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Accidental Martyr

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Posts posted by Accidental Martyr

  1. 11 hours ago, plurie said:

    I thought Dud was having a vision, or travelled back in time or something. It would make sense that he was in the past, when the laid-off workers were still working there.

    I also thought there was some sort of time travel going on at first, but how would the guy from the lodge have recognized him?

  2. 19 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Who were those people in the basement that Dud found?

    Wasn’t the guy that spoke to Dud one of the guys from the lodge that recently lost his job at that factory (or whatever it is)?

    • Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, SoWindsor said:


    What was the significance of Camille noticing how Ammas new friend was eating — didn’t really get that. But it definitely seemed like Amma had killed the new friend.


    1 hour ago, Xantar said:

    There was a shot where it looked like Amma’s new friend had some words written on her hand, so that’s what Camille was reacting to. Whether or not those words were actually there is anybody’s guess.

    I think it said “CALL MOM”.

    I can’t believe those girls moved the body and sat it up in that alley with no one seeing them.

    I still want to know how Camille carved words on her back.

    • Love 9
  4. 4 minutes ago, Mothra said:


    I don't even understand how Richard got to see, much less take (or copy) the medical records, especially Amma's.  There *might* be a warrant for Marian's, but I can't imagine on what grounds; cops might have freer access to record of dead people.  There's no way in hell Adora would agree to let Richard see Amma's medical records.

    I'm really good at suspending disbelief, but this is trying.  I hope we'll be given some kind of explanation.

    I had the same thought. Some info here:


    • Love 6
  5. 18 minutes ago, acid burn said:

    Yeah, I think they may be in summer school, and Ashley was wearing her cheer uniform mainly to put the moves on John but probably also a few times because she'd had practice or a scrimmage or maybe pictures for the football programs. (We used to wear our uniforms in the summer for those reasons--attempted various sexytimes notwithstanding--but then again I'm old AF and I'm sure things have changed since I was in HS in the late '90s.)

    If high school in the late 90s=old AF then I might as well be dead. ;) (mid-80s)

    • Love 16
  6. 2 hours ago, Schmolioot said:

    Speaking of that, is it supposed to be summer vacation or are they in school during the day?

    In an earlier episode Camille asked Ashley why she was wearing her cheerleader uniform even though school was out.

    Later, though,  we see Amma and the other kids rehearsing for the play and it looks like they’re in some sort of drama class in school. When she is talking to the teacher we hear a bell ring.

    • Love 4
  7. 2 hours ago, PepSinger said:

    He definitely said, "of you." I'm not surprised. Even though she bathes, she is wearing all of that dark, covering clothing in 100 degree heat. Also, why can't Richard wear something other than a long-sleeved shirt? I mean, even a polo for goodness' sakes!


    John Keene was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt. I would be near death wearing that.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, peach said:

    The director of the movie It Follows, put modern and vintage elements together in a way that didn't quite make sense, which he said helped create that feeling of unease for the viewer, as in a dream.  When is this, where is this?  I feel this is similar, even if it wasn't intentional.

    The way It Follows seemed unattached to a certain time period is one of the things that really struck me about the film. The director talks about it in this interview.


    Edit: I see Peach already linked to this interview.

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Court said:

    This entire time I thought John's last time was Keane. Thanks to CC I now know it's King.

    According to IMDb, it’s Keene.

    I still don’t see how Camille carved the words on her back.

    • Love 9
  10. 8 hours ago, gibasi said:

    I do too or thought I did.  I don't like that he stole money from her.  And I was hoping he would take the money back from Brent Jennings (I am totally blanking on his name right now) and put it back.  Maybe short the $200 membership but it is better than not giving anything back to her.

    I thought he took the $3000 loan from the pawn shop guy, gave part to his sister to help pay back what he already owed her, then used $2000 for the “membership fee”.

    • Love 7
  11. 2 hours ago, izabella said:

    He did?  I must have missed that because all I heard was Adora tell the cops that her workers found it, but nothing about John Keene.  Do you remember what scene it was that John Keene was mentioned in connection with the bike?

