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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. To the first, I think she's say she's happy that people like Felicity so much because she does herself (she's said Felicity is like her best friend) and it's really great to be able to have her character interact with so many others and to be going over to the sister show. She does good interviews.
  2. When The Flash was picked up last season, Maureen Ryan wrote that they need to clone Felicity so she can be on both shows. I read at least one other review saying that after Going Rogue. I tweeted MG that I'm so excited to learn about Felicity at last. Just in case social media matters. For some people that will always be where she starts and stops. She doesn't fight, she's not going to wear a costume, so she's always going to be scenery for them. Tant a pis. (So much the worse for them)
  3. It's Guggenheim giving viewers what he thinks we want so my guess is probably Oliver talking to Diggle about Felicity. But then, everyone except the anti-Olicityers and anti-shippers already knows that, including Diggle. But will anything progress forward? Unlikely. Ray will have to start dating Felicity in 3x07 before Oliver gets his head out of his ass, and probably not even then.
  4. I think it's a wink a big brother might do to a kid sister. But Thea's not 12 any more. No sneak peeks yet? Isn't there usually at least one about this time?
  5. One thing that impressed me when I was watching the episode was Katrina Law's acting as she was realizing that Sara was dead. Small muscle movements as she realizes and then tries to control herself. I still think that Oliver should have let the LoA take Malcolm. Or if not, put him in the prison in Lian Yu. There is no statute of limitations on murder, especially mass murder. The previous seasons there was an overarching big bad but he still put the villains that popped up along the way in jail. There was no reason for him to let Merlyn go, and absolutely no reason to put Merlyn under his protection from the LoA. They didn't want him for Sara's murder, they wanted him for the Glade crime. Why did Thea thank Merlyn for saving her when it was The Arrow who did? She's become stupid too. I missed Felicity. Roy doesn't do her dialogue nearly as well,and Laurel in the lair in a sleeveless top showing off her arms and pulling up traffic cameras the week after she told Felicity to google a phone number for her just seemed wrong. If this had been the first episode of Arrow I've ever seen, I might have been impressed and tuned in for another. But I lost interest about a third of the way in and ended up doing e-mails for the rest because I know this show can do so much better.
  6. I did notice that Ted Grant mansplained Laurel's feelings. I guess it the new neon sign for Romantic Interest! on this show. I minded it when Ted Grant did it, I absolutely hated it when Ray did because Felicity and Diggle seem to be the only character left (sob, Sara) who actually know what they are feeling. I didn't mind the brochure so much because it listed the self-defense courses, although hasn't Laurel already taken a ton of them because her father made her? When Thea meets the new DJ, will he mansplain her feelings too?
  7. Whatever happened to "This started with the three of us, it's time we got back to that"? If I don't get decent O/D/F action soon, in various permutations, well, that's what twitter is for.
  8. I don't think they were ever planning to do a Black Canary show because the Black Canary is a woman. The movie world is full of superhero movies, a plethora of them planned in the next five years but as others have pointed out, they will make a movie about a superhero raccoon before they will make one about a woman. TV's had it's share of superhero shows, from Superman to the Greatest American Hero but the only one about a woman was Wonder Woman and it only lasted 2 1/2 seasons. This makes sense to me because these writers are good at picking up surprises that work (Felicity, Lyla) but they also have a hard time letting go of their own ideas that they really love. I think in terms of Laurel, they may have thought that she would okay in season 1 working her way back into a relationship with Oliver and then they could build her into the Black Canary in later seasons.. When that failed and they realized she wasn't BC material yet, they were probably at a loss what to do with her and hence the spaghetti at the wall for her in season 2, If the addiction was meant to be her crucible, it wasn't enough and maybe that's why they killed Sara, to give her more of a spur to become a vigilante, instead of writing it organically. On the good side, at least they did better by Tommy than turning him into the Dark Archer. When everyone has a double origin story, it gets boring.
  9. That's what should happen by season 4, season 5 at the latest. Which means it won't. I don't mind an overall villain of the season provided they can make each different enough from the last and there are enough villains-of-the=week to keep things interesting in case the supervillain gets boring.. Malcolm Merlyn was BSC and about Starling City, Slade was BSC about Oliver, and they both remain alive. Ra's will also have to remain alive in the end but does he really want to bother for a whole season with someone as lowly as The Arrow?
  10. Ray is a billionaire who runs multiple companies. Why would he personally be dropping off papers at Felicity's home if he's not stalking her. Come to think of it, why would there be any papers to be dropped off? She works in tech so anything she needs can be e-mailed. If it's to do with HR, that can wait till she's in the office the next time. I worry that they are too inspired by 50 Shades.
  11. Depending on what her mom is like, I think it should affect her dad. If her mom is smart, especially mechanically adept, then her dad can be anything. But if she's not, then dad has to provide those genes. it also makes a difference if he abandoned the family, like a deadbeat dad, or if he had to go deep undercover for something (either villain or good guy). But right now, I just want Mama Smoak to make some disparaging comments about Oliver Queen in front of The Arrow, like how he boxed up her baby as a secretary and kept her from doing all she could do, and have Felicity cringe in embarassment.
  12. I think MG and AK were so thrilled at getting their Arrow pilot off the ground and into production that when the CW said "Here, hire Katie Cassidy for your leading lady, people have been saying she's the best thing about the previous shows she's been on, they jumped at it. At least, that's my best guess. And then the show got picked up.
