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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I hope so because that's all he knew of her when he first started hearing her name around QC. As Brandon Routh said, Ray didn't know how "fetching" Felicity was when he first sought her about. (And speaking for myself, I'd love to see a woman on TV desirable for her brain rather than her looks or her bra size.) When Felicity finds out about the suit and Ray's desire to be a superhero, I hope she says "No, just no. I will help you with this suit and your vigilante plans but I am not getting involved with another person who is going to put his crusade ahead of his feellings for me." At least MG is giving Oliver and Felicity a theme song: That must mean something.
  2. MG is the kind of person who thinks the more riled up the audience gets, the better it is so even if it is just Ray asking Felicity for suit help, he's going to make it sound like it's romantic. The one exception is the "no, it's not really the Laurel show" comments, probably because they got a ton of tweets saying "bye, bye, maybe when Oliver gets back".
  3. I was thinking of the scene in 3x07 where Diggle goes to Felicity to tell her that it's dangerous for Oliver that she's moving on with Ray because now his head's not in the game. So she thinks about that, and decides that it would be best for him as he goes out to fight Ra's to tell him that it's over between them so he can stop thinking about her. So she does, and it's all angsty for Oliver, and later she tells Diggle when it's all angsty for her that she lied and she wishes she could be with Oliver. I came here to hope that you all would tell me I'm completely wrong, but it looks like you had the same thoughts. I'm still hoping it's suit-building ones rather than romantic ones because for Felicity to start dating Ray when Oliver is gone because he was t trying to save Thea would make her an awful person.
  4. If they didn't know that a Laurel quartet wouldn't be well anticipated, they're working very hard to be blind. In terms of show-running, it seems idiotic because they've just had the bump from the cross-over and now they're going to waste it on Laurel and Roy without Oliver. No wonder MG is suddenly talking about those episodes being Team Arrow rather than InstaCanary. But why aren't they playing up the Malcolm stuff more? They're shooting 3x14 now, right? So if Guggenheim hasn't seen the whole ATOM suit yet, it probably appears in the May sweeps. SA talking about the fall-out from Ray's kiss I took to mean the fall-out between Oliver and Felicity, or maybe that's just wishful thinking because I'd much rather they deal with it in terms of Oliver/Felicity than Felicity/Ray. IMO Ray's served his purpose in term of Felicity emotionally, let's be professional now. Then SA was smiling as he started talking about Ray's role in the show. I'm laughing at this. Of course the general audience wouldn't be happy knowing there were going to be four episodes of LaurelCanary and no Oliver. Duh. And the rest of us will get more than our fill. Never heard of him before this show but I started following CH on twitter when he was live tweeting over-hearing the first date at the restaurant because his comments were so hilarious.
  5. I think Agent Carter may do better than AoS because there's much less comic canon to have to stick to. AoS suffered a lot trying to hang in there for the Winter Soldier last season, and Hayley Atwell hopefully is a better actress than some others. I've been very disappointed in Sleepy Hollow this season. It's a combination of a storyline that didn't really have a good focus and too much time spent on a couple of characters I didn't care for (Henry and Katrina, not to mention Moloch) while ignoring and then doing away with Irving. Even with a shortened season, it still seemed they would have done better limited to one or two seasons.
  6. LOL, that certainly would be OOC! (I hope, it's hard to tell this season. I thought the dress drooling was bad enough.) MG is that one who talked about Laurel's Emmy-worthy scene, so I doubt my '9' and his are anywhere close. My expectations are being held in check;; I'm just hoping for EBR's "strong moment" and AK saying that SA and EBR were acting their butts off.
  7. In the clip, Diggle asks Oliver "Do you have an alternate plan?" and Oliver says "no". Could planting his own DNA be part of an alternative plan he has later? It would have to be degraded in each cell of the blood sample. The difference between an X and a Y chromosome is pretty easy to tell. But if the Starling City police database had samples of everyone who had committed a felony within the past 3 years, why would it have Oliver's? He was acquitted of being the Hood so they would have had to get rid of his sample. I can see something like this happening. If she knows that Oliver trying to find another way to please her weakens him, I can see her telling him something that deliberately weakens their tie. If she does, I hope he calls her on it and they end up being very close because I need that '9' to get through InstaCanary. And she always does the exact opposite of what people tell her to do. Real growth for Laurel would be not becoming a fighter but realizing that she doesn't always know best and maybe she should listen to what other people think for a change.
