps to think of it as fulfilling the "hater" role.  When the Kodester flips us off, I'd like to think everyone here played a part.

    • Love 15
  14. 8 hours ago, Lightning said:

    Whitney's "dancing" cracks me up.  Stomp your left foot, stomp your right foot, keep right foot in place and take 5 steps with your left foot for a "pivot"; wave left arm and take a step back; wave right arm and take a step back.  Stand still and wag hips side to side 4 times.  There!!!  Choreography!!  

    LOL! I could see every move as I read your breakdown. If you can teach the Previously TV "class" her routine sans photos (I just conquered it)... methinks Whitney's sessions are a tad stale and rudimentary.

    • Love 7
  15. 13 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

    Lets not forget that no matter how B felt or how sick she was and with her guard down what she said to LuAnn was reeeally nasty and I still can't figure out why LuAnn deserved that take down. All her blood isn't going to white wash her being a bitch. She owes some apologies. I do hope she's ok though but someone should have proofed that letter because I think spell check may have made some word changes and there were some other oddities. Tighten up your game B.

    You can have a hysterectomy and leave the ovaries so you won't go into early menopause. I know because that's what I did at 45.

    Same here.  I was just over thirty.  Even with the hysterectomy, I needed one more surgery.  It's a painful, life disrupting process that varies for every woman going through it.  I can't and shouldn't really compare my experience to anyone else's, but I will say I never used my medical problems as an excuse to go level 11 bitch on someone.

    • Love 9
  16. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 3:06 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    It hadn't occurred to me that Kody might have been peeved about the less than stellar accommodations. But it makes total sense.  He probably thought he was going to get a fancy, all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii and then he got dropped off at a place that should be featured on Hotel Impossible and a bus pass to go use the community beach. LOL!  And you know it was not just that it was not a nice place to stay - he had to stay there on TV, which was a little embarrassing.   He wants to front like he was paying for the trip but they made it look like THAT was the best he could do, haha. He must resent TLC like hell for sticking them in that place.  

    That is an interesting angle.  God knows it doesn't take much to make the Kodester pout, so lackluster accommodations would definitely do it.  That plays into what I was originally going to say about dipshit's behavior, since he basically stole the show this week.  Inside that thick skull, he sees himself as a cool, manly "bro" type.  When he made the comment about not having to claim Meri and Janelle during the eyebrow hijinks, it hit me that he probably thinks he's deserving of a younger, "hotter" set of wives more befitting of his celeb status (Bwhahaha).  Even Sobyn's newness has to be wearing off.  Whatever the case may be, his delusions cause all kinds of secondhand embarrassment.

    Then... the pork rant... Our Cro-Magnon browed asshat took me to a new level of hate watching.  "Piss off"? Did he punch a pillow, too?  Logan handled him masterfully.  I sometimes wonder if the Kodester isn't a bit jealous of Logan's life.  Sad as it is, I find it kind of interesting to observe the many, varied ways Kody isn't close to each of the kids.  That vacant, beady-eyed stare in response to Maddie's request spoke volumes.  (ETA: I guess that could have been his "What will I wear?!  I look terrible in khakis!" face)

    Finally, the preview of Kodouche flipping off "haters" on next week's episode (again with his maaaad face) cracked me up.  My, aren't we becoming the edgy one. LOL

    • Love 8
  17. 1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

    So if Whitney can't get the choreography, it must be bad choreography? She can't do turns so therefore her students don't get the opportunity to ever learn them? Why is she implying that the students can't learn a pirouette? I don't think I'd want a dance instructor who can't instruct a turn. I think the big girls should be given every opportunity and if Whitney can't instruct them then maybe they do need a substitute every now and then.

    Bingo!  God forbid they venture outside of Whitney's comfort zone of wiggles and forearm spins. (I have no idea if any of these moves have names lol)  Mix it up!  I think most of the other women in that class can handle a spin here and there.  I mean you have to push a little... If nothing else, you're going to get bored by the same stinking routine.

    • Love 16
  18. On Monday, May 02, 2016 at 8:34 AM, bichonblitz said:

    Khloe's ass is of control. My mouth was hanging open watching her prancing around in her skin tight jeans. She looks seriously deformed. 

