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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Felicity has always been on the outside looking in. She even told Sara (in the deleted scene) that the Arrow lair was the first place that felt like home. She appears to have no friends other than Diggle and Oliver and Roy, she doesn't get along with her mother, and people at work talk about her. What I got from it is that Felicity is being punished by refusing to wait around for Oliver to get his head out of his ass. She's lost her friends, who are having good times without her, and all she's got is creepy Ray now. I interpreted that as all the things she had loved about Oliver, she's now putting on Ray instead, plus the treating her well. I didn't like Felicity at all either and she was the reason I got into this show. It makes me wonder if they are deliberately destroying her so that Laurel doesn't look so bad.
  2. I'm hate that they are deliberately keeping Felicity in Ray's orbit. Felicity should be there too, dammit. Team Arrow is what I watch for and they are ruining it this season with their stupid angst. It's such a turn-off of the show, and Laurel is already doing more than enough of that. Or what Tangerine said. Pretty much every Team Arrow interaction was lacking for me except Oliver/Roy. That said, it was like season 1 when Felicity went to Diggle's apartment to mend the fight with Oliver and Diggle said that Oliver had to be the one to make amends.
  3. She should have told Oliver it was coming. Felicity was never this insensitive before. Her rah, rah speech about Ray-the=saint bothered me, Sure, it was her job to sell him but she's lost her integrity. These are the people who thought it would be creative to have Oliver drop by and see the kiss. I'd make that 100% sure.
  4. Among the many things I didn't like in this episode is that Felicity has become so self-centered that she didn't even give Oliver the heads up that Ray was renaming his family's company. I hate her speech that Ray is such a wonderful person that if he wants your minerals, it's to save the world. I hated that Oliver and Roy are having dinner with Diggle and Lyla while Felicity is away with Ray. I did like Cupid though. Not sure how I feel about her joining the Suicide Squad though, she's too unstable.
  5. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was much, much worse. I hate what they are doing to Felicity. That smart, strong woman is being bought by a 'couture' dress and the loan of a diamond necklace. And the cheesiest oldest trick in the book with Oliver seeing the kiss. I hated Time of Death but this may be worse.
  6. That's the impression I got from Katie Cassidy's interviews. But if Amy Gumenick also auditioned and they offered it to KC, I wonder what the EPs are feeling now.
  7. That's it for me, that the last eight months have taught me to be wary of the writers, not to trust them. Campea and Alan Sepinwall have been pretty vocal about not liking the turn the show has made this year, and Mo Ryan has stopped talking about it. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have influenced the EPs at all so far as we know. At least Amell got them to stop "the caravan of women" into Oliver's bed. The guys are always neutral, but there seem to be a lot more negative comments about Laurel as BC and the direction of the season than there usually are.
  8. I loved the Sharpe series at the beginning and especially his first wife and how she helped mold him ('A man is given two ears and one mouth, so he should listen twice as much as he speaks') but after she was killed off, it was too much fighting and bedhopping for me. The Doctor Who cast singing. Starts out with John Barrowman doing the theme music, with Catherine Tate and David Tennant at 1:45, alone at 5:18, Alex Kingston at 6:20,
  9. Thanks, Morrigan. So after Sara died, Laurel went off to law school and Quentin buried himself in his work. He gets no points from me for "i stayed because I still had a daughter" when she wasn't even in the city. It was a really good scene. I wish the show had done more like that instead of the others. (Also, I have to remember that that length of skirt is not a good look on someone of Dinah's age no matter how much I love it.)
  10. I would have been so impressed with Ray if he had given her some wearable tech instead. This dress feels like the writers are patting themselves on the back for paying homage to (ripping off) Pretty Woman, not realizing how limited their insight is. Hopefully the episode doesn't turn out to be as bad soap opera as it looks like but wow, this season is a disappointment compared to 2A. Or even 2B at this point.
  11. After ER, Grey's Anatomy and all the other TV shows using anvils endlessly, I think I'm okay with it. But with this show, I'm putting my money on it going nowhere and that's the most frustrating of all. On the plus side, she does say "stopping himself from letting their relationship go to where it obviously wants to go and where we want it to go as fans"
  12. Yes, it's a big problem that he bought her the dress before she agreed to go to the dinner with him, and an even bigger problem that it worked, she's going to dinner because of the dress. They could have done it so much better -- it's a business dinner, he needs her input so it's job-related, but as a thank you for going, he gets his assistant to pick up a dress for her. Not only does this way make Ray look way creepier, it makes Felicity look like an airhead. Seriously. You'd think they could have come up with a designer's name in exchange the loan of a dress because not all the audience is that naive. I remember when C.J wore the Vera Wang on the West Wing.