  8. Maybe they made him a captain to justify his interacting with DA Laurel on a professional basis, like the last episode when she wanted to know why he wasn't doing better at getting some blah blah blah crooks caught. On a purely speculative note, I wonder how Quentin will react to Oliver being missing for so long. (Will he miss him in the field? Will he call Felicity to find out what happened to him? Will he notice Oliver Queen is missing too?) Or if will they not even bother writing him noticing at all. I think that was more of a Paul Blackthorne "I'm desperately trying to put some reasoning and backstory into the stuff they're giving me" thing. Like with Roy's story, there's a lot of good material that could have been mined except for the excitement about the shiny new toys.
  9. He makes a lot of good points. Roy is a character I'm only moderately interested in but he deserves much better than the show has been giving him these past two seasons. Another reason they should have held off on killing Sara for longer, to give time to storylines for characters like Roy before the speeding train of LaurelCanary took over.
  10. I never liked the Snow Queen although I know others did but wow, I teared up too at the end. Amazing job by Elizabeth Mitchell. (And pretty awful writing.)
  11. Also, it would be the lab for the SCPD that was working on figuring out the DNA from the arrows that killed Sara and having a real autopsy to find out more about her killer, isn't of Felicity's inadequate machinery (because she bought the supplies a vigilante needs, not a coroner's office). So maybe they would actually have a chance of catching Sara's killer.
  12. I really hope they don't go this route for a number of reasons: because it was strongly indicated that Sara was and I don't want to see Laurel repeating it; because I don't think it would be entertaining to watch; and because it would be about weakening Laurel yet again. She's had so many chances to step up to being her super-powered self, from Tommy's death to the legal system failing to Sara's death now (why are people on this show always being motivated by death?) and if an outside reason to be strong isn't enough, I don't want to see it because she's been made weak yet again. My hope is that they stop trying to copy the Nolan Batman, or the comic Batman, and be creative with what they've got SA's Oliver Queen. I didn't like Nolan's Batman, I even preferred the George Clooney versioin (heresy, I know) so having this show reproduce TDK is a lose-lose for me.
  13. That's what I see but there has always gaslighting about Laurel having a big heart and willing to fight for those who can't so I've learned to take Laurel as 'tell' level rather than 'show'. On the other hand, they have an obsession with writing Batman, even if it weakens the show. I will take options A and B -- Ra's plants Oliver's DNA on Sara's arrow (we know the lair has a swinging door so he could easily have got in while they were in Corto Maltese and Felicity was at QC) but the actual killing of Sara was a plot by Waller to put Oliver and Ra's at each other's throats because they both interfere in her "work" via Maseo.
  14. Oh, good point about Thea's DNA being on file for having been arrested for her car accident. I was thinking both hers and Oliver's would be on file because they are the children of billionaires and susceptible to being kidnapped. If she could, she's a better woman than I am. But most likely Diggle was there that night with her and the baby and it doesn't make sense that he would kill Sara and frame Oliver for it. Definitely worst mystery ever. Why couldn't Laurel just hide Sara's mask and call the police? Then at least we'd have a timeline. Or maybe if Laurel just told Oliver & co. what time it was that Sara was shot? Just knowing the hour would help clear up so much. If it's Ra's going to all that trouble to bring an unwilling Oliver to join the LoA, we once again have the same question as with Waller and ARGUS -- what's so special about Oliver that these people are willing to do all these things to get him to join them? Nope, it will be with Oliver stumbling or being hit, falling over the side of the mountain and hanging on to a branch or rock to keep from falling into the abyss, hanging from the cliff. But no resolution until 3x12. Not to mention, the minute she tried to fight, the jig would be up, unlike when Diggle dressed up as Oliver.. The only use she could be to them would be standing on a rooftop some distance away, blonde hair flowing.
  15. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 pairs have 2 sets of chromosomes with double arms. One set has either double arms (XX) or one double and one single (XY). (That's why there are sex-linked diseases like hemophilia, because the Y chromosome doesn't have an arm for a gene to nullify the bad one.) Most DNA matching is done looking by denaturing and complicated process , that's how you can tell which individual person the DNA belongs to provided you have a copy of their DNA in your data base. However, to find out what sex the individual is, all you need is a really good microscope. If they're looking at the blood and thinking it's Oliver's, it has to be planted. You can read about the different ways to analyze DNA here. (It's really cool.) Or "yes, I really do have a type." I hope I get my wish and the Ray/Felicity stuff post break is her helping him work on the suit rather than romantic stuff.