    Here’s the dialogue:

    Sheriff: But you're gonna be goin' home tomorrow.

    Dick: Oh, yeah? Why is that?

    Sheriff: Mexican worker at the hog farm ID'ed Keene as the guy who dumped the bike in the lagoon.


    • Love 7
  12. 2 hours ago, izabella said:

    He did?  I must have missed that because all I heard was Adora tell the cops that her workers found it, but nothing about John Keene.  Do you remember what scene it was that John Keene was mentioned in connection with the bike?

    I would have to go back and watch the scene, but after the bike was found the sheriff told Dick something like, “Your job here is finished. One of the Mexican workers says he saw John Keene put the bike in the pond.”

    • Love 4
  13. 19 hours ago, Luckylondon said:


    I also get the feeling that Adora had something to do with Camille’s sister’s death. Her cause of death is left unexplained except that she was “always sickly” and we saw her in the spinning flashback with Camille getting more and more weak and skeletal like. It makes me think there is some kind of Munchausen by proxy situation in which Adora hurt one of her daughters, by keeping her ill, due to the attention and sympathy it brought her. 


    I have the same feeling.


    In the preview for the next episode Amma says, “You know what’s the best thing about getting wasted? Momma takes care of me after.” Then in another shot we see Adora and it looks like she’s giving someone (Amma or Marian?) a spoonful of something and she says, “A little of the sweet before the bitter.” Wasn’t there a scene a few episodes back where we see Amma on the floor looking like she’s having some sort of attack/seizure?

    • Love 5
  14. 3 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:


    Eddie and Sam enter LeMaise, hear a woman screaming and with. gun drawn approach two psychiatric technicians controlling a patient.  THEN they ask, "What is this place?  Um, ask Berto or Google it before you go in.  Patient's doctor spills entire medical history to a P.I. W/O a warrant or even a hesitation.  I know the patient is dead, but HIPPA laws still apply.  I don't like how the doc just went ahead and gave the deets on Ava's condition so easily.  I know, TV, but other shows more realistically thrown up roadblocks.

    I think I would be pretty alarmed and panicked if someone came into my business and pointed a gun at the people there.

    • Love 1
  15. 21 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    In the episode where she’s wearing her cheerleading uniform (I think it was S1.E3), Camille pointedly says, “I thought school was out for the summer,” and she says it is but she just felt like wearing it. To me, that made it sound like she’s still in high school (as opposed to an alumnae) but I could be misinterpreting. 

    ETA: Ashley also told Camille that thet they learned about self medicating in health class. The way she said it made me think she was still in school but I guess she could have meant several years ago.  I just assumed she was still in high school for multiple reasons (like that John is livIng in her parents’ carriage house, as opposed to with Ashley in an apartment or house of their own).

    I definitely got the impression that they were both still in high school.

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:


    Who bit Alan so hard it left a scar?

      Reveal hidden contents

    Young Camille was molested and or raped, and became promiscuous. Amma is the result of it- Camille gave birth to Amma and Adora raised her as her own. 

    Adora is a reformed slut and has something against young girls that are promiscuous. She and Amma were probably somehow involved in the murders.  

    Adora has dirt on Chief Vickery. Could he be Camille’s biological father? 

    He bit his own hand at the end of the last episode when he was muffling a scream.

    • Love 3
  17. 12 minutes ago, KillBill said:

    The final scene when Camille rushes home to find Amma but she's not in her room, she runs down the stairs and there's a girl sitting on the level above? is that Amma? or a ghost figure of her dead sister? I was so confused, I watched the scene three times because i couldn't make out who it was and how Camille could miss the person sitting right infront of her.

    I’m pretty sure that was Marian.

    • Love 3
  18. 9 hours ago, ferjy said:

    Ha ha, cop boy’s line when he looks out the window after he just wakes up: “Sh*t, I’m still in Wind Gap.” 

    That seemed like a reference to Apocalypse Now.

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