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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I'm not ready to watch those episodes again, I'll have to see how season 3 goes, but sign me up for the Nyssa love, and how much they sold me on Sara wanting to leave the LoA. This episode shows why Susanna Thompson was such an asset to the show. I'd have like to see more Moira/Felicity. Ain't it wonderful how much Oliver is concerned that Felicity is distracted? And how touch his promise that she won't lose him. I'd say Laurel was more right than she knew. The correct term for a married woman would be Mrs. Oliver Queen. Mrs. Laurel Queen would be used after their divorce. That scene was pretty much the final nail in the Oliver/Laurel coffin. Their worlds were like a Venn diagram, existing in two completely different circles, meeting only in a small sliver in the middle.
  2. It would be ironic, considering Oliver told both Tommy and Laurel to fight for their relationship. I don't think she will fight if he's adamant. Maybe she doesn't think she has enough sway to influence him. She fought for Oliver to stop killing because she believed it was that important but in relationships, she's always accepted them at the value they placed there (e.g. Diggle/Carly, Oliver/McKenna). If that's what Oliver wants, I think Felicity would step back, especially since for so long she thought they were 'unthinkable'.
  3. I'm behind on princess films. I just saw Brave, and I really liked that the happy ending wasn't about getting married. (But then, it 's a Pixar film). I've never seen Frozen and I'm not too thrilled that all that promos for next years Once Upon A Time relate to it. Is it very different than the original Hans Christian Anderson story, The Snow Queen? When I was a teenager I was in to all the old movies like Robin Hood and Captain Blood and Scaramouche (thank you, Elwy Yost), and I remember I had a dream where I was the captain of a pirate ship and I was a man, but I was still me, but in order to be a captain I had to be a man. It freaked me out and I decided that there weren't enough action roles for women and there really needed to be more. I think it too till Fascape until there was one though, although Leia was a good try.
  4. I knew a rehash of Oliver's Choice was coming with Slade. They practically wrote it in skywriting. Could they have had Oliver say "I killed Shado" and reference that scene any more? I think Paul Blackthorne and Colin Salmon are better actors, and Manu Bennett and David Ramsey are both very good in their roles. But I would give the award to Stephen Amell because he does a very good job of what he does, and he carries the show on his shoulders. Like a function where Merit = A * E where 'A' is the ability of the actor and 'E' is the effect his role has on the show. The same for Susanna Thompson and EBR. Thompson is the better actress, but EBR did a stellar job carrying many of her scenes. I was just catching up on Orphan Black and at the episode where . I was spoiled so I knew it was coming but the way they did it, I was shocked and then I started laughing because i . So I think you can be shocked both at what happens on screen, and also how they do it. I've made that mistake too many times so now I always check. But if I really want to emphasize just one choice, I only vote for that one. I'd love it if Felicity, Thea and Sara scoring 4 of the top 5, okay Felicity, Thea, Sara and Laura scoring 5 of the top 6 means that adventure shows are finally accepting that women viewers count too.
  5. Viola Davis is my reason to watch the show. Great acting. I thought at first she was a stone cold bitch who would do anything to get her client off and then there was a scene in the washroom where I thought she was faking tears so her student wouldn't tell on her but then it looked like they were real tears after all so she's a cold bitch who will manipulate the law any way she can with no thought to ethics and she cries real tears. That's why I thought of Laurel.
  6. Two people are in this potential relationship. If Felicity wants and then overhears Oliver waffling so she tells him she doesn't want to be in the relationship (a lie), how is that not making the decision for him?,
  7. I think there is a big difference in whether the writing is by a man or a woman. (Not always, some men write women very well and Clark Gable got George Cukor taken off Gone With The Wind because he had a reputation of being a woman's director.) Men often write Boys Own Adventures. Jane Austen wrote some very strong women, ones who were trying to do the best they could against society's rules (kind of like Felicity, actually). Men were writing adventure stories which barely had women in them at all, like Jules Verne various adventures and Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World because they thought women weren't interested in adventure or didn't matter while Lady Hester Stanhope travelled through the Middle East on her own. I'm always impressed at how hard she works in every scene that she's in, the little movements, the verbal hesitations, insisting on keeping Felicity's glasses and ponytail. She doesn't just sit back and let things come to her, she's like a stage actor in that things are made more noticable and compelling. I wonder if that contributes to how popular her character is. EBR wrote "Getting my weekly Jewish lesson from @bschwartzla starting the year off sweet!" Unless she's planning to convert, why would she get a weekly Jewish lesson?
