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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I was shocked that Oliver was so brutal with the guy in the warehouse. And then I saw Laurel with the guy in the hospital bed, and said "snap". Laurel makes Oliver more vicious. And now I have this vision of Laurel prowling through the lair during those five months, opening drawers, asking question and storing it all away for future use. Yeah, Sara died for this. What a waste. Yes to the eye-rolling but I understand why Oliver said it to Diggle. He's not ready to say it to Felicity (3x22?) but at least he's thinking about what he wants from life, and Diggle is the rock that grounds him.
  2. I hope Thea is just playing Malcolm. She's Moira's daughter, after all. I hate that Laurel didn't tell Quentin. He deserved to be there when they buried Sara because he had missed the chance to grieve last time, but it's consistent with her that she thinks she knows better than everyone else what's right. What kind of medication is he on anyway, that needs to be taken every hour? Did he get a heart transplant as well? That opening scene was pretty bad. It was dark when Sara was killed, and morning when the Team got the the lair. Was Laurel just standing there all night looking at Sara's body? Did she not think to call an ambulance? Even if they found out that Sara was the vigilante, maybe she could have lived. When Oliver was dangling hope in front of Felicity in the hospital last episode, he was basically asking her to live down in the dark with him until he was ready to move into the light, if ever. I don't like how they did it, but at least Felicity was honest about not wanting to entomb herself with him on the off chance something happens. Felicity was a better friend to Sara than Laurel was in her last stay in Starling City. (Sara helped her with training and sewed her up when Felicity took the bullet for Sara.) I'm glad they honored that, and also Sara's relationship with Roy. To be honest, four scenes of Oliver/Laurel supporting each other was enough for me.
  3. Okay, after watching that I have zero interest in finding out who killed Sara. It was Plot contrivance. And of course Oliver and Felicity are at loggerheads. They need Oliver free to cuddle Laurel. Stephen Amell killed it this episode. Second place to David Ramsey, and Colton Haynes did a decent job. And I like Ray better now, not only did he spent $1.8 to get Felicity to work for him, he backed down when he saw she was upset. What a waste of Komodo. One thing this show has always been consistent on -- when Oliver gets close to Laurel, he turns into a dick. You have to hand it to them. Can't be said enough. Although when when they had Laurel and Oliver fighting, she did a decent enough job.
  4. And the more KC gets interviewed, the more this is reinforced.
  5. How can they? The truth is either A) Everyone loved Sara so much they would never have bought Laurel as the Black Canary unless we killed Sara blue dead and we're obsessed with making Laurel the Black Canary just like in the comic books we wrote; . or b) It's in Katie Cassidy's contract, no matter how badly Laurel sucks.
  6. No wonder he likes playing scenes with Felicity/EBR. He gets to bring a lot more to the show, and different things than the stoic, shut-down Oliver he usually plays. And since she does comedy well, they can bounce off of each other. One of the problems for me is that Laurel brings out the worst in Oliver; the douchiest, lyingest, most selfish version of him even now. I'll see how they play it in the episodes till Christmas but nothing about their relationship to this point makes me ever want to see them in a scene together again.
  7. I really like the way in all her interviews that she's grateful for having the opportunity to play Felicity, even though without her, there would not have been Felicity Smoak-member-of-Team-Arrow, and how she's always so gracious about the other members of the cast.
  8. From the TV Line interview: She sees everything only from her point of view. It's kind of fascinating really. Not how Laurel is going to be impressed by Ted Grant, but how he and Nyssa will be impressed by her. How Brave&Strong Laurel is. The only thing she says about Sara is that Sara motivates her. Not how good Caity Lotz was, not what a tough act to follow, it's all and always about Laurel and Laurel/Oliver. Laurel always blames other people, never herself. If Oliver hadn't taken Sara on the boat, she never would have been up on that rooftop in black leather being shot. Yeah, and Oliver needs her because she stands up to him. Which one is it, babe? And no, she didn't struggle with the playboy side at all, she willfully shut her eyes to it.
  9. I think for many people it will be too fast but there will also be many who either don't care because they're in it for Oliver and Ra's, or people will be happy she's become the Black Canary like her comic book destiny. From the IGN interview. Posted here because my reaction is bitterness rather than media or the character of Laurel: I know, but it always hits me again. Zero empathy. Does she really think that flashbacks watching Sara grow into an awesome Canary or seeing her in Laurel's dreams is going to take away the bitterness that now she's dead so Laurel can have her leathers and mask? Does she think they created the show for her? Maybe that explains her delusions of Laurel and Oliver/Laurel. (Hopefully she's not right and she isn't that important that they would create for her, or even the character, for her.) The words "the writers plan for Laurel" and "genius plan" do not belong in the same universe.
