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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. It's funny (as in 'not in a good way') that we get Felicity's feelings from scenes with Barry, and Oliver's from scenes with Diggle. That's where she was when Barry asked her in s2. In s3, in the Flash episode Going Rogue (not even an Arrow episode, really writers!), she acknowledged that it was a quiet dream that she had, to be with Oliver. In The Calm, Diggle called Oliver out on saying the ILU was just to fool Slade because it was true, and Oliver was having some quiet dreams of his own. But in true soap opera fashion, these two never really talk about their feelings. Although at the end of Secret Origins, Oliver realized that Felicity didn't want him to talk about how he feels about her if he's not going to do anything about it..
  2. When Dinah returned in season 1, she told Quentin that she moved to Central City because both he and Laurel had moved away from her, he into the bottle and his job and Laurel into her life, and she was so alone. (This may have been a deleted scene, I can't remember.) Laurel was applying to law schools and planning on moving out when the boat went down so she probably did soon after. Of course, Laurel may have felt that she wasn't enough at the same time that Dinah felt that no one wanted or needed her. Talking to people about your feelings is a good thing.
  3. Ouch. I love what a big Felicity fan Robert Doughtery is. And he often has very good points with it, as in his review of ep 5 I think much of the problem with Ray is that they wanted him to be like Oliver, billionaire CEO, charming, gorgeous, but they also wanted him to be funny, given all the remarks about how he's like Cary Grant. They got carried away with the last part. While it was very funny in the scene where he barges into Felicity's house, it was also way crossing boundaries. I wish MG would stop talking about people's incredible chemistry (now Thea with new guy) and just let us decide for ourselves if it's there or not. At this point, telling me a couple has incredible chemistry is a turn-off. Stalker!! I'm there already. Greg Berlanti said at SDCC that if you look at the scene in Lian Yu and how they are looking at each other "there's love there". Yeah, we have to get it from an EP interview.
  4. That makes sense. And when she's angry that Sara's been killed, she goes vigilante and beats up a guy who she has heard hits his girlfriend. Punishing him however she can, just as she wanted to punish Oliver when he first came back, and the Hood for letting Tommy die.
  5. I just read Wet Hot Starling City Summer, wherein Diggle and Roy especially have had it with Oliver and Felicity flirting through the summer, and the bed Felicity ends up buying. Really funny.
  6. All the time we spend trying to make sense of fictional characters. I agree that Laurel is lashing out at the world because it's not going the way she wants it to. And the more it doesn't, the more she tries to make it. Laurel seems to be one of those people who have everything planned out and they want it to go according to plan. She even told Sara her plan: move in with Oliver, after a year get engaged, then get married. When Sara pointed out that Oliver wasn't ready for this, as shown by his cheating on her with a number of women they both knew, her response was "Why can't you be happy for me?" Sara was was only trying to get her to see reality but for Laurel, it was attack on her I agree with your child parallels but I don't think that Sara was the golden child in the family, I think Laurel was while Sara was the screw-up. When Sara came home from university mid-term, the question was asked if she had got kicked out, whereas the conversation with Laurel was about her applying to law school. In season 2, Sara was the one who felt that she wasn't good enough, that what she had done wrong was so horrendous, she could never be forgiven. When has Laurel felt she was wrong? She's always been more 'sinned against than sinning'. When Dinah came to Starling City looking for Sara, Laurel was angry at her for believing Sara was still alive and called in Quentin expecting him to tell her she was wrong. When Quentin started hoping himself, Laurel shut them both down in a very cruel way in Salvation. But Sara was alive and did come back and Laurel's reaction to the attention being on Sara now rather than herself was to throw a wine glass in anger. When Laurel was suddenly representing the DA in ep 3x05 and they told her Starling City bank was in trouble, she told them to call in the riot squad. That's not something most of us would do with zero experience, but she was so sure of herself that instead of getting someone who knew what to do in that situation or even finding out the regular procedures, she called immediately called in the riot squad*. That's the action of someone who is very confident in her abilities, not someone who watched her sister get all the attention. That's where the attitude that the world owes her what she wants because until the Queen's Gambit went down, it did give it to her, beauty, brains, a rich boyfriend and probably prom queen too. (Ironically, the show keeps giving it to her too, which is why people complain that it's "unearned".) Did Laurel call the cops on Sara because she wanted to correct Sara's course? Or because she knew Sara was interested in Oliver and she wanted Oliver for herself? We'll probably never know unless one of the EPs spills. *That scene reminded me of something. When I was an undergrad, I worked part-time as a ward clerk in the emergency room of my local hospital (a great job, I recommend it). Every year on July 1st, the new interns would arrive. Some of them would see their first patients and order tests all on their own. These were the ones you wanted to avoid as your doctor in the future. Others, knowing that they had very little experience and didn't know much, would go to the senior nurses to double check with them. Even though the nurses were significantly lower on the status ladder, these interns appreciated just how much they knew and experienced, and used them to avoid making a mistake. Later on they did the test ordering all on their own but it's a wise man who knows what he knows not..
