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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I'm curious if the EPs really thought we would be all "Go, Laurel, avenge Sara's death!" after Laurel had been so delighted in the jacket scene, if they thought were were just waiting breathlessly for her to become the Black Canary, or if someone there thought it was the only way to make us care about her.
  2. The second part is off to the right beside her name. Shado did die for nothing. So did Sara. I hate how this show throws good characters away for too little reason. Let Slade get his psychotic pain and Laurel her motivation somewhere else. LOL at Brandon Routh's wife feeling the Olicity date.
  3. I think he says "Don't, Felicity". (And then moves into the Much Ado About Nothing move of "Peace, I'll stop your mouth with a kiss.") I like as they're walking to their places, Oliver looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, and Felicity looks like she's trying not to cry. Thinking about it, Oliver really is a mess right now in terms of a relationship but to his credit, he tried to tell Felicity that "not now, maybe not ever". On his part, better than stringing her along in hope. On her part, I think she'd already given up when she heard his speech to Diggle which is why she was so adamant that once they talked, it was over. Except.... comics!
  4. And that is why the show would be shooting itself in the foot to go back to Oliver/Laurel because Comics! Not to say that they won't though. Kudos to SA, EBR and the director for selling that kiss.
  5. When you look at what he's given in the script, it's even more apparent what a good job Stephen Amell does with Oliver. Some of those lines are just awful, and worse are the feelings he has to portray. The scenes he did with Susanna Thompson are gold. For his sake, I hope they never do Lauriver again. The guy tries so hard and Katie Cassidy is such an awful actor especially opposite SA. Give him someone decent, like David Ramsey or EBR or Willa Holland to play against. For the sake of the show.
  6. Bait-and-switch. They know that Olicity brings in the viewers but they are determined to make Laurel their star as she is in the comics. I don't mind characters getting killed as long as a) they advance the long-term storytelling and b) their loss is greater than the gain made from their deaths (Moira and I would argue Tommy because it should have been Laurel to advance Oliver's hero journey). When they're killed off to advance the story of the character I like the least and who I think brings down the show, I mind very much.
  7. I thought KC was getting paid more than SA since she was the bigger CW star when the show started. SA confirmed that he had a six year contract but I thought everyone else had 3 years. I'll wait for someone else to answer. I don't think they do. But I also believe that no one on that show-running team, not even Greg Berlanti, knows what makes the show work and what doesn't. AK even said last season that the uproar over Laurel was because she wasn't wearing the fishnet stockings yet. (They're not unique. Hugh Laurie used to say that he didn't want to analyze what made House good because if they did, the show would fail and so it spiraled down for the last five seasons till it crashed and burned.) If they will kill Sara to prop Laurel because they believe it is so important to make Laurel BC and maybe Oliver's wife, no one is safe.
  8. Laurel fans pretty much universally like it because now Laurel gets to step into her fishnets, ...er mask. There's nothing stopping full on Laurel Lance Black Canary now. Canon is not always canon on this show. Diggle, Moira, Quentin, Sara and Thea do not exist in the comics, and Felicity is a completely other character. If Sara doesn't exist in the comics, why can't she be the Black Canary here? If Sara had been a bad character, or even a mediocre one (like Roy) or a plot contrivance with a short stay like Shado, I wouldn't be so upset, But Caity Lotz took the role and over the season made a compelling character that much of the audience loved and someone who we could accept as the Black Canary far better than Katie Cassidy's Laurel Lance. I feel like she got killed off because people wouldn't be able to accept Laurel as BC as long as Sara was around to offer an alternative. The shock is also that Sara survived everything last season, only to be taken down and fridged for Laurel's arc. But the biggest shock for me is that in the first 40 minutes of the episode, I thought the EPs finally had a grip on Laurel's character and knew what they needed to turn her eventually into a vigilante. Build her up slowly helping Team Arrow as a lawyer, and then have her join full strength. The death of Sara and the way she died made me spin 180. Whatever it takes, whatever other character the writers need to destroy, they will do it for Laurel. They will always put Laurel first whether it's the right decision in terms of the show or not. Right now I'm de-investing myself from the show because if they could kill off Sara to make Laurel BC, they can kill off Felicity so Laurel can be with Oliver. Because that's what it is in the comics. And I have no interest in seeing that, just as I have no interest in seeing Sara flashbacks because if I do, I will always resent that they killed her off for Laurel. So if the show is going to be faithful to that small portion of the comics history where Dinah Laurel Lance is the Black Canary and Oliver's love interest, I'd be smart to bail out now.