  16. From the spoiler thread: They do love their iterations. But not every new iteration is better than the old one. It worked for The Hood and for Deathstroke, but I have the feeling they should have stopped Canaries at Sara because it will be hard to sell Laurel as a better Canary then her. In terms of Roy and Laurel replacing Diggle and Felicity, I think Diggle serves the function of the wise mentor, which is not a role Roy can fill no matter how good he gets with his aresenal. There is a possibility that Oliver could take the role over but creatively, I don't think that could happen before his five year arc is up and he's grown back into a whole person. At that point, it's possible Oliver could take over the Wise Man role to Roy's Young Man but I would still miss Diggle, and it would limit what Oliver could do. I don't think Laurel could take over Felicity's place. Objectively because she can't do the tech stuff and the show has demonstrated again and again how important that is. (Even now it's Felicity who is doing the work to look for Sara's killer, not Laurel.) It's possible Felicity could do the tech stuff from PI/QC there but not realistic, already she's had problems in Corto Maltese doing both jobs at once and if Oliver refused to go 18 floors to talk to her about how they spend their nights, imagine what it's going to be like when it's 18 miles. Subjectively, I don't see Laurel bringing either the humor or the emotional connection to others (including Diggle, Roy and any of Team Flash who drop by) that Felicity does and I think that's an important part of the show. If there is a Suicide Squad spin-off, I could see Diggle being on it in a recurring role while mixing duties on Arrow. I don't see him being on there full time unless the writing somehow manages to deal with his dislike of blowing up Squad members every time Waller or Lyla decides they need to.
  17. Meet you in the Hope and Fears thread to hear your theory? (also I'm replying to Sunshine there)
  18. I know you weren't. It's just me, I feel like there is screen time, and there is screentime, and pure numbers can be misleading.
  19. Laurel's had so many islands by this point it could be considered an archipelago. Could you say Roy's island was the mirakuru? Or his upbringing in the Glades with the druggie single mother. I'd rather Diggle not get a costume because he's not a superhero, just a hero. I agree his identity needs to be hidden but I'm not as impressed by the shiny new outfits as the writers are. Mostly I worry they're going to minimize anyone who doesn't have a costume.
  20. It the definition is being on-screen while supporting another character's storyline, I vote we include Sally and Fernlicity. Sally was in the cross-over and Fernlicity has been an important part of two episodes. Numbers without context can paint a misleading picture. Looking at those numbers one might be tempted to conclude that Cisco is more important to the show than Malcolm, and Roy more than Laurel, instead of Roy spending most of his time supporting the Team Arrow story while Laurel's time is about herself and her development. To make sense of those numbers, I'd want a mediating variable in there, showing if the screentime is about the individual him or herself, about a storyline the character is part of a group of people involved in it, or about someone else's storyline instead.
  21. How do they define screen time? Being on screen? Speaking lines? Being important in the current scene? (As Mark Twain said, there are liars, damned liars, and statisticians.) Roy may have been in the scene more than Laurel but he hasn't really had a storyline other than thinking he killed Sara. Thea has half the screentime but more of the storytime.
  22. Using words like "game-changer" and "nothing will be the same again" really depends on how the audience reacts to them. Nothing was the same after Sara's death and I kind of hate it, I want the old show back. I've lost my faith in their show-running. I got the impression from the interview that like Malcolm, Ra's sees death as a tool for accomplishing what he thinks needs to be done, not that he's motivated by Sara's death.
  23. I think that's the feeling that MG is counting on, that she's not trained, she's going to get beaten up, and then she's going to train harder so that by 3x13, we'll be willing to accept her as the Black Canary rather than Insta Canary and we'll handwave the problems so that she'll be an equal member of Team Arrow by 3x14. But it's still too fast for me, and I don't want to see her getting beaten up at all. As pretty as the makeup is all purple and yellow and green, I don't enjoy anyone on the Team Arrow side being beaten up but at least when the fighting is good (like with Oliver or Sara), it looks pretty.
  24. Cisco and Felicity both made snowball machines, but Felicity's is bigger and she looks way more determined. Cisco is pretty cute though.
  25. I can see Guggenheim's reasoning, a lot of people are complaining that she's Insta Canary so this will show that she's really not, and get some sympathy for her for being so Brave&Strong&LovesWithAllHerHeart (Carly Corinthos reference) but I wonder if it's going to backfire on them. Like others, I don't want to see her being beaten up, even if she is a fictional character, I just don't want to see her. I think seeing Oliver beaten up and growing stronger worked because 1. it took place over a longer time period, heck it's still taking place; 2. because there was already quite a bit of sympathy for Oliver that developed within the first few episodes of the show so that when he felt pain, viewers felt it too (unlike for Laurel with whom I feel no connection), and 3. because people weren't on overload from the (wo)manpain already. Because for me, between Oliver's pain and Sara's pain and Quentin's pain, not to mention Dinah's and Moira's and Malcolm's, I'm all pained out, and the last thing I need is to connect with yet another character through their pain,.
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