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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I think they wanted Sara so dead that we couldn't ask for her to come back and challenge Laurel for being the Black Canary, and he thought all that was so cool to do it like that. I also think he overestimated how glad people would be to see the Rise of Laurel Lance, the Real Black Canary. The people who really wanted her are happy, but the rest range from "okay, at last she has something to do" to an even greater dislike of her.
  2. Malcolm Merlyn is a psychopath, which is not the same as being psychotic so yeah, not insane. The problem is, if they made him sane, what would they do with him? At the point Oliver doesn't need a mentor and there's even less storyline to a sane MM than there is to Walter.
  3. But that still doesn't excuse why he's not talking to Diggle and Felicity about the big picture. For two years, they've helped him fight and worked out solutions with him to defeat his enemies. That's how he eventually took Slade down, because Felicity said "make him out-think you." This whole season has been about Oliver making stupid decisions on his own, from protecting Malcolm from the LoA when he should have handed him over, to shutting out Felicity, to believing Tatsu when she says only a student can defeat the master, which is ridiculous since he defeated his enemies before by switching up the game, not by playing their game better than they do. I'd get the "Am I Oliver Queen or am I the Arrow?" season theme, if only the Arrow weren't acting like a blinkered idiot.
  4. With Sleepy Hollow, it was the penultimate episode. Maybe they got worried that people wouldn't come back for a season 3. I certainly wouldn't have, I'd quit watching a couple of months ago and only went back because there was nothing else on. Katrina was supposed to die in the pilot? Wow, they should have kept that. (Carol was supposed to die in ER's pilot but she was a better character and fit the show.) With Arrow, there is enough of what other people like (like the Green Arrow TV people) that the ratings aren't going to go low enough to force the changes. Although getting a season 5 will be a tougher sell than season 4 because they'll already have enough for syndication. Not the fans really, except in the sense that making Katrina and Henry so prominent was killing what had been good about the show in the first place, Ichabod as a fish-out-of-water and the Ichabod/Abbie chemistry and the ratings reflected it. The worst was the painting one a few episodes ago when most of it was Ichabod and Katrina on a date at an exhibition with Henry doing whatever, and the three black characters Abbie, Jenny and Frank (kickass every one) were stuck in one room in the station house.
  5. The sneak peek will probably be on the island fighting Slade. Yawn. Possible to spare Malcolm if Oliver joins the LoA. Although why in the world Oliver would want to save MM at this point is beyond me. Maybe the offer is to save Thea. If I were Felicity, and Oliver not only shut down a relationship but went off to Nanda Parbat for an indefinite time, I'd head straight either to Ray Palmer or a nunnery.
  6. I was shocked last night when Sleepy Hollow made Katrina, whose been the biggest problem with the show this season, turn evil and Henry die. Could it be that the show-runner clued in? Maybe there's still hope for Arrow, because the middle of s2 was awful too but they pulled it together at the end.
  7. Yes. It made me so angry that people said "it's not such a white panel, David Ramsey and Wentworth Miller are black. Uh, no, Wentworth Miller is black only if you know his personal background. My cousin is darker skinner than he is and she's completely Caucasian. Today I'm bitter because the show takes the middle of winter episodes to make crappy stories about characters I don't care about, and this is exactly when I need hope and lightness. It's too dark too early, it's below 0 outside and I have to put on coat, hat, boots and gloves just to bring the garbage bins in. I need hope and fun, not Laurel and everyone fighting with Oliver.
  8. What I tweeted back to AK when he was promoting the pre-order on his twitter.
  9. Maybe he didn't feel like he had to be out saving the city and could relax a little with Tatsu? From the blow-up in The Calm, it's been one thing after another for him in a thoroughly depressing season.
  10. I loved it. Really intense, well-written, great acting. This is how I want to spend my TV time. I bet Nathan Fillion liked the chance to play Mal Reynolds again.
  11. If Katana, Speedy and The Atom join the show, along with Arsenal, Black Canary, Dark Archer, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa and Oliver Queen, Starling City will be over-run with costumed heroes. The two most problematic ones are Ray, with his Atom suit that eliminates the need for Oliver's arrows, and Black Canary because is she going to co-lead the team now with Oliver? I don't mind Roy staying as sidekick on the Team with Oliver, with Katana and Ra's recurring. Everyone else, please find another show.
  12. Starfish35, it does sound like a dumb plotline but I think it did the show a lot of good. There was a new energy created from an organic conflict (after the initial plot contrivance that is) and it gave us some lovely Castle/Beckett scenes as they supported each other rather than being on opposite sides as might be supposed. Anyway, Kudos to the new show--runner, because it's not easy keeping a show in it's 7th season energetic.
