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Posts posted by thecatmeows

  1. Part of me feels like the only logical conclusion is that PJ is Jon's son. I love Chandler Riggs as an actor, and I hope he's around to stay. I think it's odd that Jon would leave his mother all this money if PJ weren't his son. Feeling guilty that his dad died on the plane doesn't seem like enough of a reason to be me, personally, but who knows. I also agree there'd be no mystery if it's that simple. I wasn't expecting PJ to know about Jon and the group when he was at the hospital. I was thinking he was there because either his mother or father is sick. 

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  2. On 4/17/2019 at 3:05 AM, Lilly77 said:

    I laughed the most at Julian's tremendous plan of hiding from the ruthless, cunning mastermind who had just tried to have her killed at her parents' house!  And for the sake of plot convenience, it somehow worked because he never thought of checking for her there.  Have the writers never seen an episode of any cop show/FBI show etc.? The bad guys always check the parents' house!

    She was really callous about that cat.  It could have starved to death.

    Alec really creeps me out.  He is up to no good.

    I quite like the 'new' Bell.  It hurt me to see Bruce Greenwood playing such a nasty character.

    I've been binging The Resident the last couple weeks, and I'm almost caught up (not quite in time for the new season, but I don't watch TV live anyway). I'm addicted to the show, but the whole Julian hiding out at her parents' and leaving her cat really bothers me. Unfortunately, I used to work at a shelter, and pets were often an afterthought for people. We heard stories about people who would move and leave their animals behind all the time. It's devastating. That cat is lucky Devon cared about him. IMO, Devon should have just kept the cat, because Julian obviously doesn't care about it. 

    I can only imagine the cops knew she was hiding out at her parents', and that's why they stopped looking for her.

    • Sad 1
  3. I loved the corn sandwiches - the idea made me chuckle and honestly sounded so Jack. Hey, I ate some weird stuff in college that I'm not proud to admit. Kevin's remark about being lucky to find their mom was cute too. 

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  4. As someone who used to work at a nonprofit for kids with disability, I'm happy to see disability being more represented in TV - although, there's still plenty of room for improvement. Two of my favorite examples are Max on Parenthood, an autistic child, and more recently, Christopher on 9-1-1 (on FOX), who has cerebral palsy. The actor who plays him actually has cerebral palsy. It's one thing to represent disability on TV, but an even greater thing to have actors who have disabilities representing their disabled characters.

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  5. I've been wanting to see Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey as a movie since I read it five or six years ago. It brought me out of a long reading drought, and I'll forever be grateful for that. As I read it, I envisioned it as a movie or TV series. What's unique about Bright Shiny Morning is the protagonist is really the City of Los Angeles. There are many characters, many who only appear once although there are a few frequent faces who I grew attached to knowing how their story would end. I'm typically not a fan of books with a ton of characters, but this is the exception.

  6. I'm reading In The Unlikely Event by Judy Blume. I grew up reading about Fudge, one of my favorite childhood characters/series. Now, I've been diving into her adult books. I read Summer Sisters a few years ago. I enjoy coming-of-age books, although I don't usually read book set in this time frame (In The Unlikely Event is set in the 50s, and based on true events that happened during Blume's teen years - that's what makes it feel so real). 

  7. I did not expect to become obsessed with this show, especially after the first two episodes. I only checked it out because everyone was talking about. Steve and Shirley are the weakest characters in my opinion, and in many ways they make me cringe. It wasn't until Theo's episode that I was sold on the show and completely obsessed. I'm especially fond of young Theo, Nell, and Luke.

    • Love 2
  8. I was obsessed with The Sims 2, like full-on obsessed. I was on all the forums, chats, etc. I uploaded my legacy to TS2.com stories, the 'Chance' legacy. I played Sims 3 a little (mostly in college), then my computer broke so I stopped playing. I ended up getting a MacBook Air, which is not conditioned for gaming. I was bummed when I heard The Sims 4 wouldn't include toddlers, so I had no interest. I'm a family player and I play for the generations. So, last winter I saw an ad for where I could get The Sims 4 base game for $9.99 - wow, considering it's like $50 usually. I played the trial and saw they'd added toddlers. I bought it, and I've bought most of the expansions and several of the packs. I enjoy it, though I really wish I weren't playing on my MacBook because it makes it so hot. I went through a phase last winter where I was playing it almost every day, but I've dropped to occasional use. I want to get a desktop one of these days so I can have all the games on it, since I contacted EA and was able to get The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection as well as gain access to the Sims 3 games I'd registered online to download. 

