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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. She's always been good at talking about who Felicity is and what her fear and hopes and internal motivations are. She also only talks exactly where they are at the moment in terms of the episodes of the show, rather than 6 episodes down the line where she's read the scripts for. And she never, ever talks about how Oliver and Felicity are made for each other. ETA: Hee. After listening to their podcast of The Calm, I think they're funny but I get a distinct "girls are icky and they have germs" vibe. Sara is okay because she's a great fighter and wears a push-up bra with lots of cleavage. (Seriously, they talked about her outfit and the cleavage.) I think Olicity still matters, but it's not a main part of the show this session. Although MG did tweet that
  2. Thanks olicityfan25. That makes me feel better. I see her on TV sometimes. Now I'll know not to listen.
  3. Nyssa's badass, she can take dripping wax any time. Dripping hot oil too, I bet. Oliver said Sara brought it to them two weeks ago -- which would be before he went looking for Thea. So why wouldn't he have told Thea that her batshit crazy bio dad is still alive?
  4. Oooh, they're so clever.... they will tell us Sara slipped him the pictures when they met on the rooftop out of sight of the camera.
  5. These EPs think that if they put Sara in flashbacks, it will make up for killing her three ways. They just don't get it.
  6. It looks like Sara told the LoA and Oliver that Malcolm was still alive. Should she have told Quentin? But what could he have done? Although I guess at least the police could have opened a file on him.
  7. I couldn't hear the clip properly but didn't Oliver already know from Sara two weeks earlier (love how that was just cued up) that Malcolm was alive. But where? Was he dropping in to Starling City occasionally? Wouldn't someone recognize him? He was on the news media a lot even before the notoriety of the earthquake. Felcity's dialogue sounds better coming from Felicity. And speaking of male to female ratios (on the Felicity thread), the Arrow cave there now has three men and one visiting woman. I have a tipping point at which I'm no longer interested in a show, and that scene reached it. Poor Sara, it was never about her, always about Oliver or Laurel, or Slade or Ivo or even Nyssa. I don't think Lyla could have done it. Wasn't Diggle with her when Sara was killed?
  8. They barely mentioned Oliver's conversation about dying with Felicity, but got really excited over the Oliver/Diggle conversation at the end of the episode because that's what they've really been missing. It seems like they don't like Olicity because Felicity is his "subordinate" whereas Sara was "his equal" and they don't want her to ruin the show with her girlyness (although they like her physical appearance). It sounds like if they ship anything, it's the Oliver/Diggle bromance. ETA: they didn't know Felicity was Jewish? Where have they been?
  9. Considering she does gossip for CTV, the Canadian station that airs Arrow, that's a trifle crass, shall we say? (It's your job to report gossip on people, find out who they are instead of saying you've never heard of them.) It makes me glad I'm not an actress and don't have to be nice to people like her.
  10. It's understandable though because she's a popular character and people have been waiting for 2 seasons to find out more about her. I'm kind of surprised the EPs realize that though.
  11. I don't think there is sense to be made of the financial aspects of the show. But wouldn't Oliver get dividends from the stock going up? Maybe only quarterly but it might be enough to live on if he's frugal. On the other hand, probably not enough to pay for the Arrow toys. I don't think Oliver would want to live with Thea, wherever she lives, as long as she doesn't know about his night time activities. It would be impossible to keep that a secret, especially given how nosy Thea is.
  12. It's reassuring to hear that criticism from people who can't be accused of being Olicity fangirls. And good for them for blaming the directing too. "Semi-attractive"? Ouch.
  13. If Ray does a good job at QC, Oliver will have money from the stocks he still holds. But no more CEO of QC, please. It's like 19 years olds with PhDs running a company on soap operas. Felicity is better qualified to run QC than he is. Even Thea is since she had some actual business experience with Verdant. Isn't there a mayor position open in Starling City?
  14. it's a good interview. I like how she thinks She's says she will be in s3, but I wonder if this is it or if she'll be back.
  15. It's a three part series, according to IMDB. I think that's more because it was written by the grande dame of British detective fiction rather than because it's fanfic. But I love that she gives writing fanfic legitimacy. I know there was a series of books putting a new spin on classics which included Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Have any of those been made into a TV production?
  16. This show has too many tunnels. There was that mess in 2b, and only 3 1/2 episodes (1/2 being The Calm) to enjoy before the next tunnel hit again. It's like a ride in a fun house, but not so much fun.
