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Posts posted by MamaMia

  1. 31 minutes ago, Opine said:

    1.  Kelli's comment after Lisa left, something like how did I let these become pep talks?, did anyone else read that she called Lisa in to cut her and then changed her mind?

    2.  I have already posted that I think Amy is THE point based on the intros etc., but then I re-watched and Kelli definitely said TWO POINTS. 

    3.  It's interesting that Kelli said she was happy they kept Kat because she was clearly a favorite but yet they keep someone else who is so NOT a favorite.  Also, I think they were really planning to cut Kat and changed their (her) mind. 

    4.  I agree that it was mean to show Julia when she was still emotional about the wreck and clearly a little drugged up.  But I was actually a little impressed that Kelli got up from the table and hugged her.

    5.  I also agree with the poster that said Kat called Cheryl the wrong name.

    Question for #3.  Who didn’t the group leaders give stickers to make the team? Did Kat get stickers? 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

    After thinking about it (I have no life), I think that Amy is indeed the actual point of the triangle, even though Maddie is in that position for more time during the dance.

    It was Amy that Judy called up first, not both Amy and Maddie. Time was given for her to be acknowledged by the others as point. The same was not done for Maddie.

    There was no real pause or big deal made when Judy had Maddie move up front for the second part of the dance.

    Sooooo, officially it seems, Amy is the sole official point of the team, with Maddie also at times (even if it is the majority) in front of the group.

    I can see therefore, why Amy was calling herself the point. And, it was definitely Kashara who replied, "cute", not Amy on the phone call.

    It is so confusing! Seems most got it is a shared/alternate point position. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

    Not only if she was concussed, but if they gave her any type of pain meds, they can mess with your thinking/speaking as well.

    I remember one time my dentist wanted me to try Tramadol to relax my jaw muscles (I'm a champion grinder) -- when he prescribed them he told me they can mess you up and told me how he said something totally inappropriate and off the wall to his supervisor when he had to take them in dental school -- told his supervisor "wow, I love you, man" or something when he critiqued some of his work -- the Tramadol didn't relax my jaw muscles, but I did end up calling the lady cashier in the grocery store "sir" 😂.

    Lol. I don’t even need pain meds. Ran into an old co-worker last week and said congratulations on your pregnancy. She was so pissy and said, I am just fat! Ohhh, how I wanted an earthquake to happen and suck me in. My face was so beet red. I am still sorry and embarrassed 😳 

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  4. 26 minutes ago, PhillyFan said:

    Oh I don’t know. But she seems like someone that would have gotten under Kitty’s skin....she always seemed to prefer the sharper witted girls, I thought 

    30 minutes ago, jlc said:

    Are we sure Kitty is not working with the team this year, just not being on the show?

    It was said on here she was not involved this year. On social media ppl mentioned she was taking time off to travel & enjoy a new grandchild.

    • Useful 2
  5. Julia had been so strong all training camp. Sucks her response to a question on media day ruined all her hard work. She tanked it but she wasn’t the only one. If she was concussed during media day and could use that as an excuse for her media day response, who would be cut Kat, Meredith or still Julia? 

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  6. I think the way K&J presented point of the triangle was confusing. It appeared Amy was the official point. Amy still thought she was that night and couldn’t wait to share with her bff Kashara. Kashara did celebrate hard with the whole head thrashing 😂. That was great! 

    • Love 7
  7. 3 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    There’s no bulge over her belt or shorts at all there - and her stomach looks flat around her belly button.  I think that may be the angle of the camera or how it’s only showing her top half and not the full length of her legs when she’s taller.  And why is it all blurry?

    It was them jumping and dancing around celebrating a win in the locker room after the last game. Yep. Not seeing it either. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

    Yeah I don’t like that blonde color much either. It’s too light.  Only reason those girls can pull it off is cause they are really young.   It significantly ages you after a certain age - heck, it may be why we think some of them look like they are 40+ sometimes.  That photo of Gina the other day was really rough - she almost looked like she was in her 50’s, and I always thought Kelli Q looked really old.

    That color shows really nice on the big screen. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    So am I. Julia tried out several years ago before she was on TV, then did Mavs. She was on UT Pom, which is a huge deal at Texas- it’s obvious she loves dance. So if Kelli did say that, she’s REALLY grasping at straws. 

    Now I’ll buy Charlotte just not liking her as a reason she’s cut. She has final say over the final squad. 

    The entire Julia cut stinks to high heaven.

    Considering it was on her resume/application that she worked for the news station as a fill-in, why the sudden interest in her per diem position? She covers the weather not gossip for crying out loud.  

    • Love 11
  10. I find it interesting that they keep the girls in the same small groups for guest choreographer critique.  You have Kat, for instance, who appears elevated because the rest of her rookie small group made show group, so she skates by less noticed, while the Meredith/Lily/Madeline group gets ripped apart every time.  Seems counter-productive because that latter group just gets more and more in their heads because of it and, therefore, dances worse each time.

    I like the way the groups were assigned based off of personality and leader skills. I don’t know how that process could be more fair. You practice with vets and rookies in your small group all week. Watching the 5-6 vets in your small group and fixing corrections from your group leader is how you improve. Definitely think trying to emulate vets in your small group would be way more effective than performing in front of guest choreographers with stronger rookies for a couple of minutes. I would think it is more difficult to be shown with your small group of 9 knowing you have to perform in front of guest choreographers next to vets. Kat has taken a lot of critique being next to the other rookies in her small group. It was nice to see her perform well that night. 

    • Love 6
  11. 22 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

    VK may not be as savvy with her backstabbing as Lisa, but she's the one with the power  when it comes to DCC. I purport that Lisa has befriended VK and will take permanent residence inside her a$$crack to keep her place on the team and get away with mean-spirited antics towards others. 

    Oh my 😂 I got a big chuckle! You’re hilarious!! 

    • Love 3
  12. 16 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    Miranda and Lisa have picture together on ig from squad photo day and saying how much they love dancing together again 

    Maybe Allie was the troublemaker in that case. Or these two decided to move on. Something isn’t sounding right with Lisa though. 

    • Love 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Pksbena1 said:

    On the first episode of this season, Kelli said she had a girl crush on Meredith.....if Kelli really likes you, it seems you can (possibly) advance further than others. 

    Of course! She can say whatever about anyone and Judy will eventually see everything Kelli’s way. Madeline is gorgeous so I don’t see why not her. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Dear God, those teeth. If Skeletor had a daughter. . .

    If you look really close, it looks like she is removing her top denture. I don’t know what she could do to fix that?! I would half smile so I wouldn’t be showing all my gum. It really does ruin her looks. Most ppl look better when they smile but, in her case, she shouldn’t so wide. 

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