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Accidental Martyr

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Posts posted by Accidental Martyr

  1. Getting all that stuff ready for the school presentation in less than 24 hours was Saved by the Bell level of absurdity.

    I like the Duplass brothers and I enjoyed most of what they did with the series but this ending was pretty disappointing.

    • Love 6
  2. This episode conforms my theory that Hannah is, in fact, an alien from the planet Blorgon 5, attempting to pass as a member of the human race. The things she does make absolutely no sense, to anyone, ever. I mean, I cannot even decide what she did that was the most ridiculous. Trying to blow Ray? Then leaving him on the side of the road to wait for his friend for hours? Getting into a car with a random guy? Then, of course, literally running away from Fran in the middle of nowhere. She was quite endearing though when Huck from Scandal saw NYC for the first time. So...Miss Blorgon 5 got something right? 

    I think you may be on to something. Maybe Hannah is similar to Scarlett Johansson's character in Under the Skin. ;)



  3. I tuned in midway through the episode, just in time to watch Howard and Bernie listen to the heartbeat. Made me freeze and gave me all kinds of memories and feelings, as i had home dopplers for all three of my babies and there is NOTHING like listening to your own baby's heartbeat whenever you want to.

    My wife is pregnant with our first child and we also bought a fetal Doppler monitor. It's such a neat thing when you locate the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It took us a little longer than it did for Howard. ;)

    Generally, it's kind of a bad sign when a sitcom goes to the pregnancy storyline but I think I don't feel as negative about it since we're experiencing some of the same stuff depicted on the show.

    • Love 1
  4. Not sure if I can forgive HBO. First, Enlightened, and now this. I was just getting into this show this season. Grrrrr.

    I didn't have HBO when "Enlightened" aired but watched it On Demand later. I thought it was really good and would have loved to see more. Laura Dern did a great job with that character.

    • Love 1
  5. If I caught what they were saying, Tina used a picture that was at least 10 years old (though she's certainly not heavier, unless she was a skeleton).

    I think she said it was taken at a Coldplay concert in 2001.

    • Love 1
  6. When Hannah was in Iowa last season didn't she say she was 25? In the episode at the party there was a girl who was upset about something a guy had done or said and Hannah said something like, "I'm 25 years old. I've seen a lot of stuff and I'll help get you through this."

    Found it. Season 4 Episode 2

    "It's just I've seen a lot of things. I'm 25 years old and I'm here to help you, all right?"

  7. When Hannah was in Iowa last season didn't she say she was 25? In the episode at the party there was a girl who was upset about something a guy had done or said and Hannah said something like, "I'm 25 years old. I've seen a lot of stuff and I'll help get you through this."

    • Love 2
  8. Wait! Where did Jessa find a sponge??? Are they back on the market? I haven't seen them in years...haven't really looked but I still haven't seen them.

    I guess she decided that Adam was sponge-worthy.

    • Love 10
  9. Yeah, that had to be the worst alien reveal ever. Even if it's a human, that was just plain crap. After 10 episodes, we really know nothing about them other than they seem to be ridiculously powerful and stupid at the same time.

    ...and they really like fine art.

  10.  I'll give them one more chance next season, but if things don't change, I'll leave the show.

    I don't think you'll be alone. I wonder how many viewers will even return next season after this episode plus a long hiatus?
  11. I must have missed the 3-way. (?) I thought I caught a glimpse of her sleeping with that woman's husband (which doesn't make me a huge fan of hers, and it was understandable that his wife wouldn't want her around, or would want to punish her). 

    I guess she did report her boss.

    The wife joined in. At least that was the implication since she was in the room.
    • Love 1
  12. What's the deal with the "Rolodex"?

    How were the "aliens" able to gather all this information?

    Did they already have all this info or somehow compile it after the arrival?

    Does this mean that "alien" technology is compatible with earth computers?

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