  17. lol, I thought of her but younger siblings don't make good sidekicks, they're always too busy fighting you to prove they're better than you are (speaking as a first-born).
  18. Even when Laurel is doing something good, like beating up the abuser, she's doing it to make herself feel better, not because it is good in and of itself. (That's what Quentin did, he got the guy arrested on outstanding warrants.) And Oliver is about honoring his father, he targets bad people on the list and he makes them return money that they have stolen. If they return it, he leaves them alone. Diggle supports him in helping others who need help, Felicity encourages him to use only as much violence as he needs to. Thea is being trained by a psychopath, so if she starts out as a villain, there is room for her to realize how wrong he was and turn to the good side. But Laurel is starting out on the good side, but using tactics/motivations (I don't quite know what word to use) that are better suited for the other side. She keeps stumbling because she's too eager to kill (no bullets in the gun, Komodo innocent of killing Sara), or not prepared (unprepared to fight gf beater). Would the show really be willing to break with comic canon that much to make her an anti-hero? It would be make an interesting story, as Oliver has to work with her as he tried to with Helena, but I think AK and MG love her too much to do that.
  19. But could they ever redeem Roy if he killed Sara? I don't think so, and the character is too important to waste. Who would be Oliver's sidekick if not Roy? I think it might be Talia al Ghul. Ra's is too busy to do it (might send a minion though), but Talia might resent Sara's relationship with Nyssa.
  20. This episode proved that A&E haven't managed to handle their adoration of all things Regina. Boo on Emma trying so hard to work with Regina so they can defeat the bad magic. While EM's portrayal is really good, I'm having a hard time connecting to the Snow Queen as a villain. Maybe it's because I know so little about her and why she's doing what she's doing. With Zelena, I know why it was. I know, but the dad tried so hard to find her, driving around looking for her, even hunting her with a flashlight at night. If it were neglect, he wouldn't have bothered so much, he would have let her run off. If she had a secret about him she might tell, that would explain it. Eh, why am I trying to apply real-world logic to this show? It was so Emma could feel crappy and fight to be BFFs with Regina.
  21. Has anyone seen Death Comes To Pemberly? It amuses me that when P.D. James writes fanfic, it gets made into a Masterpiece Mystery show but I was disappointed. It seemed like all the spark of P&P had gone. Jenna Coleman (Dr. Who's Clara) played Lydia but I felt they really could have used her energy and spark for Elizabeth.
  22. Did anyone else get the feeling that Lily was being sexually abused? She was so desperate to run away from home. Emma wanting to be Regina's friend was bad enough. But Dairy Queen being one of Emma's foster mothers? That's a whole leaf off a giant cliff into nothingness. I don't think there's any way to make that plausible. Other than Belle, it seems like Regina is the only person Emma can be friends with. Everyone else is too old, too young, or her mother.
  23. I'm waiting to see what happens up till the Christmas break but while there is a good narrative reason for things to be weird between them, it's also true that AK and MG provided said narrative reason at exactly the time Sara died and they really needed to be there for each other. Oliver especially needs Felicity since his once again SO just died. Oliver may not be 'in' to Laurel, but she is the one he is hugging and supporting each other.
  24. I think we have to wait till 3x05 to see what the New Normal really is like. 02, 03 and probably 04 are really about dealing with the changes for Laurel and bringing Thea back, I don't know how much the lack of Felicity in 04 is because they want to write her distant from Oliver or EBR was too busy filming the Flash episode. By 3x05, she'll be back in Starling City and Oliver will be back in his usual mission mode. Hopefully that will let us know how they're going to be after the bomb and Oliver deciding not to hide out in the lair.
  25. If it were a choice between that and Felicity killed off, I think I'd actually prefer Felicity dying because then I could stop watching this show. Watching Laurel in the field with Oliver while Diggle and Felicity are benched -- just no. Already one of the comments that came up more than once after Corto Maltese was of course Laurel is going to call Felicity to find the abusive boyfriend, that's Felicity's job, to provide that kind of information and tech support to Team Arrow, which Laurel is now a part of. I don't think she would work nearly as well as a character if they end her relationship with Oliver. She's funny speaking to other people but it's the contrast with Oliver's stoicness that elevates both characters.
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