    Seriously... I could not look away. Yes, Khloe, you most certainly are a totally *new* person. On the other hand, we have Kylie. When she came on screen, (maybe sitting at some table with Khloe) I immediately paused with that screeching record sound in my head.

    It's as though PMK's steamroller  (I'm sorry...glam machine) ran over her and left behind a pair of surprised yet vacant eyes, grotesquely over-inflated fish lips and a wig. I kind of hope she really is vacant/dumb, because I don't know how else a person could survive that family as well as being turned out in a sense as a young teen. 

    On Wednesday, May 04, 2016 at 8:40 AM, laurakaye said:

    Maybe Rob has been lazy, or maybe he just can't find his niche.  But considering that Kim & Co. pretty much owe their success to PMK capitalizing on Kim's hoorish ways, they really don't have a lot of room to define who is or is not "successful."

    Thank you. The women may have had better luck fitting into their little revenue streams, but all the fame and opportunities trace directly back to Kim's sex tape and the hustler pushing it  (PMK).

    • Love 3
  19. I stumbled on this show tonight without the prior knowledge that they brought everyone back for a season. Oh Farrah... That kid slapping and barking (well, barking in an overly babyish voice) does not sit well with me AT ALL, but I'm not surprised. Oh, and holy butt implants! I see Farrah is proudly sporting the Kardashian approved loaded diaper look. Blech.

    • Love 14
  20. Good God...  Hey Specimen, I'm fast approaching my sell-by date and I, as well as many other individuals my age, do not fit into your three or four (I'm sorry five) bitter creep stereotypes. 


    Everyone here has trounced well upon his red shirt wearing, folding chair feast throwing, diamonelle gift giving and zebra sheet sleeping ass, but it's difficult to not chime in.  Women are not the problem, Mark... American women aren't the problem... You are.  I try not to judge so harshly right off the bat, but he has given me so many reasons!


    I married someone a fair bit older than me and have experienced some rude stares in restaurants.  That's their problem.  They may make incorrect assumptions about my husband or me, but I won't be an ass like Mark and assume they're lonely, jealous, etc...


    However, I'm also 35, and went into my relationship as an equal partner.  We both work, we're comfortable in our lives without kids (neither of us could if we wanted to at this point), and I have never been treated in such a cold,  patronizing and dismissive manner by my spouse.  Ever. Mark is a vile pig.  Specimen indeed.


    (Edited a hundred times because I just watched and Mark makes me type angrily and carelessly)

    • Love 18
  21. Edgar is totally a beaten man. Watch him as they eat their cereal! And Penny thought it was some how cool to mention using Sprite for her liquid in the cereal at the hospital.


    Ok, the Sprite comment got to me, too.  How innovative!  Next stop:  guest blogger at Goop!! She works from home (bed)!!!  You've come a long way, baby..



    In Penny's episode last year, they had moved to Texas for the surgery. I think it showed them moving back to Maryland at the very end. Penny's bed has to be near the kitchen so she can cook. o.0 And supervise all food-related activity that goes on in the house. She's just a regular mom, y'all.

    She's posted pics of more of her recipes on Twitter, including veggie soup with ham. I shit you not.


    Hell no.  Penny has to be the last source I'd go to for recipes. Nutrition value aside (which always seems to be the case for Penny), I'm guessing that her favorite soup is nice and salty with little to no actual flavor of either the vegetables or the meat.  Yum.  (Mind you, I love a deliciously rich, fresh homemade soup once in a while.)


    A couple random observations:


    This may have already been said somewhere in this Penny saga, but that bed/kitchen/bathroom immediately brings to mind Kramer's kitchen/shower/garbage disposal and recovering germaphobe episode of Seinfeld.  (Now I know it's a niche market, but I'm wondering if I could go somewhere with bed meets kitchen sink and prep station design..)


    "Where's my yellow brick road?" is going to be my new whine/cry when the world turns on me.


