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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I can believe it. 😆 Gladys probably did tell Montague that but he doesn't have any actual proof of it. I still think that he would be losing more than she would if it came out that he was deliberately drugging Sasha to get money from Gladys, possibly even criminal prosecution.
  2. Maybe. IIRC, when he and Ava went to the stable to look for "the body" because Ava was sure that she had killed him, it was missing. It's possible that Mason stole a barely-alive Nik and called Austin to save him. The girl may have been a teenager (she looked in her 20s to me) but when you ask a teenager her name, they reply with "Joni [last name]. It's only much younger children who give you only their first names when a stranger asks. I get that it was to show Felicia how wonderful it is what Stella is doing but the whole conversation seemed pitched to someone Avery's age rather than someone the age of the actor. Montague has no proof that Gladys has been siphoning money from Sasha's bank accounts. But Gladys doesn't really have a choice because if she gives him the money, he will just keep blackmailing her. Call his bluff, he has more to lose (medical license and reputation) than she does.
  3. There was a surprising amount of movement on various stories today. Nice scenes with Spencer and Trina, at last. Carly: : "I never liked that guy. He manipulated Chase into spying on the Quartermaines." Me: After Willow cheated on her marriage to Chase with Michael. And also while the Quartermaines were trying to make sure that Austin didn't get any of the inheritance Edward might have wanted him to have. Carlys are such hypocrites. Carly also thinks that Drew should have let Cyrus die. sigh. Dex in Sonny's name warns other prisoner not to mess with Drew. Sees Austin with Cyrus, is Dex smart enough to put the pieces together? We have repeatedly been told that Cyrus' base is in the northwest and he came to try to set one up on the east coast. This retcon that he was always in Pautuk makes no sense. So Nik is alive; Austin saved his life. Are they going to recast and bring him back on? Anna tells Sonny that his cooking is delicious, and that she herself rarely cooks. What is it with this show, that women except for Olivia (e.g. Carly, Anna, the Davis coven) are terrible cooks while the men (Sonny, Valentin) are wonderful cooks? Reverse sexism? I' glad that Renee W. /Stella is back but her interaction with the woman today "What's your name?" "Joni") was as if written conversing to a child, not a adult. So Felicia is going to be a patient advocate? Okay, hopefully we get more General Hospital and less General Carlys. Are they trying to redeem Gladys? Not sure that's possible at this stage. But the first thing Gladys needs to do is report the doctor to the AMA ethics division. The second is to fire Montague off Sasha's case and get another doctor. Why does this show think that I'm stupid? Marshall shuts down Selina's poker game. How does Marshall not have the connections to run Curtis' club? Curtis had zero connections when he started out and Marshall has been in the music business all his life. Marshall is a better father than Curtis deserves. I like that Ava has an art gallery and that the art there changes. I liked today's painting of the multicoloured bluebird. Let's rephrase that: if the Germans who tried to kill Hitler to end the war were doing the right thing, why didn't they shout it from the rooftops instead of hiding for their lives?
  4. Is the kid playing Wyatt related to someone on the show? He seems to pop up every summer for an episode or two. I cannot express how disappointed I am that Cyrus is the Big Bad behind Mason instead of an interesting and evil woman as they first teased. I like that when Finn refers to all the time that was wasted, he is talking about the years that he kept away from Gregory rather than the few months when Alexis knew and didn't tell him. Why is Nina going to have lunch at Kelly's which is now owned by Carly? Why does Carly keep showing up at the Metro Court? Why did everyone who hated Julian keep going to his gastropub? Jeez people, if you hate someone, just avoid them. In my mind, it's voluntary amnesia to escape from the life that Ned had been living. He could ask those questions but he chooses not to. The best that I can say is that I appreciate how well they are writing a narcissist with Curtis. She has become a true Carly. They only praise their own tribe; anything anyone else does to serve them is merely what is expected of others.
