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Posts posted by FurBabyMama

  1. I think a change of scenery will be good for Glenn. And it’s Alabama, not Antarctica. It’s a short plane ride away, and it’s not like she has any pressing need to be in North Carolina all the time. And getting a condo makeS more sense than living for an extended time with family you just met and imposing on them. 

    also that helicopter ride looked amazing. The way she was carrying on, you’d think they were completely stranded. In one clip I saw quite a few helicopters, seemed like something the Swiss are prepared to do, it wasn’t some crazy rescue mission from the middle of nowhere. It was from the top of a mountain that’s geared towards tourists. Nobody was really in any real danger.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

    Holy fuck, what kind of grown ass adult acts like that?  (Todd, I am talking to you).  Seriously, never, in a million years, would anyone I know act like that.  Not around friends/family, definitely not around strangers, and not a chance in hell in front of cameras.  Not gonna try and play armchair therapist and start diagnosing Todd, but I'm sorry, nowhere, under any circumstances is that normal behavior.

    Speaking of abnormal, I don't really understand acting as if the Frenchman - who was an extensive part of season 9's storyline - never existed.  Now that Whit's getting "back on the apps," why not just stick a short talking head into one of the last couple episodes of Whit saying things didn't work out with the Frenchman?  Seems like an appropriate point at which to offer an explanation, and that would feel much less weird than the history re-write.

    Which leads me to my last question . . . why exactly does Buddy almost always show up alone to Whit's events?  I seem to remember him insisting a few episodes back that his fiance doesn't have a problem with Whit - and yet, she clearly prefers to send him alone to pick up his paycheck for pretending to still be Whit's friend.  Could be she just doesn't want to be filmed, I suppose, but seems as though she's actively avoiding Whit.

    Not everyone wants to appear on camera. I don’t know what sort of work she does, but she may not want to be that “discoverable”. And we know that these shows get heavily edited to fit a storyline, and maybe she doesn’t want to go along with the “character”they want her to be. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:


    I thought she had vaginal rejuvenation which is different than reconstructing the hymen.  I am confused.  I thought the hymen surgery is when you are trying to trick someone into thinking you are a virgin.  She had two kids, has had sex with him, and made a sex tape with the Bank of Dane.


    She said she had her hymen resewn to get back her virginity and spice up her sex life with Gino, that he would be turned on by taking her virginity or something like that… clearly she’s not a virgin and you can’t get back your virginity by sewing your hymen, so it’s just all weird and icky. 

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  4. I really didn’t need to hear about jasmines hymen… and I didn’t need to see her in the nurse costume, or see then pecking at each other… or hear about Gino’s banana… the only thing I can agree on is that it was really dumb for Gino to quit his job just because jasmine was coming… sure maybe take a few days off to get her settled, then take a day off to get her social security, drivers license, etc. But it’s not a pipe dream to live off of nothing. 

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  5. I’m really annoyed that whitney made Glen put on one of those stupid shirts… he’s not a grandpa or a greatgrandpa. Biologically yes, but in all the ways that count? He’s not. Not saying he won’t be, but right now he’s not. He’s clearly nervous and her stupid shirts are just wanting her to take control. 

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  6. I thought it was kind of funny when buddy said he bought Courtney, and Whitney said something about how will she fit into a group of friends who have known each other for 20 years… look around and the only people who have been there since high school are buddy and Tal, and I don’t even think buddy and Tal are particularly friends. 

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  7. Clearly this whole “frenchman” situation is such a farce. Let’s assume just for a second that he was real… what boyfriend in their right mind would be ok with their girlfriend sharing a room on a vacation with an ex boyfriend? Why couldn’t she share a room with hunter? Or let Lenny share a room with hunter? Or why does Lenny even need to go at all?? Why does every getaway require her entire entourage to go? I know the answer, but it’s just frustrating 

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  8. Call me na asshole, but I did not think Jess looked so amazing at her wedding… I hate those long pointy nails, it’s a trend that needs to die. The bouquet was way too big for her, and too long. And her dress didn’t seem to suit an outdoor wedding. I know, it’s your wedding, wear what you want. But it seemed out of place. And what’s up with that crying? I get being emotional at your wedding but the way she was carrying on made it seem like she was being forced into it. 

    sorry to hear about wills cancer, he really didn’t look like his normal self. Glad to see babs out and enjoying herself. 

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  9. I only watch here and there… the Kylen/fuzzy hair kid makes me so angry. He talks such a big game but is a worthless piece of space. Hes So controlling, so abusive. I think she really does feel stuck. I am raising 2 boys, and I watch this show with dread that my kids will turn out to be like him. 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I agree, she should have never told the kids, it was way too early, especially when she has had that many. @FurBabyMama I am sorry you also experienced that. I think Karen really needs to come to terms with her body is just not capable of having any more. It was unsettling to me that when Gigi and Poppy talked that the only way she gets over these miscarriages' is to get pregnant again. She totally needs therapy. 

    Don’t feel sorry for me! I have the most amazing kids now that I wouldn’t have if I had bio kids. We were lucky to adopt twice, and I can’t imagine my life without them. 

    She really needs therapy. 

