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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I would be totally shocked if will and Jasmine reconnect (although they never really connected, so that's not the right word.) I think Will realized that not just the money thing, but their values and interests were not compatible. I also respect Will for not having sex with her since he didn't feel emotionally connected to her. I do think he might have been willing to give it more time to develop, but he must have changed his mind. I don't think it would have worked because she couldn't let him do anything without criticizing him or demeaning his attempts to do anything - like making breakfast. She wanted the man to be in charge of the money and she wants to be a trophy wife - period. If he was bringing in enough to keep her happy, she wouldn't have cared if he gave back to the community and coached, as long as she had enough money to do whatever she wanted. She was about the money and I think he was about the values.
  2. Yes, Steph seems to have a busy, full life, as mentioned above. But, if she wants to share it with AJ and he does not want to participate in any of the things she does (watching football, working out), I just hope that she is strong enough to continue doing them for HERself and not caving to give him what he wants just to keep the peace, at her own expense. As far as the Pastor Cal clip, what other couple would he be trying to talk out of staying together? The fact that any of them accept what a mess they made with Kate and Luke would be surprising enough and I can't imagine what other couple he would not want to encourage to stay married.
  3. I guess when Hope was so busy telling Ted that she believes in second chances that she forgot about Ben. Poor Ben. And, I hate Hope. She deserves Ted. Run Rafe!
  4. Did anyone else see the clip for this week's decision day where Pastor Cal says something like, "I always fight for marriage. But, in this case, I do not." I am sure it is taken out of context, but maybe when Kate and Luke say they will stay married, as we have speculated, he actually tries to talk them out of it?
  5. Especially KATE!!! As far as the comment above about Luke being good in bed (eeeeewwwww), does that include jumping out and running away to hide right afterwards? If so, I am sorry that you consider that being good in bed.
  6. So, how long before Gabi and Stefan have the infamous "hate sex" and then, miracle of miracles. . . she CAN have a baby!
  7. I think most of us think there is a monetary addition if they agree to stay married on D Day, per their contract. I also think they get more if they stay married until the reunion. Last time, Mia and Tristan said they wanted to stay together on D Day, but, in real life, she had already filed for divorce. I can see where Jasmine could think that Will would want to stay married. He is in his head on his own timeframe, on which there is no hurry. I am thinking he doesn't get physical in a relationship unless he genuinely feels strongly about his partner. He is not there yet with Jasmine, but he said that falling in love with her would be like a dream come true - he just isn't a fast mover and he may honestly be surprised if she says she wants out. But, I don't see any chemistry with them and they have so many different values that I don't see it working. Especially since all we see is her belittling him or his ideas.
  8. I also stopped watching those add on shows right after Pastor Cal told Luke to "man up" or get off the show. He was one of the people who put him on! I wish they could use a panel of people who know the participants and let them pick out their spouse. Then, they couldn't hide their true selves, but this season was a big fail.
  9. I was reading this board last night since the show hadn't started out here in AZ and made the decision that I wouldn't miss anything by not watching, so I didn't. I switched back a few times, but it was a waste. She stories, same clothes, same scenarios, nothing new. This is the second season I have seen and I don't remember last season being this long and dragged out. If they are married for 7 weeks, as they keep saying, this season is too long. One show about picking people, the wedding show, one for each week and then D Day. Done. Maybe one for the reunion. This is almost twice as long as it should be, and we can tell they are using shots from all over this season because they don't bother to change clothes or the scenery. So, are there 2 shows left? Next week is D Day and we know they will all stay together for the $. Although they did show that scene where Pastor Cal gets all upset and is "so disappointed to hear something because they have so much potential." I am guessing that will be something silly and when he says it, whoever disappointed him will change his/her mind and stay together. I know that there is nothing real about reality TV and I feel mad at myself for getting drawn into the Kate/Puke story and feeling compassion for her. So, I will admit to being played by the show producers and angry when we saw that Kate had actually had sex with him. Well played, show. However, all this did was ensure that I won't watch again. I look forward to reading here next time, but I won't waste time, energy, and emotion on this again.
  10. I know that people are commenting that when Luke proclaimed how beautiful he looked at the wedding, that he was making a joke. I was really shocked when they showed the at the sneak peek. Now I think he wasn't necessarily thinking he was funny, but making an unfortunate attempt at being sarcastic. Still don't like him.
  11. Wow - is Philly that expensive or are they adding the Luke and Kate factor to raise the rent? I personally don't know anyone who would understand (or care about) that reference.
  12. Why is Jordan sitting in a hospital bed hooked up to machines? She is NUTS, not physically sick! So, Dr. Hot Pants Horton needs her mommy to tell her Dr. fiance to get a clue? So, we know that Leo leaves next week. When is Diana leaving?
  13. So sorry - I tried to delete the spoiler in my post just above, but the system would not process it. Whoo hoo - I figured it out!
  14. I THINK that Haley and Tripp are going to say that it will be a marriage in name only, but that, of course, will not be the case. Especially if they have to prove it is real.
  15. I so agree, Apprentice79. In addition to stupid smiling, she also has a nack of drinking to excess and doing stupid things. I am not sure if my problem is with the actress who is delivering the lines they give her, or with the character, so I will give the actress the benefit of the doubt. But Camila Banus should have been nominated. I think Haley thinks that marrying Tripp will look less suspicious (right - marrying a relative stranger versus a person she has a relationship with), but is still mad a JJ (today). Plus, how else will they get Psycho Claire to weigh in?