  13. The more I read about this season, the more of a train wreck it is. Who is this bubble-head who flips for a dress that looks almost identical to most of her wardrobe but has a couture label? Congratulations, you just exceeded this Felicity in the brain cell quotient. I wish! But they're spending so much time on her "journey", it's bound to be the real thing. There's no getting out of it. I can't believe they went with Katie Casside as LL over her. Even if the writing was still as bad, she would have brought an intelligence to the character. And it might save the show for me. At the worst, it would be a more interesting spin than they're doing right now.
  14. I thought that ep 9 was the last one before Christmas but Ausiello's column makes it sound like 10 is the holiday episode with Dinah coming back for more of Laurel's story. At this point, I'm just so tired of all the screentime they give Laurel, I can't even rail against it.
  15. When Barry was running to get to mach1.1 speed, all I could think about is "what if the door to the school is closed?" I really like that they are making Barry and Eddie friends, and Eddie helped him understand how he needed to defeat Tony. It would have been so easy to make Eddie a jerk but this way works so much better, and if Iris chooses Barry in the end, more satisfying. In one of their scenes, I thought Tom Cavanagh and Grant Gustin looked so much alike I started wondering if they were going to have Wells be Barry come back from the future.
  16. If Laurel was one of the ones who did not reach her comic book character, Amell would have told Campea to keep him watching. Since Campea is walking away, Laurel+BC is probably here to stay. That makes four of the more mainstream sites/reviewers coming down harder than I expected anti-Laurel as BC (Campea, Hitflx podcast, comments on Matt Roush and TV Line). There's still time to re-structure the last third of s3; I wonder if they will or leave it unless the ratings start to drop.
  17. I feel really sorry for Stephen Amell. As Manu Bennett said, no one works harder at making his show the best or at promoting it.
  18. If it were 75% flashbacks, SA would be on the set. Since he isn't, it's going to be mostly present day, starring Laurel as the BC and Ray Palmer as The Atom. I'd guess Thea and Malcolm too but without Oliver, why would they be there? Hell just froze over. Is this a dastardly plot to make us appreciate Oliver? Team Arrow hooked me in in s1, a mantra heard all over the internet. Without Oliver, a smart EP would be focussing on how Diggle and Felicity get on without him. But the question is, is there a smart EP attached to this show? --- The TV Guide spread says that Felicity asks Caitlin to run a DNA test on the arrow that killed Sara. Something happens to "a character we care about" and "the Flash characters are like 'Whoa, this is very serious'. That doesn't sound like the canary cry, unless someone attacks Laurel with something radioactive. And there's yet another "vital piece of evidence" about Sara's murder. Drop by drop.
  19. If you're looking at who is manipulating events for Laurel to become BC, we always end up with the same suspect .... Marc Guggenheim.
  20. I think that's the perfect metaphor, even to him going to her occasionally for what he wants ("and you know how I feel about her") but never willing to leave his marriage for her. Kudos to you.
  21. Yeah, I fully expect him to be a suspect sometime this season, although how could Sara know who he was? And then he'll be eliminated, and we'll get the next clue, and the next suspect, and the next elimination. They really don't know how to write mysteries, do they? Maybe the Laura writers could help them out.
  22. Wow, I love everything what Alan Sepinwall said. They should have put Sara on a bus instead of killing her. They also said that maybe too much of the creative juices have been focuses on The Flash to get it off the ground. Not a fan of Colton Haynes ("Colton Haynes should never be asked to recite dialogue"), but he does do better than Katie Cassidy does.
  23. I don't see how Laurel could get the canary cry without some massively WTF? writing. The metahumans were created when Star labs exploded and Laurel was in Starling City then. Guggenheim said "someone we care about". Surely he can't be so clueless as to mean Laurel, Every critic comments how polarizing she is. Different things. If she didn't have social intelligence, she wouldn't realize that what she said was inappropriate.
  24. Felicity is the tech person for Team Arrow. In terms of Barry and Cisco both have their own fields of knowledge but if this is analyzing the blood from the arrows that killed Sara, that's definitely Caitlin's expertise. Other than that, Felicity and Caitlin seem to have more social intelligence than Oliver, Barry or Cisco (which is fair since it tends to be higher for women than for men). Caitlin's comment to Cisco as he was holding the boomerang "You didn't think this one through, did you?" was the best line of the Plastique episode for me. No Laurel, though. Nice to see Lyla there. Is this where they bring in ARGUS to the 'who killed Sara?' mystery?
  25. Felicity said that the test she performed on the sample from the arrows that killed Sara wrt Roy's blood was "inconclusive". Consider me thrilled if the EPs are actually going to let someone who knows CSI stuff and bloodwork look at the evidence. Someone I care about, Marc? Or someone you care about?
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