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Posts posted by EricaShadows

  1. 52 minutes ago, Rita J said:

    VK  “Lying and stealing”..?  Someone remind me?  
    Y’all don’t come for me… I’m behind lol. 

    IIRC, the best example of her lying was during her first time in Training Camp when she was supposed to be working with Jinelle regarding Victoria's weight gain.  Victoria supposedly had a doctor's to see if there were medical reasons why she was gaining weight and not just an extremely poor diet.  Kelli even stated on camera that "something happened prior to rehearsal between Jinelle and Victoria.  Jinelle volunteered her time to help Victoria with nutrition and I'm not accusing anybody of dishonesty but there is something not adding up and I want to explore that." The issue in question was that Victoria was avoiding Jinelle's calls and texts, not responding to any of it, until she was dragged into the office.  Victoria then lied to Kelli's face and called out on THAT (again on camera or at least blatantly hinted at in editing) before Victoria FINALLY admitted that she didn't want to work with Jinelle, but with someone who has been through what she has (thus hinting that it was actually a poor diet that caused the weight gain and not any so-called medical condition).  She was reprimanded for being so rude as to ignoring Jinelle, then sent out of the office without any repercussions beyond a scolding.

    Rumor has it that it was a thyroid issue and Victoria supposedly admitted to it on social media, but the "doctor" that she said prescribed the medicine she was on wasn't licensed to prescribe those medicines and wasn't licensed to diagnose the issue on top of that.  There were other instances of lying, but these were the best-documented.

    The stealing issue was a rumor that, during Victoria's first year as a veteran, another girl's very distinctive phone case was stolen from the locker room and Victoria just happened to show up with that very phone case (or an identical one) the very next day.

    There might be other instances, but I'm not remembering them at the moment.

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  2. 3 hours ago, PomPomPom said:

    She did audition. As a returning veteran she entered the audition process with the other veterans at the second round, did solos and progressed to and through training camp.

    As far as I know, since she took a year off, she had to start at the very beginning with the ones who were new to audition.  She didn't get to start with the other veterans who have been there for the past year or more.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, LilyD said:

    Ah but she did! In her first year, though Kelli made it look like it was the hardest decision she'd ever had to make.

    That's true, but it was after Kelli gave every excuse in the book as to why she should stay, nearly called Jinelle a liar (despite Victoria lying to Kelli's face) and a whole host of other things that any one of which would have gotten any other girl cut, but Kelli tried every possible thing to put Victoria on the team.  For Kelli, it WAS one of the hardest decisions she had to make (short of deciding when to retire and who to recommend up for her place).

    2 hours ago, LilyD said:

    Ah but she did! In her first year, though Kelli made it look like it was the hardest decision she'd ever had to make.

    And for what it's worth: I have a very strong feeling that Victoria's departure  was actually Kelli saying "Either you take a break and sort yourself out or we WILL cut you."   No, I don't have proof but we all know how often Victoria crossed the line and embarrassed herself and others. There's a limit to everything for everyone. And Kelli loves Victoria, but her love for the DCC is way bigger. Also, being a DCC was Victoria's (and her mothers) biggest dream. It's all she ever wanted. So a break for personal reasons?? No, just plain No. And yes, of course she'll have another chance, and another, and another....

    See Victoria's first time through Training Camp as to why Kelli will give her every possible chance and opportunity but never make her face the consequences of her actions.  I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria did something Kelli found reprehensible enough to "force" her to take a break from the team, but not enough that it was illegal or would get her jail time.

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  4. 4 hours ago, TB12 said:

    I’m shocked said no one ever. She could’ve come back & pirouetted right onto her ass with a big belly & she’d be best in show…  sadly bc of her preferential treatment by TPTB I’ll always be suspect of her earning her boots… 

    While Cassie T DID improve somewhat (some would say marginally), she did see the need to improve and did so, slowly but she did.  However, I don't think Victoria saw (or now sees or understands) the need to improve on anything thus she hasn't done anything to do so.  Even improvements KELLI said to make, she didn't or did so JUST enough not to get into trouble on.

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  5. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a drop in candidates who are auditioning and not only that, but a drop in quality somewhat, especially after this year if things keep opening up.

    It was a bit of a perfect storm when COVID hit because a lot of other dance jobs were getting cancelled due to the pandemic/quarantine orders/people not wanting to go out.  Between that and the fact that there was a television show filming which would give them "exposure" for other dance jobs when things started opening up again (plus not having a gap in the dance resume) and there were a lot of talented people auditioning.  I know some just loved to dance and wanted to keep that up, but there were a lot of girls who were doing it to promote themselves.

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  6. 3 hours ago, hannahbanana said:

    With VK having a late birthday (Oct.), she was well on her way to 19 when she first auditioned, but was still right out of high school (no experience). Her biggest hindrances, of course, are her mother and her ties to the organization. This separated her from the others from the beginning & allowed her "not to grow up" (as in there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between when we first saw her & now). As others have said (and wished she would have done), if she had gone away to college & been on their dance team or did something else that got her away from her mother &  the DCC bubble, and then came back & tried out, her experience might have been a whole lot different.

    I said the same thing (even if it was in my own head and not here. . . unless I'm not remembering correctly) about Victoria and I KNOW I've said it about Cassie.  If both girls had headed out to other teams (doesn't matter if it was college or the NFL) their first "eligible to audition" year and not only successfully made the team, but STAYED on the team for at least one year, I wouldn't have cared so much about them making the squad, but since they didn't, neither really seemed to grow up or move beyond the DCC as the end all/be all of their lives.  Then again, look at Tina.  She doesn't seem to have moved on either.

    At least, Kelli went on to get a college degree in something useful before coming back (unless, again, I'm not remembering correctly).

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  7. 41 minutes ago, Opine said:

    Totally agree.  She is not going to beat out Holly in sexy dancing in CA.  But she definitely draws people in (pretty much every guest choreographer called her out for sparkle) and has a certain innocence and positivity that may lead her to fall into something unique.  She isn’t going to make it in her hip hop!!!!!

    Oh yeah.  Hip hop is NOT her thing and I have a feeling that, if she tries to show off her "moves" in hip hop auditions, she's going to get laughed out of the room and/or audition unless (and until) she learns some actual hip hop.  Kelli and Charlotte may have loved her "skill" but it's not going to work in the "outside" world. 

    If she tries to pursue dance in California, she'll probably have to take some dance classes to polish up and make connections before she can hit up some auditions.

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  8. Good that she's moving to Cali to try new things, but I can't figure out how Maddie would get much work when there are other, better, dancers already there and entrenched in the scene.  Holly Powell had the technical skills that Maddie lacks AND the looks and even SHE had a hard time making it so I'm skeptical that Maddie can as a dancer.  Granted, Maddie may be far more personable and have less of an ego then Holly, which may grant her SOME auditions/jobs, but, again, other dancers will have the technical skills/better dancing, the IT thing, AND are just as personable if not more so then Maddie so I don't see her going very far in Cali before her time runs out as a dancer.

    I don't hate her and I like not only her enthusiasm, but her determination and go-getting nature, but I truly don't think she'll be a successful performer on the big stages of California.

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