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Posts posted by EricaShadows

  1. 46 minutes ago, StellaCL said:

    Kat Dunn was only given a 2nd chance for the show. I am sure the producers were 100% behind her getting selected. The cut 3 vets, but still chose her. She was beautiful and expressive and a reality show casting agent's dream.  "It's a gift," like Kelli said.  

    Kat Dun, at least to me, was a near look-a-like to Kali Drake, but without the dance ability.  To me, Kali was FAR prettier, personable, and could dance.  I never did see the so-called "weight" issues they had with her (especially if it was in her shoulders and arms) and, if everything else was there, I didn't see the problems with her kicks.  Kicks aren't as big a deal as Kelli makes them out to be unless she wants them to be an issue.   Overall, I would have kept Kali and left Kat D in her chair.

    From what I remember Kat went on to the Mavericks and stayed there for several years, but she never danced unless it was a routine that required the entire time or enough girls were out that they needed her to fill in.  She was the Malena of the Mavericks.

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  2. 56 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    Have the show on as background right now, Season 7 I think? I really do think they need to edit out the details of Carla Ann’s cut. She was clearly a victim of revenge porn, and they can allude to it without the blurred photo and details. Revenge porn is an actual crime in many places and it just feels off to me the way it’s shown. 

    She doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of - she made a choice that countless others have made, with terrible results, but it’s been more than a decade later and it’s just broadcasted over and over again. I would have to think a coworker or church friend or whoever might come across it and throw it back in her face. Most wouldn’t, but y’all know some will. 

    If it was an Only Fans or FB photo she had put out herself, I’d probably feel differently. I just feel bad for her. 

    It's off to me too.  However, it also struck me that Kelli just didn't care that Carla's ex did that to get back at her.  Not only that, he used Kelli to do it and Kelli let him use her to hurt Carla even more.  Kelli ALSO used Carla for ratings and didn't care that she was adding to everything that Carla was feeling.  If anything, once Kelli saw those pictures, someone should have pulled Carla aside and let her know what's going on so that Carla could make a decision about what to do instead of having her situation broadcast nationwide (or wider) just for Kelli's lust for ratings.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    Kitty strikes me as someone who would go tattle on the girls for laughing about a weight talk, especially since she’s one of the main ones who was always calling out cheerleaders for weight gain. 

    Kitty was the one we saw call out girls for weight gain the most.  She's also the one that said to give Victoria "the respect she deserves to get it off." after Victoria gained 11+ pounds so why her and not the other veterans? Rhetorical question I know.

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  4. 45 minutes ago, StepKickClunk said:

    100 million percent on seeing K&J out there!  Surely, there’s someone competent enough on the staff to watch over things for a few moments so they could at least run out there for the ending with sexy hips or something.

    I don't know why at least Judy couldn't be out there dancing, but I don't think Kelli ever will.  It would mean she would not only have to give up control for at least a few moments, but she wouldn't get a lot of solo attention because she is part of the crowd. 

    I remember hearing that Kelli absolutely LOVED getting all sorts of attention from people outside the Texas area and being able to rub shoulders with big name people she would normally never get to, mainly because of the show.   Now that the show is no longer airing, she's not getting to do that so she's not getting nearly as much individual and collective attention as she wants to

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Meleighsa said:

    Before the announcement that CMT wasn't renewing the show, I was looking forward to being able to see two legacies on the team at the same time, especially since that hasn't happened before.

    Actually, two legacies on the squad HAS happened before.  Meredith Oden and Cassie Trammell were both legacies and cheered at least one year together, maybe more, when Cassie first made the team.

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  6. 5 hours ago, vanillagum said:

    wait...so the implication is that that loony reddit poster is kelli?

    The running joke is that it's Tina, but some seem to act as if it's Kelli instead of Tina.

    I don't think it's Kelli OR Tina, just someone who wants to believe that they're "insiders" in a way that no one else is despite not being an insider in the least.  Well, that or they're a desperate/obsessed fan who wishes they were closer to the Kalinas'/Finglass families then the anonymous person who isn't connected to Kelli/Tina/Victoria in any way that they likely are (see pretending to be close personal friends with Kelli/Tina/Victoria when they aren't).

