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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. She's the show's leading lady. And now that Laurel is going to be the BC, the show's p.r. department want people to be excited about Laurel. But they really should give her some coaching.
  2. Where did they find snow? Did they have to make it? Brandon Routh seems charming. No wonder the EPs love him and like writing for him. (And after having seen the KC interview, wow.) That's exactly it. He was offering her coffee, not expecting her to get it for him like Oliver. Honestly, no matter how creepy he is, I'm looking forward to someone treating Felicity well at last. Count me in for baby mama drama over a Laurel special. Even three baby mama dramas. I think they're writing it that way because they think it's going to be cuter to have Felicity expected to be his EA, and then turn up and he gives her something like head of Applied Sciences. (Just guessing) I got them impression that it's because even though she's got a high opinion of her tech skills, she doesn't of herself as a valuable employee. She thought Walter was going to fire her when he called her up to his office. I can see that coming from her background, where her father left, her mother was a waitress and maybe expected that that is what Felicity would be, she doesn't see herself as someone special, or not special enough except in her computer skills. I used to watch the kids in prep schools and they had all this self-assurance and air of certainty that they were going to rule the world because it's their natural right and I see Felicity as the opposite of that, but she's fighting it. That's why she assumes that the job she was hired for involves bringing the boss coffee, and why she tries to set boundaries to fight it. It's not like Oliver and Diggle praise her a lot. At one point, when they were expecting miracles and she produced them, she asked "What is it going to take to impress you guys?" whereas Laurel got a lot of praise from people generally (Quentin's "if you weren't a lawyer, you'd make a good spy.")
  3. Does anyone remember the TV show Wishbone? Wishbone had a great line when he was playing Cyrano de Bergerac and describing Christian "There's nothing there behind those curls." I don't want to be mean and everyone says KC is a nice person but I can't get that line out of my mind when I see an interview with her. In print, the writer can at least group things more cohesively.
  4. I think the 180 is on purpose to contrast with Oliver. And maybe to give the writers a little treat because it must be depressing writing dour and controlled all the time. Honestly, I'm so angry at Oliver for pushing Felicity away and then when Sara died, being even more distant and dickish (She's doing the best she can, Oliver. What about your A-game?) that it feels like I'll take any character who is willing to put Felicity first for a chance. Or even just to want her badly enough to pursue her instead of taking her for granted. As Barry said, he should have been thanking her for saving his life instead of yelling at her. Taking Felicity for granted and failing to think about her feelings and wishes is Oliver's default mode. Now that I think about it, except in terms of his crusade, Oliver is pretty self-centered. So bring on Ray! This show has never done subtlety so I'm reserving judgement on whether he's meant to be creepy.
  5. I really believe that the EPs think solving Sara's killing is going to drive the season (and me, I really don't care, I'm sure it's going to be something contrived). But the bottom line is, if they didn't have to make Laurel the BC, Sara would not have died. It's interesting how perceptions can change. When KC put out all those photos of herself working out, I thought she was doing it to show doubters that yes, she can do the BC physical stuff. But now that Sara's dead and KC doesn't have to prove to anyone she's going to be BC, it looks like they, like the picture of her being fitted for her mask, are "Look at me, aren't I great?" I watched the first part of the interview. What I get is a)smugness and b) a total lack of preparation. There are some obvious questions she's going to be asked (e.g. about her relationship with Ted Grant). For heaven's sake, if you're that bad at interviews, prepare some answers in advance. (And stop spinning around in the chair like a 5 year old, but that may be just me.) She's really gone blonde.