    • Love 3
  9. I'm still not fully on team Bobby/Athena. I've always felt like the chemistry was lacking and their relationship came out of left field. It occurred to me in this episode that their relationship is contrived so that Bobby can be reminded of the milestones he's missed with his dead children. However, the scenes with Bobby and Athena's children this episode made me feel emotions I wasn't expecting to feel. I might warm up to them. 

    I was not expecting Chimney and Maddie. I think, like most people, I was expecting Maddie and the new guy, because she's a nurse and would be able to help his son. I'm interested to see where they're heading with this. We're all expecting Maddie's ex-husband to show up eventually. What I love about this show is not everything is predictable or as it seems. 

    • Love 5
  10. On 10/11/2018 at 8:34 PM, Court said:

    I have been terrified of escalators my entire life. I'm not sure why but clearly something traumatized me. Even to this day, I avoid them and I really hesitate before actually using one. 

    My son fell down one at the Atlanta airport. My mom fell trying to grab him to prevent the fall. Let's just say no one told me until the next day in person because they know of my extreme fear. This episode did nothing to help me!

    In the early 90s, my dad watched Rescue 9-1-1, and I vividly remember watching an episode when I was 3 or 4 about a kid getting his shoe stuck in an escalator. I always was terrified of escalators as a little kid and always made sure my shoes were on really tight with no loose laces whenever I rode one (still do). I've never even thought of the possibility of falling in one until this episode. I honestly thought the guy had the most creative proposal for his girlfriend, and then ... bam. My boyfriend and I were just looking at rings the day before I saw this episode, so that scene really stuck with me. (I guess I'll need to advise he not propose on an escalator?!) 

    I loved how the crew interacted with Christopher and included him. While it may or may not be realistic, I enjoyed the scene. I love how the little boy who plays Christopher actually has cerebral palsy. So often kids with disabilities are played by kids who don't have them - so I love that 9-1-1 is being fully inclusive with this part.

    • Love 6
  11. On 10/9/2018 at 3:23 PM, mojito said:

    You're not alone. For me, shows just don't do enough of that. Takes too much thought, I guess. It's probably the reason this show might not last. Too much character development, not enough sex, danger, or violence.

    I hope you're wrong. :-(  I keep trying to spread the word about this show. It's along the lines of This Is Us for me. 9-1-1 and This Is Us are the only shows I really feel like I have to know what happens next. The character development is incomparable to most TV shows these days.

    • Love 2
  12. On 10/7/2018 at 9:35 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I think I was initially hesitant when Katie first left her son with Miles, but when she asked for his driver's license as insurance, I was impressed with that smart detail. As someone who always yells at shows when they have characters do the most irresponsible things for drama, I was prepared to be annoyed at Katie for leaving her child with a total stranger. I think her taking his license is something that was a smart writing choice.

    I agree. I'm glad they had her to do that - I was hesitant about her feeling comfortable leaving her son with a total stranger. 

    On 10/7/2018 at 9:35 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    As for this God thing, I'm torn. On the one hand, I like answers and I'm afraid that this show going supernatural will make things confusing for a possible second season. On the other hand, I think having God turn out to be some genius hacker who is likely stalking Miles and his friends, or is even someone already in his life, is a cop-out and undermines the entire premise of this show. I'm not sure how they'd be able to turn that around and still send out a strong message. 

    I hope they don't take a supernatural route. I'd rather it be a genius hacker. It is a cop-out, though. Still, I don't want them to take a preachy religious route, either, because I think they'd have a hard time retaining viewers (my boyfriend would stop watching, I know). 

    I'm enjoying this show thus far, but I'm afraid it'll be less interesting when we find out who God is. I like the "mystery" and the miracles being performed. 

    • Love 1
  13. On 9/30/2018 at 8:35 AM, Clanstarling said:

    I don't put a lot of stock in rumors, myself. I've heard plenty in my time that turned out to be false - and often just some disgruntled person smearing another. And have heard those I knew absolutely to be untrue because I was present at the time of whatever "incident" was rumored. Then again, I'm not that interested in behind the scenes stories - which also keeps me from being disappointed by showrunners.

    This. Rumors will be rumors ... and many of them are false. I'm not watching for BTS drama - there are plenty of gossip shows for that BS. I'm only interested in good acting and good storytelling. 