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  7. 3 hours ago, StepKickClunk said:

    I just noticed they get downvoted pretty heavily. 

    Usually, because of their obnoxiously over-the-top defense of Kelli and Victoria.  I don't mind when people defend Kelli and Victoria because they have their reasons, but those reasons are usually given in relatively easy-to-understand terms, without much name-calling or insults.  Glassisnevaempty does the opposite.

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  8. 15 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    And that person who "they" insist is Tina--it's hilarious how she incites them all.

    Is that "Glassisnevaempty" or something like that?  I just find the poster hilarious and hilariously bad.  They pick the WEIRDEST/ODDEST things to get overly upset about and all the name calling?  What is that about?

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  9. 39 minutes ago, StepKickClunk said:

    This makes total sense to me.  I agree this would have been the best recourse for all 3 as well.  However, I also think it’s tough to come back😬, and then there’s YOLO, and so I can see why they still went for it.   And because of all these examples, but especially because those 3 specifically, I’m just never going to buy into the “nepotism” theory regarding Cassie’s injury.  If anything, TPTB have been pretty consistent with their treatment of vet injuries (from the outside looking in anyways, which of course, is a very flawed/distant viewpoint).  If TPTB practice blatant favoritism, the legacies haven’t benefitted very much from it, if at all, contrary to all the legacy haters beliefs.

    Basically 60% of all the legacies were cut on their first attempt.  It’s also pretty safe to say that if Cassie (like MANY other cheerleaders in general from the 2000’s days) were to try out today, she wouldn’t make it on first attempt.  The competition is just too stiff these days.  But it just wasn’t back then.  

    **Legacy #1- I forgot who she was but I guess she made it on first attempt???  (Someone correct me here if I’m wrong.) 
    **Meredith- Very good dancer (IMO) among very average competitors. Made it first attempt. 
    **Cassie- Very average dancer among very average competitors.  Made it first attempt.
    **Legacy #3- Not a good dancer at all. Forgot her name but the dark haired girl that said “you like me, you really like me”.  Cut at auditions.

    **Dayton- Good dancer among great competitors. Cut at auditions first attempt.  Cut at camp on second attempt.
    **Victoria- Very good dancer among great competitors.  Cut on first attempt at camp. Made it second attempt.  
    **Madeline- Very good dancer among great competitors.  Cut on first (was that her first?) attempt at camp.  Made it on second attempt. 

    If I recall correctly, Meredith Oden was cut her first time auditioning back in the 2-hour special.  I can't remember if she was cut at auditions or actually in Training Camp.  I'd have to track that information down.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, 88Keys said:

    I've often wondered if certain girls are selected for training camp, with the producers and K&J knowing full well that they won't make the team.  I mean, they have to have at least a couple to cut for tv drama footage.  Like Taylor from season 6.  Any others you can think of that didn't really have much of a chance?  

    Carla Ann and Meagan F her third year auditioning spring to mind.  Vivian could possibly fit this her second year, but Kelli didn't know Vivian would be so "weird".  Dayton could possibly also fit this but my thoughts were not so much that it was anything Dayton herself did, but because of what she represented to Kelli.  There was no way Dayton was ever going to make the squad as long as Victoria was there.

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  11. 20 hours ago, sATL said:

    I've always thought they should cut the lowest ranked vet from finals. If anything to increase competition among the returning class

    Supposedly, that's what they already do.  However, if we listen to some of the rumors that happened during Finals in the past, that doesn't always happen.  Jessica (a 4-year vet) supposedly bombed her interview at least once, if not more, and she still made the team even though other veterans were cut for a bad interview.  Supposedly Christina Ricelli had VERY weak solos which should have gotten her cut as a vet but didn't while other veterans (like Jasmine Goode) got cut for bad solos. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

    Lots of Marissa and Jada! So glad they retired that sad crab walk mask section. 

    That was a very annoying part and very . . . awkwardly bad.  A lot of that black-and-white costume with the crab walk and mask either came from Cassie Trammell's audition solo one year or she stole it from the halftime show.  I was never fond of what they used of Cassie's solo in the halftime show because it looked cheap and rather amateurish for a group that was supposed to be as good as they are.

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