  6. I dunno, I'll give anyone a pass if it's In contrast, Oliver's decisions in The Calm, from benching Diggle to saying Ray would be better to run QC to ending things with Felicity before they began, is about wanting to keep his world small and enclosed. He has been through a lot (although he's had five months of successes so that should have helped) and he wants to retreat back into the comfortable. Or as the tv.com reviewer put it As Carl von Clausewitz wrote "What is the object of defense? To preserve. To preserve is easier than to acquire." Oliver is in preserving mode. He's hiding in what he has had success at, being the Arrow. But as someone else said (I can't find the quote right now) if you don't like the situation you are in, don't worry, it will pass. If you do like the situation you are it, it will pass. The hole Oliver tried to get back into after the restaurant was blown up was destroyed when Sara died. There is no safe place for him or for anyone any more. Diggle knows that, and so he puts one foot in front of the other, just trying to get through life every day the best he can. Felicity reacts by going out and grabbing whatever joy or satisfaction she can from the world. I think the more Oliver tries to be cautious, the more he will get hurt.
  7. Shocking results (as in not at all). I would have voted for Diggle/Lyla and Moira/Walter but I only got one choice.
  8. Thanks for taking one for the team, olicityfan25. I couldn't get through it. If MG is the one all excited about Laurel's new storyline, heaven help us. Stephen said that in season 2, between present day and flashbacks, Caity Lotz was the actor he worked the most with. I imagine it was hard to read that script and know she was going to be gone. (And no, flashbacks don't count.)
  9. I think if they do spend any time on it, it will be about Oliver's manpain and the cost to him of losing the baby once, and then once again as he realizes that there is someone out there close to him that he could love but. he. just. can't. because of what he does, and contrasting to Diggle being a father to baby Sara. (Enough with the manpain already, am I watching Arrow or Longmire?)
  10. The clip posted was from SDCC this summer. EBR came into town on the same plane KC did.
  11. This would have made so much more sense, it's frightening. It would have meant Laurel was well-written and cohesive instead of being shoved down out throats right away. I would still think they should have killed Sara later in the season, but at least this way we would have got the non-grating Laurel of The Calm for a few more episodes, and she would have had a real reason to turn vigilante other than owning Sara's jacket. Not having her call the police to investigate is sooooo stupid, especially since she spent season 1 saying 'the law is the only way.' Even if it wasn't in the original script, KC could have asked to add a 'please' somewhere or not slammed her hand on the table when Oliver fell off his motorcycle. I get it, she was anxious but Felicity is not one of her servants and Oliver could have been injured.
  12. Maybe it's just that Oliver makes contact with the mom since they got together at one time, but they leave the kid story for season 5. If they waited till s3 to give us Felicity backstory, they can wait longer for the kid. I tried to listen to the IGN interview but I only made it till KC started talking about Laurel. I. Am. That. Sick. Of. Laurel. Already. If they had KC on the panel, why didn't they have DR or EBR?
  13. Maybe if Iris actually did the work for the course instead of expecting Barry to do it for her, she'd do better on the course. And since when is taking journalism meeting a sociology requirement? Journalism is pretty close to the opposite of sociology (individual case study vs researching groups). It's not just this show. From the ATP on Gotham to ignoring the laws of physics and completely getting the parts of the brain wrong for Fitz (wikipedia, it's not hard) on S.H.I.E.L.D., TV shows a;most always do science badly. Ironically the best science I've seen is Barry saving Oliver with rat poison (coumadin) last season. I do love how greyer than grey Wells is.
  14. I love Colin Salmon saying that "we need to sort a few high-end billionaires out, I think globally". and the slip about Moira being the moral centre of the show. Not a fan of Boris, is he?
  15. While I understand the need to have Felicity branch out on her own so that being with Oliver is a choice rather than a fall-back, I don't like that it is being done at the same time as Oliver and Laurel getting closer because of Sara's death, or even at the same time as Laurel getting a big storyline as she starts on her BC journey. It feels like what I watch the show for (Team Arrow) is being petered out. I didn't like it when they did that in 2b last year, and I'm not looking forward to happening again, especially since I liked Sara.
  16. I think some of it is because of KC's performance, but that's also because Vengeful Laurel is something KC plays better the Good-doer Laurel. I've now read three reviews at three different sites by male reviewers who think that it's ridiculous that Felicity was so upset that Sara died because she was jealous of Sara's relationship with Oliver. Considering one of the few things ToD did right was to clearly say that Felicity wasn't jealous of that (it was Sara's combined skills but her own feeling of failure), I find that interesting. Is this a common male feeling, that if two women are friends with a man, one must be jealous of the other?