    • Love 8
  14. 11 hours ago, shksabelle said:

    Maybe St. Olivia will get a clue, realize she is a commanding officer, and keep her spreading middle-aged butt in the station where it belongs instead of trying to run after teenager boys. 

    Yeah, you didn't see Munch and Cragen running after teenage boys - of course, Liv and Stabler did that back then. They can leave the chasing teenaged boys to Carisi (I'd say and Rollins, but she keeps getting knocked up, so...)

    • Love 11
  15. I'm not sure why JLH gets such a bad rap. I've been a fan of hers since Ghost Whisperer, and I actually would not put her at nearing 40 (she's 39 apparently, but she doesn't look a day over 30 IMO). I'll admit, I didn't recognize her at first - she's definitely changed since I last saw her on TV (on Criminal Minds). 

    I thought it was a solid premiere, and I'm looking forward to the next episode. 

    • Love 2
  16. SVU was my favorite show as a teen. I've watched it on and off throughout the years, and pretty much always watch the season premiere. I watched the season 19 finale just last week. It's one of those shows that's had its ups and downs over the years. Some episodes are awesome, others suck, others are mediocre. I consider an episode mediocre when it holds my attention throughout the whole episode but it's nothing extraordinary. I'll admit, there have been many, many episodes I just wasn't able to finish - mostly in the last few years. I stopped watching weekly in season 15 after a renewed interest during the season 14 premiere.

    I'll consider the season 20 premiere mediocre. It was interesting enough for me to keep watching and to want to see how it turned out. The school shooting was completely random, and I did not see that coming - although, I like when they follow up on the aftermath of a case. I often wonder what happens after a not guilty verdict - obviously their lives will never be the same. 

    I wasn't too thrilled about them blaming the father's parenting choices on the kid's actions. I can't remember who said it, but if we started doing that for everyone, then the jails would be full. (I know a lot of SVU episodes are ripped from the headlines - not sure if this was one of them?) 

    I've been saying since season 15 that it feels like they're setting up a series finale with this season, but this time it might actually be true? With addressing Liv's physical condition and wanting to be home with Noah more (plus, his new behavior issues), she might want to step back and retire. 

    • Love 3
  17. 1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    Yeah, my guess is Rebecca is on her last days and it is time to say goodbye. It’s hard to say goodbye to a beloved grandmother. Toby is close to the family even though Kate passed away years ago for some not yet unknown reason that will be the mystery for season 4. Old lady Rebecca died surrounded by her beloved family and wakes up in heaven surrounded by Jack, William, and Kate.

    If Kate dies it might be harder on Kevin than Toby.

    Rebecca dying and being reunited with Jack is definitely the most probable series finale, IMO. If Kate died, it will remain a mystery as to how potentially for the remainder of the series (they might not even reveal that she's dead until sometime later - they'll leave us wondering if Toby and Kate are divorced, or if Kate's dead - I still think it's possible they're divorced and Kate's fine; there have been too many hints that Kate and Toby's relationship is leading in a toxic path especially now with Toby throwing away his meds behind Kate's back). I know the show creator says they know how the series ends already, so the fact they're showing many years in the future, means there could be who knows how many more seasons of This Is Us. This means they could visualize the show going on for years before reaching its resolution (and with its current ratings, This Is Us could easily be on for 10+ seasons, honestly). There are ultimately so many directions the show could take, and so many more questions that can arise with this "flash forward" scenario. Honestly, I was hesitant about it at first, but I can see where they're going here. Ultimately, they could decide to flash forward at any moment (like One Tree Hill), or they could move in real time to the point shown in the future. The viewers are engaged enough that anything is possible, but I do feel like the most probable series finale is Rebecca dying and reuniting with Jack.

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  18. There was certainly a void without CB's character in the premiere. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was missing at first. I loved her character and the "tone" her character set for the show. However, I've always been a Jennifer Love Hewitt fan, so I'm interested to see what they'll do with her character. It's nice to see more of Buck's family, and the bond he has with his sister. It's a different type of storyline for Buck. I love how they introduced her. 

    I hope 9-1-1 can stay on the air for years to come - I love the unique spin the show has on previously told stories. There's something different about it. 

    • Love 2
  19. I honestly feel like it's something more simplistic - Rebecca is in hospice. Kate and Toby are divorced (or Kate is dead, but I hope it's not that), but Toby remains close with the family. I'm excited for this season! This show is always full of heartwarming, bittersweet moments. It's honestly the best show on television, probably the best developed series in years. 

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