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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I HOPE Justin tells her that she won't be able to win full custody. I am sad to see spoilers about Ava and Harris still. I had hoped they would be gone. So, who will they put with Chad? Stephanie will probably go back to Alex? But, then who will Theresa/Gwen go to? Where are Leo and Dmitri that they have to escape? So, Talia is deciding to leave soon. I wish she would take a bunch of people with her. I am not sad, but nothing about Abe or Eric/Sloan? Nicole? She's probably ready to pop that baby out any day.
  2. Weird that they are teasing about the groom being left at the altar when it has been in People magazine and MAFSfan have already stated who it is. I noticed that it was on last night and I didn't watch. Also, if next week is another one of those asinine shows with Kevin F and his panel of people who know no more than we do, that is also an easy pass.
  3. What does this mean? Is anyone interested in watching the two new shows?
  4. So, when Brady returns with Theresa, will she now be Emily O'Brien? It kind of sounds like that stupid Susan story may be over by then, so that's good. I guess Susan will be coming back to Salem? Why, I have no idea. And, just because Susan is not actually dead is not really a reason for Sarah to get all mushy about Xander again. He did what he did and she either accepts it or not. But, since we know that the writers want them together, that's what we'll get. (Even though most of the comments, at least here, seem to be totally over them now, and prefer the more honest relationship with Chloe.) It will be interesting to see the grown-up kids returning. Is there any reason Tate should not be flirting with Holly, DNA-wise? I give up trying to figure that out. Is Holly's father Tan Dan?
  5. That's good. I knew that MM was leaving, but hadn't heard about Shawn, so that makes sense.Then, they can come back at some point and we will be supposed to be happy about it.
  6. Just saying, I would NOT have liked to see him at the end of the altar, so maybe she got a peek. She looks pretty. But, I do feel bad for him. How embarrassing. So, will he get to stick around and go on the honeymoon trip and hang out with the couples?
  7. Is EOB seriously going to be playing 2 roles? That is so damn dumb lol. I am kind of surprised that EOB is going to start playing Theresa while she is still Gwen, so I hope they hurry up and get rid of Gwen SOON. That said, I think the familiar face must be Gwen/Theresa since Tate would not be a familiar face as we haven't seen him in years and they just cast a SORAS'd actor.
  8. Why would they bring Ariana back when both of her parents are, or will be, off the show completely?
  9. These scripts were written and filmed well over 6 months ago - probably closer to 7 or 8, so, no, just the regular subpar writers.
  10. I am a little confused by the preview - so Alex is really Victor's son? And Justin didn't know? We get it - RSW is the golden boy, but why do that to Victor's memory or to Justin? I am glad to see Xander interrupt Sarah's fakey fake wedding. I wish he could use that to take the baby away from her, but I am sure they will end up married and miserable, or until Linsey needs to leave again.
  11. Anyone know how long Viv is around this time? The stupid will story may be coming to an end, so once that is resolved, there is no reason for her to stay. And Philip can get Chloe on his own after what she overheard today. Do they leave together?
  12. I see so many comments on the daily thread about how the writers are changing Theresa's character, and it seems that many of them don't read spoilers, so they don't know that they are changing her because they are CHANGING HER. They are clearly making her more desperate for Brady (why??) so that it fits with their new version of Theresa, who will always be seen as Gwen. I am glad I no longer watch this show (but read recaps), because that would probably be the end anyway (for me). And, in that interview Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) did, she mentioned that Sarah and Xander had remarried, which I also hate. Well, I dislike Sarah intensely. I am still curious as to how they get rid of Gwen. I am thinking that it will involve Kristen getting away with something again. And Chloe will leave with Philip, I assume.
  13. To me, it's not so much the fact that they are making a recast that I don't think will be good, it is the fact that they are totally screwing up Theresa's characteristics to write her into a desperate for Brady scenario that makes NO sense after all this time. And they are just doing that to set up a new "Theresa/Brady" pairing, which means that Sarah and Xander will recouple, Rex will leave, Chloe will leave, and maybe they will bring in a new Tater.
  14. It's so painfully obvious that they are setting up a Brady/Theresa reunion, but it will be with Emily O/Gwen and I don't like it. Or Alex and Gwemily. So, yeah, maybe Kristen will be the way out of town for Gwen. Which also means that they will figure out the stupid marriage for hire plot soon. What will Theresa discover? That she looks different? When is all that supposed to happen?
  15. Does anyone know how long the DVD story will last? I got the impression he only filmed for a brief time (although they could spread it out over several episodes).
  16. Sorry, but if Friday is Sept. 4, there is no way next Thursday would be Sept. 7. Does it start this Friday, Sept. 1 or on Monday, Sept. 4?
  17. The fact that Linsey Godfrey (Sarah) was recently put on contract, and not recurring, tells me that they will keep her on for a while, unfortunately. I don't know how long Rex is sticking around, so I'm pretty sure Sarah and Xander will be back together, even though they don't belong there. I don't watch anymore, and even just READING the recaps and spoilers annoys me when I read about her (or Kristen, or Paulina, or Leo, or a bunch of others, not to mention the ones who are coming back.)
  18. I just think they have too many cartoon faces and characters. If they bring back Susan, put Paulina in the chipper with Kristen.
  19. So, how long until someone has to go rescue and bring back Susan? Oh, joy.
  20. And I just read that Chelsea is coming back, too. Because . . .they can.
  21. For me, the Sarah hate is because of her baby voice and her overall immaturity. I remember when she was supposed to be on call in the ER, but instead she was in Marlena's office, asking her boyfriend's (or soon to be bf) MOTHER some stupid junior high level questions about if he likes her or not. I never liked her with Xander because she acts as if she is too good for him, and just like Nicole and Eric, Xander (and Nicole) will spend their lives trying to be something they aren't to gain approval of someone who never will accept them as they are. EJ seems to love Nicole and he knows who she is. Chloe is the same about Xander. Just had a Gone with the Wind moment - I can see Nicole finally realizing that Eric (Ashley Wilkes, who Scarlett has been in love with forever) was only a dream and she is letting the man she truly loves (Rhett/EJ) walk away because he finally "doesn't give a damn."
  22. LOL - Sloan has been trying to confess for more than month now! About the same time that Tripp and Wendy started trying to have their "special night." Good grief.
  23. Which couple is going to rush into a quickie wedding? One or both of them will do that before Xander finds out - MY SPECULATION.
  24. I see Xander and Sarah as being a lot like Nicole and Eric. Xander and Nicole may love the other person, but they will never feel worthy of returned love and will always be trying to make themselves into something they are not, just for the love of another person. And, as often as they try to have another go at Nicole and Eric, it just won't work. One of the last times they broke up said it best - they just don't bring out the best in each other, no matter how much they love each other.
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