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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Yay for having nothing to say about Laurel and Oliver. Also AK praising SA and EBR. Poor Stephan Amell, trying to keep the adult relationships adult on this show. I just noticed in the clip that Oliver really doesn't have time for Diggle's jokes right now.
  2. 10Eleven12, your mother is a woman of great good sense. Does she live anywhere near Vancouver or LA? All these arguments are logical in a storytelling and business way. I'm still preparing for the worst though.
  3. The Flash combines Barry's family and love interest into Iris, while Oliver has Thea and Laurel. Those are separate for both shows, at least in s1 and s2 in Arrow. The Flash has Caitlin on the team so Felicity can interact with her. And Barry introduces Felicity to Iris socially, which Oliver never really did with Felicity and the three women in his Oliver Queen life. So while there are fewer women on The Flash than on Arrow, Felicity is able to connect with both women on The Flash whereas Sara was the first one with whom she really could on Arrow.
  4. This is what worries me, that for some reason, even when Laurel isn't working, no, especially when Laurel isn't working, their solution is to stick to The Plan even harder. If the audience doesn't like Laurel, it's because she's not in fishnet stockings yet. If they prefer Olicity, it's because Laurel hasn't had a chance to be Oliver's support yet because she didn't know his secret. All anti-Laurel feeling is temporary and circumstantial. They can even call Laurel Oliver's blind spot, not realizing it's theirs too. If we find at the end of season 3 Laurel is gone, then I'll take it back.
  5. I desperately hope that they're just trying to cash in on the popularity of Olicity and get Laurel to ride that but then I really believed they wouldn't actually kill Sara. One day, I'd like to know why that is, that they can't rein her in. Aren't they supposed to be the boss of her? She does love being the centre of attention. Now if she could only think of something new to say in interviews.
  6. Iris: This is all your fault. I could have taken European folklore to cover my sociology requirement but no, you said "Take journalism, Iris, reporters have all of the fun." Guess what Barry, reporters have none of the fun. Journalism is boring. I'm bored. I'm blaming you. And then she tells him she expected him to explain the science to her about Simon Stagg. And it becomes his fault that he has a job he has to do and didn't have the time to explain the science. Other than this being frightening like the pissy entitled Laurel of Arrow because, hey Iris, you're an adult and you're responsible for your own decisions, European folklore could actually be sociology.
  7. The mystery was pretty good, and I liked the old lady who called Laura a Maureen O'Hara detective. (I love the feisty Maureen O'Hara.) The boy are becoming more tolerable although what's it with the mu shu pork? It's the inside that has the sweet hoi sin sauce. I don't know what they're trying to do with the husband because he's just become such a jerk it's no longer amusing. At first I thought he was going to be a down-the-line love interest but ew to that now. I didn't mind so much that he made moves on Ethan's mother, what bugged me more is that he nixed the hot undercover guy hooking up with Laura. Either you want her, in which case you better be good to her, or you don't so you let her move on to other men. Worst idea ever to have him be her boss. This is no His Girl Friday scenario. I love the first two seasons. Gave up on it when they changed the detective. Let that be a lesson to showrunners, don't mess with what's working, or do anything you can't undo if it's not working.
  8. Maybe the hair down is when she's not being Oliver's Felicity. it's Other Men Felicity. She's wearing flats in the picture by the railway tracks. Smart girl, those heels could get you killed there. I'm so excited for this episode. I love the idea of her working with Cisco and Caitlyn. Felicity Smoak: Not just another love interest.
  9. I think conflict over Oliver's responsibility to the kid and Felicity's feelings of abandonment by her father could be a really good story. But ... there are some fanfic authors I would like to see handle it rather than the writers of this show. Oliver is the hero of this show, and while he survived all alone on the island, and he likes to think that he can do everything by himself, really he's pretty expecting of others to do things for him and agree with him just because he says so. In his life, the world revolves around him. He felt no need to apologize for bailing on Diggle in Home Invasion, he expected Roy to stop looking for more clues and when Roy refused to, Oliver had to arrow him, he got angry when Felicity spent too much time with Barry. So while he should let Felicity live her own life, and not intrude in her working for Ray and whatever more, I don't think he will. He'll think of himself as all noble and self-sacrificing but he'll revert to 'she/he shouldn't be doing this to me.' He never appreciated what she did for him by spending her nights in the lair on top of her IT job (at least Diggle presumably got paid for his time), becoming his EA and all the problems with that personally and professionally, or by sticking with him through the parade of women in his life. Oliver doesn't have to become a dick to Felicity in this arc, he already has been. Maybe, hopefully, this is his opportunity to realize it.
  10. I'm not ruling it out. She's got them to make her the BC long before it should be, if ever.
  11. I hesitate to apply logic to this show (remember, Sara was buried without Quentin, Dinah or Sin knowing much less being there). However, Laurel has more flexibility in her job. Felicity will be expected to be there 9-5+ even though she's firm about no late night e-mails. It's not a given. It's an opportunity to bring Oliver and Laurel closer together if they want to do it.
  12. Guggenheim's tweet that "it'll be a wait" before we see any Felicity/Malcolm interaction makes me think they haven't written it yet much less shot it. Like "we'll do Felicity's backstory later in s2". Laurel putting on fishnets in ep 3x09 is way too soon. I'm not the only one waiting to see how they next 7 episodes turn out, especially how they treat Felicity and how they write Laurel, before deciding whether to keep watching. Laurel putting on fishnets so fast would end our relationship. it wouldn't be anything new, but with Felicity not there, we wouldn't have the contrast the supporty words got in 2x21 (Laurel) and 2x22 (Felicity), which Felicity won by a landslide. Diggle is a man of few words, Roy is still working his way into the Team and Felicity is off with Ray. I can see the EPs thinking this would be a good time to make Laurel Oliver's cheerleader.