  10. From every KC interview I've seen or read, yeap, this is entirely how she sees Laurel's relationship with Oliver. In the middle of everything else going on, teenage gril Oliver would totes phone up his BFF and talk about that. Laurel would take the time away from interrogating the suspect to support him because bad Felicity walked away.
  11. At a guess, that's the only way she can connect to the show. Laurel and her great love for Oliver, platonic and otherwise. And Laurel is this really strong warrior that Nyssa and Ted Grand see and respect. The rest of the show is just a blur for her. I wonder if she even watches the episodes because in her interviews, she doesn't seem to have an idea of what is going on.
  12. Colin Donnell only shot for one day and no scenes with Oliver. Can I bear the Laurel angst to see the episode live, or should I wait for his scenes on youtube? If they're trying to reset Laurel, they have to have wonderful scenes with her and Oliver because the last time we saw them together other than the brief scene in The Calm, Oliver was all "Do what you have to Slade, I don't care" about Laurel. Re-setting Laurel involves making her BFFs again with Oliver. Unfortunately. The timing, with Felicity becoming increasingly involved/intrigued by Ray is unmistakable. Get Felicity get swept up into Ray's world so Oliver can help Laurel become a vigilante superhero and it's not his fault, Felicity is interacting with another guy.. Yes. Pretty please may I have that for Christmas?
  13. Someone, I think it was Bkwurm1 but I can't find the post right now. speculated that this season was going to be Oliver realizing that he can be both Oliver Queen and the Arrow, and then at the end of the season, with Roy as Arsenal, Laurel as BC, Thea maybe taking on a superhero identity and , Oliver will step back from being the Arrow because the city is being taken care of and try just being Oliver Queen for the start of season 4 until he gets pulled back in. Which led me to my fear -- that with Roy, Laurel, maybe Thea and others assuming superhero roles, there will be two tier-status, in which there are those who are superheros like Arrow, Arsenal, Black Canary etc., and there will be below them those who don't have superhero identities like Diggle and Felicity. They would be important, yes, but still be below the ones in costumes and masks. And since Diggle and Felicity are two of my three remaining favorite characters, I wouldn't like them to be relegated to a lesser status. I agree that was the original plan. But in the way that they made Felicity a regular cast member, I thought they recognized the value they had in Sara as BC and would keep her, giving Laurel something else. With Sara's death and the way they killed her off, I don't trust any of these EPs as far as I can throw them, which not being Sara is not at all. And that includes making Oliver and Felicity a place-holder couple till Felicity dies mid-season 4 so Oliver can have even more manpain and end up with Laurel at the end.
  14. Wow, KC is really blonde in that promo. And the more I heard Oliver say "it's up to me to lead. If I mourn no one else gets to", the more I want to smack him. Repeatedly. They should have known this wasn't going to work after KC's first few episodes. If people didn't buy her as a crusading lawyer, they weren't going to buy her as BC without some substantial work. I think a better way would have been to put Sara in a com and then in a wheelchair. It justifies Laurel getting revenge for who hurt her sister. gives Sara a chance to train her sister while making more poignant the Sara backstory, and they've got an Oracle ready if they get a BoP spin-off. I could be recalling incorrectly but I think they said that Sara being alive was planned. That made me suspect that Sara was going to be Raveger (which makes sense, given what happened to her and the LoA) but then they realized Laurel wasn't ready to be the Black Canary and patted themselves on the back for making Sara Canary as Yao Fei was the first to wear the Hood, or Billy Wintergreen the dual mask. You know they are so totally going to sell that story. It's the only way they can motivate Laurel because if she didn't turn vigilante for Tommy, why should she for what they've shown us between her and Sara?