  5. Ned also said that there were so few Quartermaines left, he wanted to change his name from Ashton to Quartermaine. I was thinking about why the Molly/surrogate story isn't working for me and it occurred to me that one reason is that nunuMolly isn't playing this with any vulnerability. She's angry at Kristina, not hurt that Kristina can so easily do something that she herself can't. She's so sure and smug that she will have a child next year at this time, zero insecurities or concerns that the baby will have TJ's DNA and whether she will feel left out then. Hasn't even mentioned her career and how she's going to handle it all with a partner who is working 80 hours a week. No hesitation or vulnerability underneath the confidence. Maybe this is how the actress is being told to play Molly but it is making it very difficult to feel any sympathy for her and TJ. And as a side note, the sweeping hairstyle and feminine clothes are not what HP's driven social justice warrior would wear and makes it even harder to connect with this Molly.
  6. It was good to see Robert and Anna working together to talk to Robin. I get that on a soap very few relationships last for long but Anna's had awful taste in men/compatibility since they broke up. Why is Dex the only one following Betty? Mix it up Sonny or she's going to figure it out. Oh look, they've put Carly into the non-existent Robert/Diane relationship. Just waiting for her to be involved with Sonny/Valentin/Pikeman too because there is no story they won't put Carly into. As someone who has taken a few anatomy courses myself, I feel that no one spends the summer studying Grey's Anatomy before actually taking an anatomy course. Why was Olivia crying over Eddie's song? That was overkill. It was nice to hear Leslie Charlson's voice again.
  7. No, she said that her son was young enough that he wouldn't question why he didn't have a baby brother or sister at the end of it. It struck me as a weird thing to say.
  8. Molly wasn't aware of the difficulties until Alexis spelled them out for her in very simple words. No one has told Kristina. It hadn't occurred to me either and I tend to think of myself as being fairly aware. It's a standard soap opera trope that the difficulties could go away if only two characters would just talk to each other. Right now, all Kristina is aware of is that she wanted to do something nice for her sister (in spite of Molly being mean to her about her new project) by offering to carry a baby for her, a potentially dangerous act, and is willing to donate one of her eggs so that the baby would share some DNA with Molly. What she saw is that Molly and TJ got angry at her, and she didn't know the reason because she was holding off on the offer till Molly talked to her first. When she found out why Molly was angry, Kristina took Molly her childhood toy and tried to make peace with her, which is where Kristina was at. Kristina wasn't aware that Molly and TJ were interviewing surrogates because they hadn't told her that they had decided to reject her offer. And then TJ let slipr that Molly had invited everyone else close in the family to a sushi supper but not Kristina. When Kristina confronted Molly, Molly went off on a diatribe about how Kristina makes everything about herself and that's why Molly didn't invite her to supper. From Kristina's viewpoint, she was offering something that no one else could, Molly's DNA, and saving them the cost of surrogacy. For that, she was ostracized. Molly and TJ keep saying how Kristina makes everything about her but I really didn't see it here. Kristina is impulsive and doesn't always think things through but all she wanted was to do a nice thing for her sister. She didn't try to make this about herself or boast about what she was doing and how she herself would be connected to the baby, that was Molly projecting her own insecurities. If the writers want me to be on Molly and TJ's side, they have to give me a reason to support them because right now, they're coming off as awful.
  9. Parent/son conversation day: Gregory tells Finn about his diagnosis, Eddy confronts Tracy about wanting to have him committed. I know that I was supposed to have all the feels with Gregory and Finn but I just couldn't get into it. I also couldn't get into Anna/Valentin and the information that Valentin wasn't at ELQ. Sonny telling Carly that the look on her face is all the thanks he needs is 🤮 Molly just gets worse and worse. If she was worried that Kristina would make a scene because they are going with a paid surrogate, then tell Kristina before the dinner and let her decide if she wanted to come. Kristina was right that Molly is insecure and self-centred. Alexis doesn't know that Kristina wasn't invited. Now that Sam does, "good mother" Sam should be reading Molly for filth if she was any kind of a good sister rather than feeling good about being asked to be the baby's godmother. That's an assumption that TJ and Molly made. There are legal contracts, as Molly keeps saying. I don't think that it's unreasonable for the surrogate to ask if they will be paying medical costs even after the baby is born, there are a number of physical conditions that can happen to the woman because of a pregnancy that require medical intervention or repair.