  7. I'm pretty sure Malcolm would have included archery in her training since that's his own forte. Her archery trophies suggest the skill could be genetic. Felicity and Thea speed dating would be hysterical, although Thea's about to get a new love interest. Why do we only have Felicity/Thea friendship in fanfic? Not the rest of her life, just longer than five weeks. Show me that she does have feelings for Oliver and it wasn't just a crush. I don't want to see Felicity waking up in Ray's bed as if who she's with doesn't matter. That's reserved for pre-island Oliver. I think they planned her murder without a murderer in mind but I hope they had at least picked someone when they actually wrote it. But Who Killed Sara is the crapiest murder mystery because ultimately I doubt it really matters who did it -- the point was to move Laurel's origin story along. (Although I'm intrigued that in both TV write-ups today, TV Line's spoiler column and Matt Roush's review, at this point almost all the Arrow comments are complaints about this season.) If they were going to let Laurel into the Arrow cave and make this season all angsty, they should have at least left Team Arrow intact. Give us something to hold on to.
  8. Maybe Thea is the person who doesn't become her comic book character but goes dark instead. Otherwise, with Roy, Laurel, Ray and then Thea on top of O/D/F, it's going to be a very crowded lair. I think it's a question of numbers. If she goes out on dates with various guys, that's seeing what else life has to offer. If she gets into a relationship with Ray (multiple dates, overnights, weekends together, he's her plus one), then I'm going to think she didn't love Oliver after all, at least not in a SO way..
  9. I don't hate Ray, I hate the idea of this contrived out-dated triangle put there for the sole purpose of delaying Oliver and Felicity getting together. If Ray becomes platonic friends with Felicity and she helps him navigate through the tech and other issues toward becoming a superhero, I will be his biggest fan.
  10. I think that's very interesting speculation. In fact, it may actually be better than what they're going to do. I don't think he would be irrelevant because he'd be the person who is holding everyone together even if he's not there. What I can't see is why they would take him off the show just when "the most polarizing character" is taking center stage. Please make this happen. But only to a certain extent. After that, Oliver has to fight for her, and not just throwing things around the Arrow cave. This is where I disagree with you. I know people who have wanted to be in a relationship rather than be with a particular person, and unless it's an arranged marriage (which granted often work out very well), it's always ended badly. If you want one person and settle for another, you're almost certainly going to be disappointed and divorced.
  11. Yes, Felicity has two reasons not to get into a relationship with Oliver again: first because he just rejected her as soon at the first sign of danger, and second because he's still being a martyr and self-sacrificing and who wants to be in a relationship with someone who is looking to get himself killed? If the killer is Sin or Thea, I can imagine how Laurel wanting to kill her would go over with Team Arrow. Sadly, I can't see Diggle yelling at Laurel because he's too good a person to take it out on a weaker person. I hope the scene is about dealing with the murder of a sibling and he can talk some sense into her. I have to admit, I'm mildly curious to see if Ramsey can pull a good performance out of her like Blackthorne can.. That said, I am officially sick of this show shoehorning Laurel in everywhere even moreso now that she knows the secret. Agreeing with you completely here. Why would she get into a relationship with Ray if it's Oliver she wants? That would be emotional cheating. Felicity's always been a smart girl, smarter than Oliver certainly. She's not going to put herself behind locked doors if he doesn't want to be with her but it doesn't make sense for her to get into another relationship. If she does, it's an indication she didn't really love Oliver after all. I think the only way Laurel will see Diggle and Felicity as more than subordinates is if they don't support her and she fails spectacularly, and even then she'll probably blame them for not being there for her. If Oliver does get together with Felicity, Laurel will probably think he's just doing it with the help.