  15. I really don't think they know they're doing it. Master of the Universe is a comic book term, isn't it? Guggenheim was one of the writers on both those episodes so he could have just used a phrase he likes, in the same way the matching island scenes with Felicity doing the same things Oliver did earlier had the same director of photography. It's stupid if you're building Oliver to be with Laurel but I do think it's a co-incidence. I hated Oliver/Laurel long before Felicity showed up, and it wasn't because of the backstory because I could have got beyond that. It was the interactions between Oliver and Laurel and how unbelievably nasty Laurel was. That is a scene that killed me. Okay, she doesn't know he just got back from fighting to save Walter and his family and curing Diggle but wow, what a bitch. She's so superior. so enjoying being nasty to him. This is beyond anger for what he did with Sara, she's enjoying hurting him. She enjoys hurting other people, whether it's her father, her mother, Oliver or the scene in the trailer for tomorrow's episode. It's not just that we've seen how much Oliver has suffered and later Sara so we feel sorry for them and not Laurel. We didn't see much of how Quentin or Dinah suffered and wow, I feel sorry for them having a daughter like Laurel.
  16. I tuned in today after several days off and I was pleasantly surprised. I could watch Liesl and Magda snark at each other all day. It's fighting but with wit, not guns or Shawn's goons throwing punches. Maxie and Natan were cute but this judge storyline is ridiculous. Still, they were cute. As much as I hate the FauxLuke storyline, I always love to see Sebastian Roche show up. Like Liesl and Magda, he's just so unrepentantly evil. The rest I pretty much skipped over although I have to agree with any potential judge, Anna is going after Olbrecht out of spite. Victor Cassadine kidnapped four people, don't you have real criminals to catch instead of the woman he was going to kill and who ended up killing him. Besides, we all know he isn't dead, Anna should know enough about Cassadines by now to know that.
  17. Stephen's contract is six years so it would be season 7 before he could re-negotiate and the show might well be cancelled by then. He'll probably do better with his next show now that he's better known.
  18. Why the writers think they could sell Oliver and Laurel being good for each other in a relationship is beyond me, but I think they think they can. People do go back to toxic relationships but usually there is passion there, no alternative, and often not enough money to live apart. Oliver and Laurel at this point are just nothing, at least on Oliver's side. I can't see why Laurel would want him back if she's got an alternative other than he's the Arrow and still high status. It amuses me to no end that Oliver needed scotch and Felicity took Benzos before their dinner. Even as well as they know each other, this mattered so much to them.
  19. I'm liking OUaT more this season than much of last season. I'm still kind of iffy about the Frozen characters but mostly I like them and I really like that Elsa is being friends with Emma and that they are magicking together. I think a big reason OUaT went bad that season is because the EPs were too in love with their leading lady Regina (sounds familiar?) and instead of writing natural consequences for her evilness, they wrote Poor, poor Regina. It's much better now.
  20. He said that he joined the drama club to get girls and then his drama teacher, who he stays in touch with, gave him a big role because he thought Stephen would be a good actor.
  21. They started shooting ep 309 Oct 9 and will continue through this week. If KC is flying out now, maybe it isn't Laurel-heavy. He attended St. Andrew's College, a pretty good prep so he probably does mean literally. Also, this quote He really is very competitive, isn't he? ( I just looked up St. Andrew's College. Alumni include Keifer Sutherland, Lawren Harris, Timothy Findley, publisher Jack McClelland, Governor General Vincent Massy (brother of actor Raymond Massey) and John McCurdy, inventor of the aileron. Wow, that's an expectation. )
  22. "Doomed romance?" What does he mean, doomed You take that back! He also reviewed The Affair in that column, although he didn't mention Colin Donnell.
  23. Why else? Because comics! And because Katie Cassidy that when Laurel found out that Oliver was the Arrow, she loved him even more. Other than that, no reason I can think of, especially since Felicity understans him so much better, and is a better partner for him. And that his relationships with Laurel both past and present were a mess of projections and being in love because they want to be in love, not because they love the other person. I'm going to have nightmares thinking about that. I think she would overact it as she did with the break-up with Tommy, tears and begging and temper tantrum. EBR quietly walked away, wiping away a tear.
  24. Sara was still killing people when she thought there was no alternate, like when Roy was mirakuru ragey, but she didn't want to kill people any more if she didn't have to. Oliver really didn't care at that point. I fear they are going to make Laurel's motivation for staying a vigilante "Dinah Laurel Lance, always saving the world" when what they have shown us on screen is that there is no one on this show more concerned about herself and not other people. To honor his father made sense for Oliver because his father handed him a notebook, said 'right my wrongs' and shot himself so that Oliver could live, and to honor Tommy because Tommy was appalled at Oliver The Killer. I hope they don't to that 'to honour my sister route' with Laurel because Sara was an assassin -- is she going to become an assassin and carry on Sara's work?
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