  10. That was his plan, to take the baby away from Esme and hire a nanny. He was foiled by Laura who felt that the baby should stay with Esme as she was taking good care of him. Spencer is good with Ace now. butBut his original intentions weren't. If Molly is as smart as everyone says she is, she would realize that a surrogate who is doing it entirely as a financial transaction is more likely to stay away after the baby is born than one who is doing it from love.
  11. What the hell are they doing with Molly? Even if I liked the way the actress playing her (and I don't) they're making Molly into an awful person. Interviewing potential surrogates, she acted like they should be honoured to be allowed to be her surrogate instead of appreciating the business-like way the last woman handled things. With Kristina, she's become the kind of toxic relative that therapists tell you to go out of your way to avoid. And there is no way that they are financially able to pay the costs of the agency who got them the surrogate much less everything else involved. She seems like even more of an airhead than Kristina. Also, she's going to spoil Kristina's relationship with Sam too. LOL. But at least someone is doing something to actively help Sasha. All everyone else like Brook Lynn and Maxie are doing is wringing their hands. I ran across a tweet from GH about Sasha's storyline. I was delighted to see that only 2 people like it, everyone else wanted it over. So one complained that it was bringing back memories of her own bad experiences with mental health problems. Liz and Finn are sweet but the writers really don't know what to do with that relationship. Esme is also college age, also abandoned, and is working a fulltime job unlike Spencer who is free all day and living off his trust fund. Since Spencer was determined to take Ace away from Esme completely, helping with the baby seems like the least that he could do.
  12. What is it with the OTT praise for guys being normal. "Spencer is so incredible with Ace, he feeds him, he changes him, he sings him a lullaby." "Michael has been incredible supporting me while I was sick with cancer." That colour of orange doesn't do Selina Wu any favours. Can we end the Curtis pity party please? The whole Gladys/Sasha/shrink is such a mess. It's been a long time since unit charge nurses folded to firing a good nurse because a doctor tells them to. Nobody calls nurses "Nurse Janice' other than maybe the children's ward. This isn't the 1950s. Nice work by Mac saying that if they arrest Cody it will open u an investigation into Gladys. Let's move this story along. And give us reason for why the shrink is doing all that for Gladys. I can kind of fanwank it in that Dex is nowhere having Trina interested in him so he's safe to buddy up to. But her hypocrisy that Spencer is bad while Dex, joss and Carly are good is awful. It makes Portia look even worse Trina is all "I have to help my poor mother" while Portia is trying to end her support from Spencer.
  13. The family dynamics in this episode is spot on.
  14. I hope that Mo is happy enough doing Sonny/Nina that he will fight against going back to CarSon. That's a no-chemistry bone that's been picked clean and dried out. The myth of women being having built-in nurturing genes so that they can justify paying women less for childcare and nursing because it's part of our nature. Someone did a study of nurturing by little boys and girls. Turns out that they have equal levels of nurturing, at least as long as the children think that no one is watching When the boys realize that someone is watching, they promptly stop being nurturing at all. Apparently it is. Orange was all over Maxie's apartment last week as well as what Georgie and Maxie were wearing. Trina wears orange frequently but on her it looks good. Drinking out of the bottle like Carly did with her beer? But in Carly's case, it shows how wonderful she is.