  8. That might possibly redeem him a bit for me but I don't know. But as long as I'm supposed to take him seriously, he who killed AJ while he was pleading for his life and thinks it's okay to kidnap and murder Ava for killing Connie, it's like watching some truly delusional TV. Shawn really is horrible. He's supposed to be a good guy but he's hypocritical and stupid and hypocritical and putting him in a scene with Sonny while they talk about how they need to enforce their delusions on the women is a nightmare. Were soap operas supposed to be a woman's domain? How did we get from that to Sonny kidnapping and emotionally torturing Ava while justifying it on Connie's murder when he was even worse, and Robin kidnapped and forced to stay apart from her daughter and family? And no woman is ever right. Carly lying to Franco is unpleasant (and I never thought I'd write that) but at least it's old school soap. The kidnapping and mental torture stories aren't.
  9. What I was trying to say is that I think how Moira's death happened was shocking. That it happened, not so much (unlike the other scene which no one expected).
  10. I agree, I think Felicity will be working for Ray till the cross-over episodes or more likely till the Christmas break. At that point, Oliver with either have QC back or they will figure out Ray is a good guy and join forces with him. Oliver isn't entitled to decide for Felicity, but she's not entitled to decide for him either. That's why the scenario of Felicity overhearing Oliver talk to Diggle and deciding to let Oliver off the hook doesn't work for me. If Oliver is having trouble dealing with whether he can have a relationship and Felicity does want a relationship but she decides to let Oliver off the hook and lies and tells him that she wants out, that's a relationship-killer in the long-term because there's nothing worse in a relationship than having your partner make the big decisions for you except having your partner make those decisions and then lie about how she or he feels. Let's say Felicity does hear that Oliver is conflicted and tells him she doesn't want a relationship with him even though she does. Later in the season, Oliver finally gets his stuff together and is in a place where he can be with Felicity, or Sara or Laurel or whoever, but now he thinks that Felicity doesn't want to be with him, so he starts dating someone else. And then Felicity thinks he doesn't want her so she dates someone else, and we have two years of them dating other people and miserable. (And I'm miserable too watching it all.) That's not the kind of angsty soap opera I want this show to be. Or any other show for that matter.. It's not fine that Oliver makes decisions for other people, That's why I listed four cases where Oliver made decisions for other people and it turned out badly but there are other instances too. Look at Thea, he decided to lie to her and now she's off with Malcolm Merlyn. Look at Moira, he decided to not to tell her about Slade and now she's dead. Let people make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes. I hope they use Diggle's relationship with Lyla to address that you can be in a relationship and still let the one you love tackle the bad guys.
  11. I just watched How To Get Away With Murder, and I think I know where Laurel went to law school.
  12. Agree that Susanna Thompson is the best actress. But the character of Moira was difficult to like and this isn't the Emmys, (On the other hand, I've given up on the Emmys because the awards go to the popular actresses and not necessarily the best ones. ::cough, cough, Tatiana Maslany.) Moira's death I think was the most dramatic moment of the season but since we'd seen Tommy die last season and Slade was running around town threatening to kill those Oliver loved and we were taking bets on who it would be, I don't think it was as shocking as the ILU scene which literally came out of nowhere for everyone, shippers and non-shippers alike. BoP was like an episode from a different show, and maybe it was a try-out for a spin-off, so if you liked Helena/Sara/Laurel as a combination, it would have been a better episode for you than if you didn't.
  13. My favorite part was the protester/babysitter. I was really hoping they would keep her because the snark is lovely. I also liked the anacronym DWARF. Other than that, not much. Debra Messing is gorgrous and tries, and i wish they would do more with her crew and less with her ex-husband/boss. Why was he even there on the stakeout except that he's her ex and jealous? I fear the show will have them end up together and that's just wrong. Yes, now that you mention it. I liked that show a lot but the ex-husband = boss is something that i always hate. Gee, isn't it fun that now he's justified in telling her what to do? And any time she wants something, she has to justify it to him? Not.
  14. It's possible he confused DA with police commissioner as someone important in law enforcement. Either way, it's best to anticipate a big promotion for Laurel, and not just into the Arrow lair.
  15. It does sound like Laurel is the commissioner in this statement. Maybe the DA's chair was already filled. Or perhaps she's the commissioner of police?
  16. But it's not just so that Oliver can save her, because she's like that with everyone. If she were smart with everyone else and stupid around Oliver so the Arrow can save her, I'd agree. But she's also clueless when it comes to her parents, and Tommy, and Sara, and the people at her workplace. The legal stuff with Moira was appalling and had nothing to do with Oliver or The Arrow. The only thing she got right in two seasons was that Sebastian Blood was a bad guy and it can be argued that one outlier is a case of plot contrivance.
  17. Don't forget, Does Oliver push away because he's worried that being on Team Arrow will get them killed? In that case, welcome to the Arrow Cave, Laurel. I don't understand how it coming from Felicity will give Oliver the push to get back to her. I'm honestly asking. The way I see it, if it comes from Felicity, it will only serve to justify what he's been thinking of doing and convince him even more strongly to do it. I can understand not wanting Oliver and Felicity to be together at the start of s3 (at the end, definitely) but I don't want it to be stupid. The only thing I want right now is for Felicity to have a choice, an alternative to Oliver so that she can choose him rather than fall into it. Goodness knows, Oliver has had plenty of alternatives the past two seasons.