    Forget Jinger; free Liam.  It was a small moment in the scheme of his parents stealing his childhood, but seeing her just lying there, arm outstretched and waiting on that boy to take her bowl for what was probably the 100k+ time just broke my heart.  This shit is going to be expected of him for the rest of his life if he does not get away.  That woman will manipulate and guilt him into believing he'll kill her by leaving that God forsaken nest.  That is by far the sickest part of this whole mess. I honestly do not give a shit about Penny at this point, unless she pulls an impossible 180.  Edgar isn't far behind.  I know a lot of kids grow up in shit environments (some far worse sadly), but this one is playing out on tv.  :(

    • Love 8
  22. I think she was rewarded for being tasteless, and then she continued to be tasteless because it's what the judges wanted and she wanted to win.


    I totally agree with you.  The validity of her feelings and whatever happened on a social level aside (which I wish would always be pushed aside in favor of fashion on this show), I just couldn't get on board with her concoctions..  I need to see these people in their element, with more time, but producing that pink kid's thing...well, let's say you can't blame that totally on the timing or other circumstances surrounding the production of PR.

  23. When I saw the clips of Sandyha, I saw a bunch of designers joking and talking and Sandyha being completely silent. It is hard to fit in a group if you don't contribute. I'm guessing it was because she either didn't catch the cultural context or slang or perhaps they talked too fast for her to follow.

    Throughout the season I saw zero examples of her trying to fit in. It's not really anyone's fault. And her clothes were very odd, so I wasn't surprised to hear people didn't like them.



    I don't know what we expect of people.  If they try to change, or apologize, they get criticized.  If they stay the same, they get criticized.  If you don't like someone, you won't believe a word they say.  If you like someone, you won't believe anything anyone else has to say.  If any of them had any common sense, they would refuse a contract that demanded them to participate in the reunion.  It is a no win-no win situation for most of them


    Exactly, and if you feel ostracized, you must not have tried hard enough to fit in (says every person whose social lives peaked in high school and is now some insufferable middle manager in HR)...  I now watched this crap fest, and you didn't miss anything by not.  Between Tim losing it and the overall lack of talent and focus on fashion, I'll have to bid this one adieu.

  24. As happy as I am to see Tyler James Williams on my tv screen, I must admit I am concerned that he may upset the black guy quota on this show. I don' want to see Tyreese or even  Gabriel go just yet, but I also don't want see TJW die. If he must dies, please let him go in a blaze of glory.

    TAINTED MEAT!!! is how every good character should go!

    • Love 3
  25. In real life, many people are manipulated and controlled by a powerful, insane leader, so seeing it on TWD over and over doesn't surprise me.

    I'm glad you said this, because at one point I was thinking about a borderline psychotic former boss of mine and find it quite plausible that that he'd worm his way to the top of one of many survivor groups. Like someone mentioned above, I get that the format of jumping from group to group may not suit everyone (or cause them to wish fiery deaths upon the producers), but this is kind of how I'd imagine the country that is still relatively new to this zombie chaos.

    If you think about some of the nuts around you now, just imagine them in ZA situation. I'd take my chances with only my husband, two cats, the zombies and as much booze as we could possibly hoard. There are a lot of studies and retrospective thoughts on leaders in general, but a couple posts reminded me of the article that explained why psychopaths make good CEO's. I guess sanity in general is a relative concept, but if were to bet on it, even the few truly sane rulers, CEO's dictators, despots (whatever) are all a tad touched..

    As for Beth, I was curious about her whereabouts. I've spent much more time getting to know here than I have Abraham and Eugene, and despite some awkward stares and facial expressions, I want to see her character develop a bit further. She's not the warrior, the mom, or the this or that that show seemed to ascribe to women early on. They lost me with Maggie by having her be almost hilariously untouched by the death and disappearance of a couple close family members. As long as she has Glenn... (Side note - the two of them can take their looks of horror and disdain during the termite massacre and have a seat for a bit.) I really like Michonne, but her character was pretty over the top to me until she started to open at the end of last season and this season.

    I'm really hoping next week's show isn't a big disappointment. I'm almost dreading it in the way some people were dreading this one. There's an absurd number of fans right now. No matter how many throw in the towel, they'll never please everyone. I'll just be happy as long as they don't stall out in one place for too long, Rick keeps making decent calls, and Daryl and Carol and Judith make it. They can start a little makeshift family and have a spin-off sit com after TWD ends. That would cause much glee (or teeth gnashing).

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