  15. Carly castigated Joss for having her phone turned off, not for being asleep. What if Michael and Willow needed her? What if Donna (at a sleepover with Sonny) needed her? That's not uncommon, where a single parent starts acting as if the oldest child, or in this case oldest unmarried child, is his or her partner. Sometimes it's because there is no one else and the parent needs someone for support or advice. But in this case, there was Sonny standing there offering and Carly still insisted on Joss coming. Once again, Carly's arrogance hurts her child.
  16. Joss not just made the crack about Nina stealing Carly's office too (she's part owner, where is she supposed to work, in the locker room?) but also asked if amnesiac Ned apologized for reporting Carly to the SEC. Stay bitchy, Joss. Dante thinks that Valentin set the fire. So probably not then. I much prefer the Sonny who is setting traps for Betty and figuring out what's going on to the thug that he used to be. Mason said that they have the upper hand because they have Ava and her kid. Did he forget that they also have Ava's mother and that's the real reason she's doing what he want? What does Anna want from her life now? She's away from the WSB, isn't it time to move close to Robin and write a book now?
  17. We might. But then in 65 million years, another species would have developed higher intelligence, possible some of the dinosaurs, possibly another species. The Gorn can't be both an instinctive unthinking organism and still be smart enough for space travel and to conquer other worlds and make treaties. The writers of TOS have all my admiration for what they came up with but we've had almost 60 year of development in science and understanding since then not to mention the ability (sometimes) to think beyond the US being the centre of the universe. Sometimes what they came up with just doesn't hold together given what we know now.
  18. I agree that they have weakened Pike this season so that other characters can take centre stage but personally I like it. One of the things I most disliked about TNG was how god-like Picard was, and if it wasn't Picard solving the situation it was Wesley or Ryker or Data. Everyone else was a supporting character. I really like that this season we have really learned much more about Una, La'an (who I disliked last season but like her now that I know her better), Uhura and M'Benga. I was thinking more about the d the on-going negotiations with the Gorn and the destruction of the Cayuga. Admiral April said that they are in negotiations with the Gorn, but then the Gorn arrive to the non-aligned planet, attack it, blow up the Federation ship in orbit around it and draw a line in space telling the Federation not to cross it. And yet instead of reacting all the Federation does is tell the Enterprise to stay back and keep negotiating? This is Chamberlain negotiating - not the way to make the Gorn take them seriously as a worthy adversary to negotiate with. That is what Chapel was planning to do i think. I don't understand why Batel didn't cut off her arm as soon as it was infected (memories of Tamara Pierce's Wolfspeaker). Maybe it's a way to terrorize the rest of the galaxy so that they give in. The Gorn don't make sense to me because species as savage as the Gorn don't tend to survive to become as intelligent as we are led to believe that they are. Anthropologically speaking (Hi Sam!) those species tend to be kept down by other species who are both intelligent and cooperative. And since the Gorn hatchlings kill off physically weaker hatchlings so that only the strongest and most savage survive, often the more intelligent specimens aren't the strongest physically so they could be killing off their Einsteins before they even get a chance to create anything. Why is every romantic relationship on this show doomed? Even TOS had some stable relationships albeit not among the lead characters.
  19. Would they do that with Gregory already with a death sentence? It felt to me like pushing the Finn/Liz relationship although as @dubbel zout pointed out, this is something that a parent should have done very early on even before Finn got into a relationship with Liz. Not to mention, Liz does make the most sense as she is Violet's aunt, has children herself, and Chase is in a dangerous job. Carly does have Olivia to call to get her out of jail but Olivia was arrested too. Sam would have done it too but I don't think that Chase told Dante that Carly was there. And Joss would probably think it a sign of honour that she was in a bar brawl. But Carly remains her own worst enemy. So what if Sonny signs her out? It doesn't mean that she owes him anything now.