  18. Jordan's a woman who doesn't do what Sonny says, when he says it. She should be on that hit list right now.
  19. In both and Felicity is taking away Oliver's agency by making the decision for him. I don't want that because one of the reasons I like them together is because they make each other better, and this makes Felicity as a person worse for me; Oliver is always deciding for other people what it best for them -- not telling Thea the truth about himself or Roy or Slade or Malcolm, pushing Sara away, deciding he has to die to stop Slade, -- and they're almost always lead to bad consequences; superheros can't have other people decide for them what to do, they have to make their own superhero decisions, good or bad. If bad, they get to learn from them.
  20. That's a good point, icandigit. They've got Katie Cassidy cast as Laurel Lance and she doesn't work as the warm-hearted crusader for the little people. (See her interactions with Felicity, Diggle, Sara, Dinah, Quentin ...). They've made enough changes from the comics that they could do that with Laurel too. Have her tough, bitchy, not someone whose shoulder you'd pick to cry on or go out for a drink with but someone who believes that she has a responsibility to write the wrongs the law and the mayor's office has done, either legally, or if that doesn't work, as a vigilante. Someone you can count on when the chips are gone to do whatever it takes.
  21. Maybe Lyla will be spending too much time with the baby and Dig seeks consolation elsewhere? Do you mean the tweet that asked him "Is Oliver going to break Felicity's heart next season?" and he replied "What if she breaks mine?" I think that was just a generic "tune in and find out what happens" reply rather than spoiling or foreshadowing. Felicity is one of the most forgiving/accepting people on the show. She welcomed Sara with open arms (metaphorically), she was fine with Barry's lies, she was willing to give Moira a chance to come clean, and she's never condemned Oliver for anything after their first contretemps, even if she hasn't agreed with it. Not to mention she's spent two seasons first crushing on Oliver and then having deeper feelings for him. AK said about them "there is love there". At this point, I have a hard time imagining what Oliver could do to cause her to
  22. There is, but less so than on other sites where you can just keep refreshing the page and voting over and over again, or put in a bot that will keep voting for you. Wasn't it even at the Tubies that you could vote once a day? Same here. I voted first so the other person was out of luck. If you really, really want to vote more than once, you could run from friend to friend asking to use their phones, (I think all computers at one lab would have the same IP address) but how many people would do it? That matters too in terms of the validity of the poll and while I can see some stans doing it, most people wouldn't. This seems to be about the most vigorously controlled poll I've seen on the internet. The other question is whether there is a difference between those who vote frequently and those who vote only once e.g. would over-voting come from one group of fans (e.g. those who like Felicity rather than those who like Laurel), or from both groups equally? If there isn't a difference, the poll is valid. You can't do a randomized poll because most people don't watch the show. It does because we don't know the percentage she got. Isabel got second place with 10 % of the vote, then Ivo so at most Felicity got 8% of the votes, and possibly less, She got 55% of the votes for favorite character, leaving 45% to be spread over the others. I like that best guest went to Caity Lotz over John Barrowman (who won it last year,didn't he?) and Grant Gustin. Too bad BoP was such a bad episode. I voted for BOP because by that time, it was no longer the Arrow show that I had fallen in love with. I'm glad the dual fight scenes got some love. I just with they had got the stunt Emmy. I wonder what the EPs will make of that. And that Oliver/Sara beat Oliver/Laurel in the Best Pairing competition.
  23. Definitely it seem,speed would be training. But if Barry is being a smartass, why would he? It does seem like brain-washing to get Oliver under her complete control. Except I can't see even after Slade and Ivo that flashback! Oliver is brutal enough at this point to kill his best friend, and if he doesn't know it's Tommy that would backfire on Waller. I'd like to think that they wouldn't dumb down everyone else to prop Laurel but they did it last season, and the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
  24. Oliver would have abandoned Sally like he abandoned everyone else important to him -- Moira in jail, Thea basically abandoned by everyone, Diggle and Felicity bought off. Felicity knew how important Sally and Oliver were to each other, and like a true friend, she reunited them without being jealous of their relationship. Will Diggle have to abandon Sally now that there is a baby on the way? Maybe Sally is the one to let Laurel know what we think of her. I can see her wanting something normal and quiet. I still have a hard time seeing Felicity ready to move on from Oliver. I'm hoping that the 'in' Ray has with her is through her IT and now administrative skills (thanks, Oliver!). It still bothers me that Oliver completely ignored her professional wishes when he made her his EA. I'd like to see him at least acknowledge the sacrifice she made, and preferably apologize for taking advantage of her when he pulled her out of her area and made her the butt of gossip.
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