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16 Good
  1. In the final scene in the brownstone when Sherlock exits and the camera goes back to Joan there's what seems to be a painting on the wall behind and to her right. Is that a clue to the future or just a set decoration? When Sherlock is interviewing the lord in 221B the window is curved on top and when Sherlock yells at his 'neighbor' it's apparent that this window cannot face the street yet when he goes outside there's no such a window unless it's on a third floor which we can't see. Sherlock must be living alone in 221B since he had to knock on 221A. If both were living in 221A he would walk right in.
  2. I remember seeing an interview a few years ago where they stated that but also stated that "anything is possible". In fact they have moved closer to the possibility with the season finale.
  3. Somehow I can't see either of them knocking on one another's door everytime there's a case to solve. Then again they could text or call each other. But still, having them live apart seems rather cumbersome. And then Sherlock would need a key to 221A whenever he wanted to enter Joan's bedroom and disturb her from her sleep as has been a common occurence thoughout the series.
  4. Why did Joan move in next door and not into 221B with Sherlock? Is it because Sherlock is still uncertain about being in a relationship again? After all, Joan stated he invited her to live in 221A and not with him in 221B. Perhaps it's also a ploy from the writers to keep us watching through season 7. Will they or won't they? The wall between 221A and 221B is also perhaps symbolic of the barrier we must cross when meeting someone we are attracted to and revealing our true feelings for them. I can see season 7 now... Joan and Sherlock will continue to solve crimes together yet will not be truly together until the final episode. And then, hopefully, season 8 will be announced. Also, throughout the series Joan has lived in the brownstone, moved out, and then moved back into the basement. This transient nature of her lodgings fits well into her now moving into 221A so perhaps in season 7 she might very well move into 221B with Sherlock unless of course the locale moves back to NYC.
  5. The last scene in the brownstone was unforgettable. Brilliant acting, Sherlock's admission of his feelings for Joan, the tears in both their eyes, the expression on her face was incredible acting... saying everything without saying anything. When Sherlock left he touched the post on the stair.. was he saying goodbye to the house or was it a 'touch wood' moment. He admits his love for Joan hoping she would respond positively. In London when he left 211B for 221A I had a hunch Joan would have moved in there. I had the closed captioning on because I wanted to catch every single word and the lyrics of the background music displayed as they walked down the street. It gives some further clues. They went like this.. "We all know her desire" "I had her on a promise" "This is the one" "This is the one" I have always loved Sherlock's dry wit... "I only said that because I thought I'd never see you again"... sure... I hope the show is renewed into infinity.
  6. My all-time favorite scene was in the brownstone of course in the last episode. brilliant, superbly acted and heart rendering. I hope they get married and have children.
  7. I thought the hospital scene was one of the most touching and well-acted scenes throughout the entire series, especially the interaction between Joan and Sherlock. I believe the show's writers have always employed the possibility of a relationship between them that goes beyond their work together to keep the audience tuned in. If they do become "involved" the entire premise of the show will change. It's like a murder mystery... you keep watching wanting to know who did it until in the end it's revealed and the show is over. We keep watching not only because the show is great but because we want to know if Joan and Sherlock will eventually become a couple. Obviously the two do care for one another very much, Sherlock used the phrase "our home" when referring to the whereabouts of the killer after he left the brownstones which signifies to me that their relationship in the show is much more than just co-workers.
  8. I seriously doubt Watson could have followed him and killed him given her condition and in the next episode preview she states she didn't do it. When the guy was attacking Watson did he not say the fashion designer had od'd so he was either dead or else in no condition to kill someone as well. I suspected the fashion designer at first since his partner was supposedly killed by the serial killer but that's out now. Also in the next episode preview it says that before he died he named Watson as the killer but that could be him just getting revenge on her and Holmes. In the original books I don't think Holmes ever killed anyone and the show pretty much sticks to the book so to speak. It could be Moriarity. That leaves Sherlock as the killer unless there's another character we don't know about. Perhaps Morland Holmes? I do agree that Sherlock wouldn't be at home scrubbing if the killer were on the loose and in the hospital scene he made it very apparent that he would find the guy. That scene might just be to throw us off however. If Sherlock did kill the guy I think he would admit to it. Also, perhaps him scrubbing the blood off the stairs is symbolic of him erasing his guilt of killing the guy?
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