  13. I still think letting Nyssa kill Malcolm would have been the right thing to do. Solved all their problems without getting Ra's on their asses. Because Malcolm did kill the crew of the Queen's Gambit + 500 people in the Glades + who know who else without a single bit of remorse. He pulled his bow on Oliver in Corto Maltese. Oliver deciding to save Malcolm is going to cause him all sorts of more trouble this season.
  14. Thanks JenMcSnark. That is what I meant. The way he said 'Mom' sounded a bit like "You mean this hot blonde chick is your mother???"
  15. The podcast guys. At least once a season, there is a mention of Felicity being Jewish but they missed it (because it's Felicity, I guess). I need to remind myself that not everyone pays attention to this show as obsessively as I do. Or maybe they do too, just not to the same parts I do.
  16. Sometimes this show does subtle, and sometimes not at all. (Which makes sense when you think about that the Realcast podcast of 'Sara', the guys were surprised to hear that Felicity was Jewish and then concluded that it was just made up for that episode.)
  17. It's good that he didn't make it Felicity's fault ('Look, there was a bombing and you were unconscious and I can't be with someone who goes unconscious at the slightest bombing') but it's also in character with his martyr complex and that's not so admirable. It's a pretty squicky story to have told her, although right in keeping with Thea being kidnapped and having her mother killed in front of her, not to mention Malcolm's training methods. From a family and non-dramatic point of view, I wish he had told her what Isabel told him, that Robert was ready to leave his family and then Thea got hurt and he ditched Isabel to be there for Thea. A gentler story, and in terms of the overall storyline, it might have loosened her ties to Malcolm a bit.
  18. But it would make sense for him to be the same on both fronts, business and personal, because it would be a character trait. As long as it's not in a Kevin O'Leary kind of way, I'm good with it. I don't mind the slightly smarmy, what I didn't like is the super supportive, mansplainin' of 'you're not really mad at me, you're bothered about something else. I've thought the worse of Oliver because he never tried to see things Felicity's way emotionally but I don't like it when a new guy goes from Oliver's 2 to 11 with it.
  19. I think she could use Quentin as an anchor, he loves her and Sara and he's been through it all himself, but the longer she keeps Sara's death from him, the worse their relationship will be because he won't be able to trust her. I don't think Sin would work because Laurel would need someone less experienced and streetwise than she is to mentor, and Sin is a lot more of both. I thought of Thea, but even Thea seems stronger and more assured of her journey than Laurel is right now. I think the problem is where she is on her journey -- she has to find herself and know who she is before she can be someone's mentor.
  20. I would like that. It would show us where Felicity got her guts and determination from.
  21. I think she tries too hard to be one way or the other in scenes with him (either angry and bitter, or crushing on him) and he often seems shut down whether it's because he's PTSD Oliver, or later because to SA Oliver has moved on. And the only explanations we could come up with as to why Oliver and Laurel got together and stayed together did neither of them any favours. I thought her scenes with Tommy were good because KC didn't have the weight of Laurel's history. Laurel was bossy with Tommy but Tommy needed that at that time in his life. PB brings out the best in her because he's a method actor and I suspect spends a lot of time with her working out Laurel's feelings and motivations.
  22. I'm wondering if Felicity and her boyfriend were having fun hacking together and writing programs they never planned to use, and the FBI shows up. Felicity defends him, but it ends up that he was not a good guy after all, which sends her into a barren relationship time. If she wrote the program 5 years ago (funny how that number keeps coming up), it would have been a couple of years before we meet her at QC. In the promo, Ray is saying "Mom?" in a confused voice. I wonder if Mama Smoak showed up at QC and Ray offered to give her a ride to Felicity's house. It's funny, as in funny ha-ha, that to MG, Felicity's big life decision is to either be Oliver's crush object, or Barry's crush object, or Ray's crush object. What the show does well, though, is to show how smart she is and how professional so I won't penalize him too much for that. Maybe it's when Diggle and the Arrow save Felicity and Mama Smoak. Someone has to do it, and Ray isn't The Atom yet.
  23. Does Colton cross dress in every costume? and very well too. He does seem sad CL/Sara was killed off. Funny about every woman on Mad Men falling into bed with Don Draper because isn't Mad Men where he first noticed his wife?
  24. I think a time jump of over the winter break makes a lot of sense. This show does love it's time jumps to keep pace with the calendar. I'm just imagining David Ramsey trying to fit into Stephen Amell's costume. Amell's a big guy himself but Ramsey? LOL I think it's a combination of both of those. Emotionally she's still pretty immature and she's been through a lot of trauma. At the moment, Malcolm is the solid in her life, and that's probably been enhanced by Stockholm syndrome.. But mostly it's to create drama in the show, and to have her trained intensively so she can fight later on..
  25. I think people are making the assumption that it's to prop Laurel because CL wasn't a regular, she was a recurring actor so no big contract, and the EPs have said that she will continue to be on the show (in flashbacks), and that they are very happy to write more for her and hope to have her on even more. If there was a problem with the actress, they wouldn't keep inviting her back in flashbacks; and as they do want her and if she's not available to be a regular, there's still no reason to kill Sara (they could have had her kidnapped or in Nanda Parbat) except to make absolutely sure that there was no one to challenge Laurel for the black leather jacket or the Canary cry. So it all comes back to Laurel, and making her the Black Canary without any other options. Which is why I'm leaving this here instead of moving it to Sara's thread, because I think it's about what the EPs want to do with and for Laurel rather than anything about Sara. ETA: quarks, again with the editing while I'm replying to your comment??? :-)
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