  9. I just ran across one. She also said that there was no chemistry between Oliver and Felicity especially in the kiss. That's one reason why I'm glad that there was a date and a kiss. Now it's canon. Olicity haters are still going to say it's fan pandering but now they can't say it's only in our imaginations.
  10. I just realized how sneaky MG and AK are. Other than Stephen Amell, all of the regular cast have three year contracts, which means that KC's will be up at the end of this season. With Sara around, there was the possibility that Laurel could go off to Central City and join her mother while Sara stayed in Starling City as the Canary. Now with Sara dead, it's Laurel or no one, and we know it won't be no one.
  11. Nah, the ultimate troll ending would be to have Felicity die in the opening episode of the last season and Laurel to get her hands on Oliver and marry him in the end, taking over stepmother duties for any children they may have had.
  12. That's what was said last season about Sara, and look what happened -- she died. Too true. It seems like the only way to have a decent couple on a show is to start out with them together, like Hart To Hart. Or maybe Diggle and Lyla. Arrow doesn't do relationships well, that's a given. Why don't they give themselves an easy out and go with the easiest, best-chemistry relationship on the show and concentrate on the action stuff?
  13. When does Guggenheim not over-state things? The only emotions that get dealt with on this show are Oliver's manpain and Laurel's sense of betrayal. That Oliver/Felicity "raw"talk was wildly over-sold.
  14. If anything, they are patting themselves on the back for lampshading it. Another lampshade, as Felicity says "don't keep me dangling", they prepare to dangle the audience forever. ETA: I tried Gotham but it's too violent for me and the only character I liked was Cat.
  15. I think Komodo was the #1 guess. But looking at that promo, I don't care who hired him, In fact, there is nothing there that I do care about especially Oliver's manpain and sense of guilt and responsibility yet again and Laurel's frantic cries. I don't like Ray and at this point, I wish Felicity could find someone without the massive ego. Come back, Barry, come back.
  16. She is their blind spot. When you start from the end and try to fit a character into a pre-determined slot, it often doesn't go well. When you try it with two, it's gets worse. And they managed to mess up most of a season because of it. Fortunately, on OUaT, there are other characters I could root for. The only relationship I'm looking forward to on Arrow now is Roy/Felicity and how they get along in the lair. Diggle is going to be with his family, Thea is still gone, and I find Ray to smarmy to enjoy him with Felicity. AK and MC thinks he's marvellous but then they also think Laurel is a good character so it makes sense they would like Ray. Quentin and Oliver will be all involved with Laurel now, and I don't want to see any of that.
  17. Which I expect will happen the next time Laurel needs a boost. They are eliminating everyone more popular than Laurel. My hope is that Laurel will be minimized in the next few episodes. My fear is that they are now going to concentrate on her becoming the new Canary.
  18. I think Laurel is safe along with Oliver. If they're willing to kill off Tommy, Kate Spencer and Sara to prop her, they're will to kill Diggle, and Felicity, along with Thea and Quentin. They are determined to make her the star of the show, not matter if it kills it. The EPs need to know that part of the audience is not excited to see Laurel motivated to take on Sara's role, or wonder who killed Sara. Their blindness killed Sara. I hope this turns into a massive fail, because that is what they deserve. I thought AK and MG felt like that, but I'm truly surprised at Greg Berlanti. Or did he concentrate too much on his other shows to appreciate what an idiotic move t his was? I hope this does bite them in the ass. Big time.
