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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I know - the best in the entire industry and she lives in Salem? Does she even have an office yet?
  2. Did anyone else see in soaps.com that Martha Madison (Belle) finished filming in May and she will be gone?
  3. Those spoilers actually look like some stories may be moving. No mention of Abe and/or Paulina, so I am already happy. Oh, boy, Shawn is going to blame himself AGAIN and go back to drinking. LOL - seriously? There are DOUBTS about how reliable nut job Ava is? So, Sarah admitting to lying to Xander will happen. Who thinks she actually admits that to Xander? Bueller?
  4. Gwen is leaving? I missed that. But, I agree to not recasting a role with an existing actress. Maybe Dimitri kills her on the honeymoon? I actually hope not because it COULD be a good story with her faking a happy marriage to get money. If she is staying, she needs to find out the truth soon. There are already too many lame excuses for why Leo and her husband seem to be intimately close. I don't like the character, but she is not stupid. Well, she wasn't. The writers don't care.
  5. That was obvious as soon as they started talking about the glasses. Since Eve is still in her revenge mode, even if she says she is "cured," it is only a matter of time until she runs into him in the Square. I hope they keep her bed warm at Bayview. She'll be back.
  6. Thanks so much, @DisneyBoy. I remember about half of all that! I appreciate you taking the time to write that all up.
  7. First, that seems weird to me that the focus is on JA and HER fear of flying. It's about the character, Victor. I do agree that this is a tacky send-off, though. Didn't Ava cause a plane crash before - the one where Pop Shawn was killed? What was the relationship between Victor and Teresa? And Eve and Victor? Why are these people coming back? Thanks.
  8. Wasn't she some superfan who won a walk-on role and they brought her back for this? Also, not that this show is subtle about ANYTHING, but, please don't let the fact that Gwen's dress was too tight mean that there will be yet another pregnancy!
  9. Is there confusion between Ava and Eve? We know Ava is in Bayview and coming back. Then, someone posted that Eve (Kassie DP) is also coming back?
  10. OMG - ENOUGH with dredging up all these former characters! I know that many of you are excited to see people return, so I hope you enjoy the stories. I am probably one recap away from not even reading them anymore.
  11. The first time I read this, I read it as the ruining of the series. That works, too.
  12. Well, we all knew Chanel and Johnny would be together; when DOESN'T Paulina speak on Abe's behalf; we also all knew about Ava and Harris at Bayview. I am sorry to see that Leo is hiding his lover instead of Nicole knowing before the wedding. Now, that stinks. Nicole gets conflicting proposals? If one is from Eric, for her, it's a no-brainer. Even IF she remembers how badly she was treated when they were together the last time (and the time before), she is dumb enough to try it again. Stephanie and Chad have no story, so, of course they will have a confrontation about, once again, Alex. The writers just have no idea what to do with them. Plus, they are boring and give off no energy at all. That includes any interaction with Alex.
  13. We knew that she wasn't attracted to him in the beginning. In. fact, they have credited the pandemic with keeping them together since they had to spend so much extra time together. But, if he wasn't ready for marriage, why did she stay with him? And, she checked him out before the wedding since someone spilled his name and she was NOT happy. But, again, this was before the wedding and their season. I just don't get why that info would be coming out now. That said, I still think that she was one of the most beautiful brides in a gorgeous dress who has ever been on the show. Ever.
  14. Interesting about Karen and Miles - not that they split, but that HE initiated it.
  15. Well, isn't she the one who brought in the heater? But, actually, I hope they don't give her any more stories because that will just prolong her stay.
  16. Those spoilers for Tuesday, Aug. 1 are awful. Paulina thinks she can help Abe by staying home? Where else would she be? As opposed to terrorizing the rest of Salem? Chanel tells Abe that he will remember things eventually? THAT is a spoiler??? Is she suddenly clairvoyant? Oh boy, more test result doctoring. I am hoping that there is also someone else doing that so that, maybe, Nicole's kid is actually EJ's, but I doubt it. From that video clip, it does look like Eric finds out what Sloan did soon, which is good. I wonder if that comes before or after his unimpressive proposal.
  17. Do we know if Phillip is returning for good or is he, maybe, coming back for Victor's funeral?
  18. I really wish they would have just let Li/Trask find a friendship based on their conversations and then, who knows. It seems like she did realize that she was actually enjoying being with him and regretted the taping, but now she will have to beg and prove herself and he will never really trust her, which is too bad. And I don't believe that it was an accident, which means that she is adding lying to the mix. Really too bad.
  19. Rachel knows that her mother has been in jail many times, so she can't think she is a complete saint. I am sure they lied and said it wasn't her fault, but, still. . . It just sounds like more and more, ReRon is just writing for himself to show people just how very clever he is. That is way more important than any silly plot that makes sense.
  20. Thanks, @LuvMyShows, for filling in the names. It might have been interesting, but I'm OK with not seeing it. Interesting that they did not show the ones who are the biggest camera whores - Jamie and Doug and Elizabeth and Jamie. I wonder how Stephanie and AJ are doing? I never thought that one would succeed, but, maybe the AJ we saw on screen is not the real one? I sure didn't like him!
  21. I am just mad that there are another 2 weeks of this awful Abe story. Good that Gwen is finding out about Leo and Dimitri. I am guessing the SHE will propose an arrangement to pretend to be married, but she gets a lot of money and won't tell about the true relationship. And, since Megan is not around, it should be easy to hide. What test results? Are they re-doing Nicole's baby's results? When is good-bye, Victor? Could Phillip be coming back for that? So, Brady is going to lose custody because he puts a gun in Kristen's face? Smart. Rachel needs to be in a foster family. They aren't going to find Lani for 2 weeks? And then she leaves.
  22. WOW!!!! They sure did find the cream of the rotten crop, didn't they? I'm a little sorry I skipped it, but not enough to try to watch it. Thanks!
  23. I just HATE it when anyone plays with people's true emotions and forces them to suffer needlessly. I am glad they didn't show the funeral, but the whole concept makes me furious. I still don't get the whole Abe kidnapping story. What was her end game? If she was always going to keep him and move away, why didn't she already do that? I think this is yet another story that the writers really didn't plan for and have no way out.
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