  12. I laughed at the "be careful what you wish for" in response to the Diggle question. He knows his audience. Since it was MG who said it, I'm not going to worry. He was the one who said Laurel was "Emmy-worthy" in TOD. The man is propping a different show than I'm watching. I was hoping he would tell Laurel off but since it's so emotional, probably not. I don't see why we need young Nyssa scenes now that Sara is dead, but they're clearly enamoured of Ra's and like Ray Palmer, are going to play him up for all he's worth. I think one date is okay given that Oliver just rejected her, especially since it sounds like Ray springs it on her as a business occasion. But to have her in a relationship with him given that she's just told Barry it's still Oliver for her, no.
  13. Yeah, Matt Roush is a good voice of reason. (I couldn't do his job, he must get so many e-mails from the truly crazies and he handles it all with calm.) It's too soon to give up on the show even if they are focusing on a number of elements that are questionable. It's funny how many reviewers still mourn the loss of Moira. (As well they should, there was so much potential left with her.)
  14. I remember Terri Miller re-tweeting that timeline during Castle s3, gleefully since it said the show was in its golden time, while I was absolutely hating the stupid plot contrivances to keep the couple apart. I wish more shows planned in five (B5) or seven (Star Trek) arcs so it still made sense in later seasons. While I liked Slade's arc last season (if only there had been less Lance Family Drama), Ra's Al Ghul is not doing it for me this year, and having him as the Big Bad this year means whoever it is next season, it's going to be a lesser villain. Using Ray to keep Oliver and Felicity apart in 3B is just a terrible idea. Harlequin romances are written better.
  15. What Laurel could bring to the team is her legal expertise, which is exactly what she's not using right now. Other than that, she treats them, especially Felicity,as her personal underlings. But I don't mind because she's not in the lair. Sure, they have to save her now and then but she's not fighting with Oliver and she's not on-site being bossy to Diggle, Felicity and Roy.
  16. I've been liking Murdoch Mysteries a lot this year. No more stupid triangles for William and Julia (although George has now found himself in one with the character who was his love interest in the pilot episode) and I think the mysteries are quite good. There was one about human trafficking (which impressed me also because it was real Hungarian spoken without subtitles so like William and Julia, you only had the translator's words). They also do a really good job of incorporating real inventions and real historical characters into the show (last week it was Teddy Roosevelt). And Julia got arrested protesting to give women the vote.
  17. I've had people I loved die. Three months later, the hurt still tears you up inside, years in my case. You'd have to be very shallow or very needy to start dating someone else in so short a time. Just as Oliver got all sorts of shade for jumping into bed with Sara and staying there, Felicity is going to look the same if she's dating Ray whiie mourning Oliver. This seems more plausible, since he's the kind of guy who notices when she's upset. It would also tie her closer to Ray when Oliver gets back so that if he's still pushing her away, she knows Ray is there for her. I still don't see why Felicity can't date Ray in ep 307, realize he isn't Oliver, and end as platonic friends. But then, I thought Oliver and Sara would have FWB sex in TOD and not fall into a pointless relationship.
  18. This speculating is full of all the tropes I most hate about TV show relationships. I don't see why Felicity can't resolve her feelings about Ray before the winter hiatus. Since we're going to be finding out about his true agenda, she can help him with that, with the tech and whatever else he needs. And when she's found out that he's a good guy, she can let him in on some Team Arrow doings. Oliver may be furious at her when he gets back but honestly I'd rather see Ray Palmer down in the lair than Laurel there. (Also, I see Palmer as more of a team player than Laurel is.) I would really rather prefer Ray to have a platonic connection with Felicity as she helps him become a superhero. We've been talking about Ugly Betty in the Quiver thread and I remember that the revolving door of love interests for both Daniel and Betty was why i stopped watching the show. I agree that the scene between Oliver and Felicity will most likely be Felicity asking him not to go and Oliver saying he has to, and that it will be "voluntary" in exchange for Thea's life or to train for some reason, that's a classic movie trope. However, I agree with Limbo that Felicity has never been selfish so she'll be worried for his safety rather than angry at him for going. She's disappointed in him for ending their relationship before it began for his emotional cowardice but she's always seen him as a hero and that is part of what a hero does. I think the only thing that could turn me off Felicity is for her to date Palmer while Oliver is missing and they're all worried about him. Either she loves him or she doesn't, and if she does, she shouldn't be dating someone else while he's missing. When he's home and healthy and refusing to be with her, sure. But not when he's in danger. One of the reasons I got into Arrow was because they didn't always do the expected or what everyone else is doing. I'd be so disappointed if they did it now.