  19. Thank goodness for re-watch on the internet. It's true, when Diggle says "As soon as I laid eyes on her, my whole world changed", Oliver is looking at Felicity. n At least Olicity got that. Also, a few nice directing touches, the close-up of Felicity crying as Oliver tells Diggle he's benching him because she sees she's going to get the speech next, Felicity slipping out of Oliver's hands in their last scene as he's left holding nothing. Laurel was supposed to be both Black Canary and Oliver's love interest. The love interest was what was in the p.r. stuff when the pilot came out, the Black Canary was assumed by those who read the comics. Unfortunately, the show just lucked in to two other women who filled the two roles better. And this is why Sara's death has ruined more than just Sara for me. (Really, I don't give a flying fig about Sara flashbacks, she's dead!) If they are willing to kill Sara so that Laurel can have the jacket and mask fall at her feet and can ascend to the role of Black Canary, they're just as likely to kill Felicity once she and Oliver get together. He's get more manpain for half a season and then Laurel gets her guy after that. It wasn't just Sara that took a blow this episode to prop Laurel. Olicity did too.
  20. The picture recap was great. Especially the ending of the episode. That's it for me too. I can't remember enjoying anything about the episode because of that ending. And now I am really truly worried for Felicity in season 4. Especially if they finally put her and Oliver together because then for sure they'll kill her for Laurel to have Oliver. Look at Sara, finally happy and now dead. It' Only About Laurel for them. She gets some awful writing (Laurel is not the only one) but EBR makes it work. LOL. I hope so, but then there is that sword of Damocles... I mean Laurel hanging over her head. It was a successful nightclub before. I should think it would be easier to get backing for that then for QC.
  21. Something for Felicity to hang on to ..... or a hope for Oliver himself to hang on to? Could it be the latter, or is his head too far up his ass? And oh, look, now Laurel can complain again that everybody leaves her.
  22. Oliver's greatest fear ... is what would happen if he let himself go as Oliver Queen? That sounds like a therapy session. I thought it was really nice directing. Oliver and Diggle were in the background but the camera stayed on Felicity through the first bit, and you could imagine how her heart was breaking. That's why she said she didn't want to talk to Oliver at the hospital, because she already knew what he would say. I thought she gave up too fast on him but maybe it was because she'd already played the conversation out in her mind so many times. And how could he afford dinner at that fancy restaurant? I guess he didn't have to pay in the end. I'm still really upset about Sara.
  23. How amazing Sara was, and how much Laurel isn't. Do these EPs specialize in shooting themselves in the foot?I Guggenheim said we'll see how Sara's death will affect everyone, especially Oliver and Laurel and they will be the closest they've been since season 1. If I have to watch two episodes of Oliver and Laurel bonding over Sara's death, I may throw up.
  24. I thought Oliver said "Why don't you buy me a bed?" when she told him she had bought him a houseplant. Remember when they said Ray Palmer was like Cary Grant? What the heck Cary Grant movie were they watching? Sylvia Scarlett? I think it will have repercussions on the Olicity fans they didn't anticipate. If they're willing to kill off Sara so that Laurel can become the Black Canary, how can we trust them not to kill off Felicity in season four so that Laurel can get Oliver in season five after his period of mourning? Why should I stay invested? Laurel is going to get everything in the end because she's their Blind Spot.
  25. If Oliver and Laurel spend the next three episodes bonding over Sara's death (the spoilers said Sara and Roy but that's obviously a misdirect), I won't Okay, on the good side, Roy was pretty awesome climbing that pole to get the freezing compound (and good for Felicity for the idea. Oliver/Diggle bromance was good. Although I hate that Diggle told Oliver he was right, it's just going to feed his manpain. Is Storemare's Count dead now? When he first injected that thug and the guy was a fish head, I thought, that's your greatest fear? Giant fish?
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