  17. Well they both love Laurel in Sara. Interesting .... militiary experience helps when you're telling someone he's self-centered for not noticing his friend was hurting from a break-up? Who knew? (This is giving me feels of gamer gate.) It's a different reviewer than the two for Sara. Maybe all the guys ther feel the same way? Women should be seen and not heard unless they're the Black Canary.
  18. I was thinking more of Jack Cassidy and Shirley Jones' connections. Granted those were a long time ago but Shirley Jones was a superstar in her day and she is still doing the occasional interview. She'd would know the best lawyers and the big connections in Hollywood, and how to get the best contract for yourself. I guess we're all just trying to understand it.
  19. Beats me. I thought the complaints were her propping him too much. Now Laurel, she does a good tear-down.
  20. From the media thread I think at this point, a lot of it is 'Oh for fuck's sake' exasperation. I hadn't seen KC in anything before I started watching Arrow and she lost me in the first two episodes. As I said elsewhere, I got my best friend into watching the show. She phoned me yesterday and said she was done, the scene with Laurel and Oliver on the stairs did her in, because she wasn't going to stick around to see more of KC's acting. The pity is, if the EPs could take off their blinkers and write her right. KC;s Laurel could work as a character. I've never liked her so much as I did in The Calm and if they could have kept that up for the first part of this season while people grew to like her more, and put Sara's flashbacks in there while she was still alive, it would have worked so much better and maybe Sara's death would have been poignant instead of infuriating. Or if they made Laurel Vengeance Canary or Blackmail Canary instead of asking us to see her as a good-doer because that's not where KC's acting ability is. But the EPs have totally screwed up in hiring KC/writing Laurel/killing Sara for Laurel when she isn't ready. I'm not surprised that AK and MG are sticking to their original conception of KC/Laurel as the Black Canary because they do come from the comics and sometimes it feels like they are little boys still (fishnet stockings!). But I'm surprised Greg Berlanti isn't listening. He's had a lot more experience on TV then they have. I'm sure KC is very connected to the Hollywood money people but surely by this point Berlanti has some influence of his own too.
  21. It's her big show and doing cons puts her out there for other jobs. As well Sara/Caity Lotz will be back in flashbacks.so I imagine the EPs want her promoting her appearances on Arrow still. Stephen Amell did a lot more work with CBC, HBO and ABC than he did with CW in TVD. replying to the rest on the Slings and Arrow thread
  22. "So don't." John Diggle is a man of few words but what he does say is very effective. Usually I think about Team Arrow in terms of action and the villains of the week. But in 'Sara', they worked more about Oliver's inner growth. Felicity told him (in many words) that she didn't want to stay down in the lair, waiting for Oliver to die. She wanted more from life than that. Oliver thought about it, and at the end of the episode concluded that he didn't want just wait down there for death. And impractical and experienced Diggle told him that it's really up to him if he doesn't want to.
  23. That could be why we got a Felicity backstory finally 3 episodes before. I'd like it to be about her dad but I got the feeling from various interviews that the only Felicity parent they would be dealing with is her mother. Gorgeous picture. I hope the city of Vancouver realizes how effective publicity Stanley Park is for the city and never shuts it down.
  24. That's hard to believe. Barry/Felicity were cute in season 2, like puppies. But Barry has been established to be in love with Iris, who is there on his own show, and Felicity has two men interested in her in Starling City, so it's time to put Barricity to rest.
  25. You didn't make up the part about the Clock King being in Central City. Maybe that's why Felicity goes there in Arrow 1x04 in terms of the season progression, to establish herself as part of the Starling City vigilante team, and brief Barry, Cisco and Caitlin on some of the people Team Arrow has encountered. That's how they know who to call when Tockman shows up.
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