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  11. It seriously bugged me that they told the kids so early about the pregnancy. I get wanting to be honest and upfront with your kids, but as a parent, your job is also to protect them. Why get your kids all excited when you knew that it’s possible to end in a miscarriage?? The kids just didn’t need to know about the pregnancy in the first place, she basically just told them when she had a positive pregnancy test. I had 7 miscarriages myself, and no biological children. She needs to focus on the children she has and not keep trying for more. 

    and I hate to be judgy because I know miscarriages hurt. But she’s a 41 year old woman trying to make a baby with a 51 year old man. I’m sure her doctors must have told her the risks are much higher at this age. Which is why it was even more ridiculous she told her kids when all she had was a pregnancy test. 

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  12. I thought it was really cute how Alex voice got super high pitched when the kids met for the first time. 

    Loren still bugs me though, she’s constantly whining and everything is so dramatic. Like she’s the first person with 2 under 2? I’ll see your 2 under 2 and raise you a 2 under 1, my boys are 10.5 months apart. We all survived 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

    Abby and Brittany Hensel are the twins. They drive, went to college, and were teachers. I don't know if they still teach or not, but you can bet they get a hell of a lot more stares than Shauna. 

    Shauna loves to whine, I can't, I can't, I can't. NO! It's i won't, I won't, I won't with her. Most, if not all, of her issues are self and mommy imposed. 

    Yes! She’s constantly making it about what she can’t do… yes it’s sucks she had cancer as a baby but that can’t be her excuse for why she can’t do something for the rest of her life. Last I heard, being short doesn’t preclude you from going to college and being a functional member of society. 

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  14. I’m so over this show… just whine whine whine… talking about how she wants to move out, and gets all hissy when her sister asks how is she going to pay for it… she doesn’t work, no mention of her having gone to college, so yea, how does she plan to afford living on her own? And whining about the costumes… yea lots of things won’t fit off the rack. It’s Halloween, you don’t need to buy a costume from a store. Wear a pair of jeans, boots, a flannel shirt and call yourself a farmer. Who the hell cares. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

    I think her parents have overprotected rather than coddled her. I don't know why her parents wouldn't research ways to help her to become independent. I think employers will be hesitant to hire her due to her height. She does have some limitations she can't lift over a certain amount and she is shorter than a file cabinet.

    Jen Arnold is barely over 3 feet tall, and she was able to become a doctor. She obviously was able to find employers to hire her. Shauna just put limitations on herself, expecting the world to adapt to her, instead of her figuring out how to adapt to the world. Can’t reach the top drawer of a file cabinet? Leave a stepstoOl at work. 

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  16. She seriously bugs me with all her cants… she is not the only short person in the world. Pretty sure she could find ways to adapt if she wanted. I sort of get her mom living in constant fear that this tumor could recur, but as a mom, you can’t transfer that crippling fear to your kids to the point that they’re too afraid to do anything. She can’t fly because someone will call cps? Don’t walk around like a scared child and nobody will give you a second look. She’s annoyed having to show her ID? That’s the hand you were dealt. She’s proportionally small, so not obviously a little person like someone with achondroplasia. 

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  17. 20 minutes ago, endure said:

    I found Loren pretty annoying tonight, not sure if she is aware of how much she complains about nothing....maybe just her way of establishing her power or dominance?  Also found her behaviour with her friend when out for lunch, she wore no make-up and tried to portray how difficult her life is being a mother, seriously Loren?!?  She wanted a baby so bad and it was her choice so why try to make a friend feel sorry for you?  I normally like her enough but she was really annoying me tonight.  And now I'm trying to imagine Alexei's parents living with them  ~  uhoh 🥺

    It was just so cringey. I love my kids, it took us a ridiculously long time to start a family thanks to years of infertility. But when I go out with single/childless friends, it’s about being with friends! Why complain you get no adult interaction and then spend the whole time complaining about it when you have them? And who cares that no one else in the mom class had 2 kids. Guarantee she’s not the only person who had 2 under 2. Hell i had 2 under 1… it’s not a competition. I dont know anyone else who had kids that close together. And she should have realized she was giving up her party lifestyle when she had kids. It sort of comes with the territory. Yea you don’t need to give up your life, but you’re not going to be able to stay out until 3 am anymore. Does she expect us to feel sorry for her?

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  18. Interesting how she admitted if they were consistent with the growth hormone, she would be about 5 feet. I wonder if the parents carry some regret for not staying more consistent with it. And I can’t believe the stress of worrying that your child’s stage 4 brain tumor would come back. 

    she still annoys me though. I don’t know if it’s her immaturity or whether she’s just not interesting. I’m really curious what she’s been doing since high school. So far no mention of ever having a job or going to college. 

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  19. I’m annoyed with Loren dad saying Alex shouldn’t have left. He hadn’t seen his parents in 2 years… she’s about tohave another baby which would mean another year or 2 before he would be able to go again. Loren sees her parents all the time, he’s supposed to just go on not seeing his family? Please, it’s a week. And it’s one kid, he didn’t leave her with a newborn and a toddler. And if she was so worried being alone, why didn’t she just stay with her parents for a week? She works from home so it’s not like she has to go into the office. 

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  20. 2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    In all seriousness, this young lady could probably make some legitimate money working for law enforcement doing undercover/ online "to catch a predator" type jobs. 

    And maybe she might just meet a really honest, cool partner (in law enforcement) who is NOT a freak. 

    I'll give this show another try. But I'm not seeing anything interesting so far. She's sweet and cute, nice family but zero on "intriguing".

    She probably could make a killing doing undercover type stuff, but I somehow don’t see her having the maturity level right now to do that. Granted she’s only 22, but she seems like a young 22. They never mentioned if she went to college, and she keeps talking about gaining her independence, so I wonder what she’s been doing the last few years since graduating high school 

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