  13. She tweeted asking for questions for the group of shows a few days ago. Between that and the tweets today, there was only one question that mentioned Laurel, and that was asking for Felicity/Laurel friendship. Most of the questions with all three tweets were about Felicity. Consider me highly amused. I wonder if she will be a journalist and unbiased/giving readers what they asked for, or if her Laurel love will take precedence.
  14. Is there a Diggle action figure? They could make the argument that Felicity doesn't get one because she's not out fighting, but Diggle sure is. Does he need to get a cool costume before they'll make him into an action figure?
  15. I am surprised, and very happy, that they got the Felicity/Sara relationship so right. It must have been so tempting for these guys to make Felicity jealous of Sara being with Oliver because that's the SOP trope, but instead they made Felicity admire and like Sara and worry about her place on the team. They did this so right, and other things so wrong. Why can't they make Laurel respect Felicity? Felicity was there first. Good article. I understand the need to break them up to bring them together again if only 1. They had got more than 5 minutes to be together first (they didn't even get to order dinner) and 2. It didn't coincide with the Rise of Laurel Lance in the lair, where Felicity currently isn't as she's working for Ray Palmer. I like to think of that as "Oliver's excuse of the moment". First it was that if people knew, they would see him differently, as he told Thea, but since that doesn't apply to Felicity (and knowing he was the Arrow only made Moira really really proud of him), now it's the "if I care about someone, I lose focus." He even did that with Sara, trying to break up with her when Slade arrived so that Slade wouldn't target her. (Yeah, Oliver, Slade had no idea who she was or history with her except as your current girlfriend.) We're supposed to feel sorry for him but really, it's awfully ego-centric. Nice.
  16. I think they didn't talk up KC as Black Canary because they wanted Sara's death to be a shock. (And it really was to me, I thought they'd realized what a find Caity Lotz was.) They talked up Oliver/Felicity during the summer cons because that was something they could talk about and not spoil anything really big. Other than that, interviews have turned up in the usual places -- EW, TV Line, IGN and I think TV Guide -- and there seems to be a mini press junket to Vancouver going on right now where everyone is interviewing her. I think they are pushing KC quite a lot, and one thing that makes me think it is that EBR is out of town while Willa Holland and David Ramsey are not. With all those reporters you'd think the show's bosses would have told their main stars to stay in town whether they're shooting right now or not, so I can only think that they don't want EBR there because she would take the focus off of KC. .
  17. Given how popular the Oliver/Felicity pairing is in the general viewership of the show, if O/L fall into bed together, it will be accompanied by the sound of many TVs being turned off. Oliver is the star of the show but that would be hard to recover from.
  18. Don't be sad. If it was on SA's facebook page, he's supporting it too.
  19. I noticed that Roger Howarth (One Life To Live, General Hospital) is going to play Iris' mentor on The Flash, while Kathleen Gatti has move from Arrow to General Hospital. Is there a special pipeling between the shows? Laurel is the very opposite of that -- she gets tons of special attention and storylines but she's not thriving at all except in terms of being pushed forward.
  20. Poor SA. He sees a lot of his hard work going to hell in a Laurel basket. The picture is photo shopped. EBR's photo was taken from the shoot they did for last season. His may have been too.
  21. What is it with those guys and toques? Stephen wears one a lot, and now Grant is wearing one. IIt is really, really cold on set? He's really kind of sweet and I like the way he works too keep Barry in character. I'm looking forward to Felicity showing up and awkardness. I wonder if Felicity will tell Barry what's going on with Oliver or just keep that to herself.
  22. Considering the number of cuts to Ray's face watching the fight between Arrow/Aresenal and Komodo in the last episode, yeah, he suspects something. Yes, that's what I think too. Oliver was pissy when he thought she was spending too much time with Barry and not working for him; he made her his EA so that she would be right there for him when he wanted her rather than down 18 floors in the job she trained for. And now she walked out of the lair and took a job with Ray, one probably more fitting to her talents than the one Oliver gave her. I can see him being seriously annoyed with that. i hope they make up soon, although I'm not counting on the end of this episode because there has to be something that sends her to Barry next week.
  23. So is this the shape of things to come? Oliver gives Felicity Angry Face as she goes off to work, and consoles Laurel?
  24. Convenient? I'd say planned. The only way to justify Oliver getting closer to Laurel is if Felicity's making eyes at another guy. So true that you're giving me nightmares. I HATE triangles on shows. Why can't the guy go and pursue the girl without making it about staking his claim on her in the face of another man? (I might add,His Girl Friday was the same even back in the 30s.) Don't know about the audience but it's what the writers certainly are looking for. Everything that happens on this show is about Oliver because for the writers, he is their wish fulfillment. Strong, gorgeous, suffering but working through it, women repeatedly getting fridged for him, and MG's incredibly crude comment about Oliver getting all the ass.. This is the EPs fantasies.
  25. The only time Oliver smiles in that scene is when Roy wants to take a bow on a plane because he's never flown before. And we're back to humorless Oliver. And then Oliver would have said "What do you mean she's in Corto Maltese? She phoned me from Italy and said blah blah blah." and then Felicity would have had to explain anyway that Oliver was wrong and how she found out where Thea really was. This way ended up taking less time in the end. Laurel's inner strength will guide her. I wouldn't put it past MG to put Laurel running the computers while Felicity is in Central City, or worse, deserting the team to work for Ray Palmer. The interview with David Ramsey was great. He teased, but just enough, he reassured that the relationship with Lyla was going to continue, and he drew Diggle's relationships with Lyla, Waller and Oliver into a broader, emotional and psychological context. (KC should be asking him for lessons.) So Oliver/Felicity aren't over. Which is not to say the show won't screw it up.
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