  13. The previous episode, both Diggle and Felicity turned down working with Malcolm completely. But now that Oliver is working with him, and Malcolm is allowed to wander down in the lair to talk to Oliver, Diggle and Felicity have to accept working with him if they want to keep working on Oliver's crusade. The only choice they have is "Work with Malcolm Merlyn or stop working with Oliver". That's a piss poor choice. If Oliver had respected Diggle's and Felicity's autonomy, he would have kept his association with MM away from them.
  14. Castle just pulled off an amazing "Beckett gets kidnapped" episode that I would love to have seen on Arrow but never will Nathan Fillion got to play Mal Reynolds again. I've missed you, man.
  15. That makes sense, and is just the thing to make Olicity-starved fans get excited. Maybe that's why it's too big a spoiler, it ends Lauriver? Hey, a girl can hope. Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, he also negotiated the edible parts of cows for eating rather than sacrifice and for that he was punished by Zeus. Maybe Oliver does something Ra's finds unforgivable and he's punished for it.
  16. I think one of them may be gone at the end of the season but it won't be Laurel. And that's the problem with this season, that what we think is right and should naturally follow from what has gone before doesn't. That's why good detective shows are satisfying, that as the audience you put together the clues and come to the logical conclusion. When the conclusion doesn't make sense, the audience is left feeling antsy and unsatisfied. This feeling like gaslighting as well as Moonlighting.
  17. I've been using my twitter accounts for MG, AK and GB. The only good it seems to do is that I get a false sense of actually doing something. Public Enemies is 14 spaces, it seems too long for the space. I wanted Diggle and Felicity to be in on the Slade action. But I will be really pissed off if Slade doesn't even mention Felicity because hello? mirakuru cure? Even if the 'break the internet' scene is Felicity rather than Olicity, he's still really pulling back on the Olicity p.r. We definitely need Felicity doing something awesome after all the Laurel and Ray propping.
  18. There aren't enough likes in my quota to give your comment the credit it deserves. The beatification of Laurel has been ridiculous and OOC, and when I think that she's going to be around in every scene in the lair, I wonder if it's even worth watching the show for the little good I get out of it. AK tweeted that we can preorder the box set of s3 right. Yeah, right.
  19. I don't think Laurel is important enough to join the League, no matter how much I may want her to get some training off of my screen. Ra's may make Oliver an offer but he won't accept. What would be the point of Oliver joining, since his crusade is about saving Starling City. He can't be a League assassin and still stick around SC. I admire your diligence, TV ECHO. What strikes me about that those tweets is just how far MG has pulled back on promoting the Olicity scene, from "break the internet in the best possible way" down to " ish ". Maybe he got a clue that people aren't reacting the way he expected.
  20. I do think it makes for better plots (MM as Oliver's father would be so old and tired, which explains why they were planning on it). That's what has me bashing my head on the desk -- that these EPs know can see when something better comes up (MM as Thea's dad, Felicity, Olicity) so why do they keep giving up that tired old crap? I really thought "no, they're not going to go there to have Oliver see Ray kissing Felicity"..... and then they did.
  21. True that it's much better to have them disagree over ideological issues the heartaches. If Felicity has to join Team Atom, I hope it's over Oliver deciding to team up with MM. Both Diggle and Felicity rejected it earlier but Oliver's decision has given them no choice. Bye, bye, autonomy. I think some of the dislike for Felicity this season is because she's no longer bubbly and bringing fun to the lair. I've seen comments that hope she leaves with Ray. That's what you get, EPs for making Arrow the depressing show.
  22. So Quentin is going to be on the Flash? Proving that if you want to get some decent scenes, you have to move over to the other show.
  23. If Felicity called Laurel the Black Canary, I can see the internet breaking but much of it would be Felicity fans on how much they hate this season. Love them, especially Ra's. (Are you going to finish Feathers?) The Tatsu one made me wonder if we could have Tatsu train Laurel. It would make more sense than Nyssa. I could forgive Raylicity if they had a BoP spin-off that took Laurel off the show. Maybe after Oliver defeats him, Ra's can open a gym like Wildcat's. Ra's al Ghul's Gym -- all the sword and archery training you could ever want.
  24. It's out of character for her to trash Sara to do it. When Sara died, Felicity genuinely mourned.
  25. Just what Oliver needs when he's out in the field -- having to worry about Laurel getting herself killed.
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