  16. Thanks for the replies. I was so appalled at what he said, I just thought I couldn't be hearing/reading correctly. He is an ass and he just kept looking at Kate, who was so depressed looking and found no joy in reliving this day. The fact that he was smiling his Luke smile, like all is well, just makes me want to throw something. And, I KNOW it is a scripted, directed show, but I still feel like they have to have something real to work with.
  17. In the preview (First Look) for next week, did anyone else notice when Luke and Kate were rewatching their wedding (the ONLY couple not watching it together in bed, or even holding hands), that Kate looked miserable (of course), Luke had that stupid play-smile and I THINK they showed a caption that was something like, "I looked so beautiful" coming from LUKE. Was that wrong? Not saying YOU as referring to Kate, and it wasn't Kate who said that she thought she looked beautiful, but LUKE saying "I". Maybe the caption was wrong. He couldn't be that bad, could he????
  18. I also had a problem with Luke being so shocked (or acted so) that the other couples were actually having conversations about D Day. Yes, it is an arbitrary date, but it is still the main focus of this show, especially now as we are towards (thankfully) the end. I think the drinking is Luke's go-to excuse and he is sticking to it. However, since she admitted that they had sex and had been since the honeymoon, I am not in poor little Kate's camp anymore. There was no reason to keep that a secret and continue to play the "my husband doesn't find me attractive" card (which he still doesn't). Add that to her continued mumbling and indecisiveness, I am done and don't care what they do. I guess her new line could be, "My husband doesn't find me attractive, but at least we have weird, awkward pity sex."
  19. I don't understand Kate or the role she is supposed to play, but she looks genuinely sad and depressed. She still initiates sex with Luke, and then he also initiates (and gets weird and leaves the room). So, apparently, they are both trying to do this, but it appears (from editing) that it only happens when Luke initiates. She didn't want to tell the girls because she knows everything about their sex life is abnormal and she is ashamed. She also knows what kind of picture she has painted of Luke, and the girls are all supportive of her and seem to hate Luke. So, she is unsure that she would still have their support if she admits that she has sex with him - even after he has been so nasty to her. She is also the one to hang on him and wrap her arms around him and he "lets her" so that she can feel connected. I worry about Steph when she said she didn't know what the future with AJ's frustration would be 5 or 10 YEARS down the road. YEARS???? She needs to be worried about 5-10 days or weeks!
  20. I kind of got the impression that when Kate initiates sex, Luke turns her down and insinuates that she is drunk. However, when Luke initiates, and Kate asks him if he is going to be weird afterwards and he says no and then they do and then he is, it is because HE initiated it. So, she must not have been drunk then. (Drunk being a relative term, since 1 or 2 glasses of wine doesn't usually get people drunk. Not me - two sips of wine and a Happy Meal and I am drunk and full - the epitome of the world's best cheap date!) But, it seems like he enjoys turning her down, and then she goes along when HE wants it, even though she knows it will still be weird and awkward. Just stop!!!!
  21. I still think that all 4 will stay together on D Day. Why not? They get money and don't have to live together until the reunion - all they have to do is walk around with their wedding rings on and maybe see each other a few times. I don't know how much longer they can drag out these last 3 days until D-day, but I am thinking that next week is not the D Day show. At least we don't have any more Unfiltered shows. I just started watching this show last season, but I seem to remember that the people who were on the panel were the ones who were discussed so they could answer/explain, etc. I don't like it when they show scenes with people who aren't there and ask the rest to discuss the situation. That doesn't feel ethical, especially with Dr. Pepper there giving her "expert" opinion. Not that anything on this show is ethical, but, it bothers me.
  22. And, Crazy Bird Lady, that was evidenced tonight when Luke told Kate he knew she would tell, because she always does. When she asked for an example, he gave the one about what he said about feeling repulsed and dead inside. He took that as a betrayal.
  23. But even after they have had sex, then he gets "weird" and leaves the room and has to be alone for whatever reason, so even when they do, it is not affectionate or loving. So, when he feels like being the good guy and tells her he will do it, she gets all happy and then he leaves. I was glad she kind of talked to him, but then when she agreed that he was right, I was furious! I am afraid I am done with her. Her monotone baby voice is so hard to take and she is just so insecure (with good reason), but if he tells her they are fine, then she gets all happy again and thinks she found her soulmate. I just hope that it is Kate who pulls the plug, but we all know it won't be and he will blame it on her drinking and she will take the blame. I do feel sorry for Jasmine tonight and going forward. He still thinks there is time to take things slow and he said he would love to be in love with her. He just isn't there yet. I haven't seen the long preview for next week - it doesn't come on here for another 30 minutes. But, after seeing the edits from even what they have been showing all week, like the conversation in the car, it really doesn't matter. How many more weeks do we have?
  24. Eli said today when he took the IV bags that they are going to have to take every single hospital employee's fingerprints to see whose match. Well, neither Diana, nor Kristen, if that's who they think they are looking for, are hospital employees, so that make no sense. And, I also think they probably have fingerprints of most employees already. Stupid story, but it's almost over.
  25. But, @aphroditewitch, do you honestly think that these two people would have ever found themselves as a couple the traditional way? They may not communicate well, but they were seriously mismatched from the beginning, I believe.
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