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Everything posted by Lona

  1. Search your feelings, everyone. You know it’s true! 😂.
  2. So I took a look back and @StellaCL is actually right. Dr. Manhattan never said that. Just saying.
  3. Let’s cut the bulls—-. I’m guessing there’s a reason why DM isn’t doing this in the Former DCC thread. And I bet that reason is because I’m guessing this “former” DCC is a blonde legacy whose very name sparks strong reactions and who is planing on returning this season.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3pTyxUpps4 A new DCC Journey video was posted and it was Gina! :) Really, really do love her as a DCC. I know she isn't for everyone, but I really do feel she may go down as one of the great ;).
  5. Yes, now I know. Was coming to correct that 😂.
  6. I like to think of it as TPTB turning back the page on long waits like last season's announcements. If that's the case, then THANK GOODNESS. The 2020-2021 retirements took waaaaaay too long in my opinion. It took so long a bald blue guy from a freaking comic book had to be the one to tell us! 😂
  7. I wish her well. Was never given that much attention, but I always did consider her a consistent, hard-working DCC. Will be missed!
  8. More retirements coming! This is from a producer.
  9. Love to see as point: Chandi Will probably NEVER be point, but hey that's OK I still think she's awesome: Kristin.
  10. "You Are Wasting Our Time!" Yeah, you got that right. Gosh, I DESPISE cliffhanger episodes.
  11. And I for one can't wait for that to happen!
  12. I’m pretty sure this confirms Amber is retiring.
  13. I know this may be an odd/stupid thing to complain about as it is the year 2021, but I really do wish they wouldn’t put too much emphasis on amount of SM followers. Again, I know I’m in the minority here but it just irks me 🤷‍♂️.
  14. Happy Judy was honest about Kat. Sad she was overridden, but oh well lol.
  15. I'm sorry. Her dancing HAS stepped up. But SG was, in my opinion, way too big of a "promotion." However, with that being said the decision has been made and I do wish her and the rest of Show Group congratulations. And no, I don't consider her a "great ambassador." And, darn, there I go again. Complaining about something that already happened ... 😂
  16. *sigh* So I will say this. Marissa is not, and will probably never be, one of my "favorites," but I feel I (personally) really backed myself into a corner with this one. I've been a big advocate over the years for Gina Ligi, and that's mainly due to the dancing. I often defend her with the comment of "Well, sure, she's not for everyone but she's a great DANCER." To not at the very least admit that Marissa is one helluva a dancer would be hypocritical on my end. Still not my model DCC, but make no mistake ... Marissa Garrison can DANCE.
  17. Why am I not surprised? Aaaannnnnddd that’s what I get for giving TPTB even an a ounce of credit 😂.
  18. I know it was only a 15-second video, but I’m soooo happy to see they’re not hiding the rookies as much this year. Happy to see Ashlinn in the uniform :).
  19. K&J really hit Kylie with the "You have a great personality" letdown. 😂
  20. Favorite DCCs: 5th Year - Gina 4th Year - Too hard to decide LOL. One of the strongest rookie classes in MTT-era ever lol. 3rd Year - Chandi 2nd Year - Claire Rookie: We're halfway through the season so I'll withhold a pick for now.
  21. LOL. I did kind of walk into that one ... Got me laughing very hard!
  22. Congratulations! Everybody, point of the triangle is engaged! Shouldn't we be celebrating more? 😂
  23. 🤔 ... hmmm ... Yeah. You're actually right. Good point.
  24. All around, pretty solid episode IMO. Great dancing, and we even got to see Lexie, Gina and Ashlee display some great Veteran character. Also, three cheers for Travis Wall! Love his energy and enthusiasm! :)
  25. https://www.reddit.com/r/DCCMakingtheTeam/comments/q90pjm/tanner_ratted_marissa_out_watch_video_for_the_tea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf YOOOOO insiders? WTF is this? Marissa wants to “write a book”? 😂. @lemonbus230 @Dr. Manhattan
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