  20. I really liked the writers' trick today of having it be night for everyone and seeing what they are doing, from Liz and Finn working the overnight shift, to Anna being stalked, to Eddie, Carly and Olivia being arrested. It's something different than the show's usual and highlights even more how bankrupt the regular writers are. What happened to the Highsider's bouncer? Is he only around when Joss and Trina visit? Why wasn't Mason arrested too? And put in jail at last. Am I supposed to believe that this is the first time that Sonny has left Nina in the middle of the night? And that she's so clueless that she's not aware that she's sleeping with a mob boss? This over the top insecurity is out of character. I laughed at Sonny's eyeroll when Carly said that she wouldn't go with him. She's like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum. It was already bad enough when he was healthy. But since he's been shot it's been an endless mope and rejection of everyone who wants to help him. And Portia accusing Spencer's relatives of causing it isn't helping.
  21. Am understanding correctly that the Cayuga was circling a neutral planet, the Gorn arrived, blew up the Cayuga, send the Federation an arbitrary map telling them to stay on their side Or Else, and the Federation says "Sure, fine" and orders Pike to abandon anyone left alive? No wonder the Gorn think that they can walk all over the Federation.
  22. Bartender when Carly asked for a beer: "I had you figured for a glass." Carly: "You figured wrong." [subtext: I'm trashier than I look.] Eddie hitting on Carly was totally cringe, and not in an entertaining way. Carly stepping on his foot "Thought I saw a roach" was funny. I am so tired of Curtis whining that he'll never be able to walk again. First, there are new developments in spinal cord injuries all the time so no, he may walk again. Second, it's disrespectful to people who really are in wheelchairs and handling it with grace and dignity. Oh, look at Portia and Trina both blaming themselves for what happened to Curtis. Trina and Joss wearing cutoff shorts to go to the hospital would horrify my mother. Does Michael know that Valentin is back taking charge of ELQ? Why would Pikeman want to shoot Sonny, they're working with him? Why would they want to kill Anna? Did anyone not guess that Maxie is going to move into Lulu's house? Anyone here tried axe-throwing? Is it really that much fun? Both nunuMolly and Sam were over the top bitchy to Kristina. The actresses should have played subtext. Today's scenes with Alexis and Kristina were nice.
  23. When Alexis got so angry that the Senator walked because the prosecution got smug, I thought that this was leading to Alexis wanting to go back to being a lawyer, not more axe throwing. I thought that the Davis coven went one time. Obrecht took Anna to get over her Peter guilt I think. I was hoping that that is where Gregory was going to take Alexis but no, it's the axe throwing club. Given the last scene of Carly and Olivia, I expect that they are heading there too. Because there is no story that Carly is not a part of. Re Ned getting committed (I'm just waiting for Carly to give her opinion on that), Ned had a brain injury. What would make the most sense is to take him to a neuropsychologist to get tested for any lingering effects and have that lead into why he is hanging to tightly on to the Eddie Maine persona. But it's not nearly as dramatic as whatever Tracy is going to try.
  24. Unconsciously I got up to get lunch when Curtis started to whine speak again. I a just so sick of his "poor, poor me" routing. And now there's Portia and her anti-Spencer vendetta, telling him to stay away from Trina instead of thanking him for being there for her.. Instead of showing scenes of Trina with Spencer. Portia won't even let him say goodbye to Trina in person. Portia and Curtis deserve each other. Moving on to a scene with Carly and Olivia renewing their BFF love for each other. In a long collage. Ugh. Carly gives Olivia her permission to plan Sonny and Nina's wedding. The show ends on them so they're important. Ugh again. Oh, look the axe-throwing set again. I did not miss you. Gregory mourns his diagnosis and hopes his son the doctor won't figure it out. He steals Curtis' speech about not wanting to need other people to help him. What did I do to deserve this episode? The best scenes are Dante talking to Jordan. Nina: "Things are going really great between Olivia and I." (It's so long since I've heard that grammar used correctly, it feels strange.) Not to get political but that Invader article about the politician taking money from developers to open up lands for development could have come from my city paper today.
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