  19. How long I want Arrow to last depends on whether it's going to be 2A or 2B. After everyone has got their superhero costume, what will the show do then? My Oliciity wish is pretty simple: at the end of 307, I want a quiet moment between Oliver and Felicity acknowledging that even if they can't be together right not (for reasons), there is no one else for either of them. With possibly a handtouch. Other than that,I'd like to see Diggle get a good storyline rather than one with the Suicide Squad or propping up everyone else's stories, and a good one for Thea too that's about her rather than being Malcolm's puppet or something half-assed like Roy is getting. And they could throw Roy something more than a bone too.
  20. I think it was AK who talked about Felicity needing an actual alternative so that she could make a choice and Oliver wouldn't be the one she got by default. If that's the case, they need to show more than they have shown so far, and possibly more than the 'business' date in the next episode. It would make sense to have Oliver fighting for her in a real fight later in the season, but the way they burn through ideas on this show, it may be that it all gets settled in Draw Back Your Bow. Every time Felicity wears a blue dress in a scene with Ray, like the blue dress he got her for 3x07, and I think about the red dress she wore in The Undertaking and in The Calm, I wonder if they really are doing the red pill/blue pill analogy on purpose,
  21. Loved Emma/Elsa scenes. But poor Emma, she can only have one good relationship per season. For the first two it was Snow, then last season it was Hook, and now since she has Elsa, Hook is keeping things from her. Didn't Elsa and Hans find the urn while Anna was missing and release Ingrid? I think Hook's heart was red because he's not as black as he's painted. For a pirate, he's been pretty noble and unselfish.
  22. I think it's speculation because they were promoting Ray as Felicity's new love interest like crazy over the summer and there's been so little indication of it as yet. I think the only real spoilers we have are 1. We will get a hint of Ray's plan at the end of 3x07; 2. Laurel will get her BC costume in 3x10; 3. Oliver will appear only in flashbacks in some episodes 3x10 +; 4. JJ Ramirez got the script for 3x12 so Ted Grant is in that episode. Matt Mitovich at TV line said he has more spoilers for Arrow, and if anyone has questions (i.e. spoiler questions he has the answers to), email them to him at insideline@tvline.com
  23. BR was contracted for 16 episodes (although it may be 18, I can't quite remember and I don't think MG could either). He wasn't in 3x04 or 3x06 so he's got at least 12 more to go which takes him to 3x18, 3x19 if he's not in the Flash crossover one either. They're going to have to up his storyline to justify all those episodes and how much the actor must cost. I hope Diggle talks to Oliver about the idea that Felicity is moving on. Boy needs a slap upside the head if he thinks she should wait to see if he ever is available for her. I hope Diggle doesn't talk about it to Felicity though. It has to be on Oliver to decide what he wants and to make a move. If Oliver and Felicity have a touching scene in 3x09, I don't want her to start a relationship with Ray while he's gone and she's worrying about him. Although if the scene in 3x09 is Oliver telling her to move on with her life and date Ray, I will throw things at the TV. It would be great if Felicity could develop some wearable tech for Oliver during her job.
  24. I like Anthfan's shorter fic. In the longer ones, I think Felicity gets too weepy. Going to an author's bookmarks works on fanfiction.net too if you go to their page and look for authors they like. It's often how I find new authors. Doesn't always work but most if the time it's very good. At this point, I don't care. I like how regular and in-character her characters are. I'm especially appreciative this season because I know when the on-screen Arrow episode sucks, I can wait a day for her fic and all's right in the Arrow universe.
  25. LOL. It looks like Ray is making an announcement at the podium and Felicity is beside him. It's possible the necklace is a bonus for her work and in Ray's weird way, jewelry is an acceptable bonus for an attractive woman. Especially if it's wearable tech, which would be perfect for Felicity. On the other hand, a necklace to spy on what she does in her complicated life would be fun too.
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